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Current and Future Kaon Experiments CKM-2012, Cincinnati , OH. R. Tschirhart Fermilab. Photo: H. Hayano, KEK. Sensitivity Frontier of Kaon Physics Today: Parts per Trillion. CERN NA62: 100 x 10 -12 measurement sensitivity of K + g e + n
Current and Future Kaon Experiments CKM-2012, Cincinnati , OH. R. Tschirhart Fermilab Photo: H. Hayano, KEK October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012
Sensitivity Frontier of Kaon Physics Today: Parts per Trillion • CERN NA62: 100 x 10-12 measurement sensitivity of K+ge+n • Fermilab KTeV: 20 x 10-12 measurement sensitivity of KLgmmee • Fermilab KTeV: 20 x 10-12 search sensitivity for KLgpme, ppme • BNL E949: 20 x 10-12 measurement sensitivity of K+gp+nn • BNL E871: 1 x 10-12 measurement sensitivity of KLge+e- • BNL E871: 1 x 10-12 search sensitivity for KLgme Probing new physics above a 10 TeV scale with 20-50 kW of protons. Next goal: 1000-event K->pnnexperiments...10-14 sensitivity. October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 2
The World-wide Research Program Today… • The family of in-flight kaon decay experiments in the CERN North Area (NA48 to NA62) [ M Moulson, G. Ruggiero] • The KLOE experiment at the DAPHNE e+e-gFresonance storage ring. [ M. Moulson] • The emerging program at new JPARC accelerator complex at Tokai Japan. [H. Nanjo] Since CKM-2010 several new results on high precision probes of physics beyond the Standard Model. October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 3
Precision-I: Resolution of the Vud/Vus/Vub non-Unitarity tension by precision measurement of Kgpln decays. 2004: |Vud|2+|Vus|2+|Vub|2 < 1 ?? 2010: KTeV,BNL-865,NA48,KLOE Updates in Working Group #1 New Physics models squeezed out beyond the 5 TeV scale October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 4
Precision-II: Exploiting Simple Final States Courtesy Antonino Sergi, PIC 2012 October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 5
October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 6
The JPARC E36/TREK experiment aims to reduce this error by x2. October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 7
The World-wide Research Program Today & Tomorrow… • NA62 developing a new technique to measure K+gp+nn[ G. Ruggiero ] • KLOE-2 and the JPARC TREK initiative aim to continue pursuing a suite of precision measurements • The KOTO experiment at JPARC will become sensitive to large BSM enhancement of KLgp0nn, and reach SM event sensitivity. [H. Nanjo ] • The ORKA experiment is pursuing “ultimate” sensitivity to K+gp+nn with an evolution of an established technique. [J. Ritchie ] The emerging program is focused on high sensitivityprobes of physics beyond the Standard Model. October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 8
Most promising quark rare-decay probes for physics beyond the Standard Model Straub, CKM 2010 workshop (arXiv:1012.3893v2) October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 9
K+p+nnin the Standard Model October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 10
Rare processes sensitive to new physics… e.g. Warped Extra Dimensions as a Theory of Flavor?? Buras et al. SM accuracy of <5%, motivates 1000-event experiments Straub, CKM 2010 workshop (arXiv:1012.3893v2) 11 October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012
1 October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 12
October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 13
Quest for KLgp0nn… ”Nothing in,nothing out” October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 14
Quest for KLgp0nn… ”Nothing in, nothing out” October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 15
KEK E391a g JPARC KOTO Courtesy T. Yamanaka October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 16
10 (0.78+-0.08) October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 17
Special Features of Measuring Experimentally weak signature with background processes exceeding signal by >1010 I II • Determine everything possible about the K+ and p+ • * p+ /µ+ particle ID better than 106 (p+ - µ +- e+ ) • Eliminate events with extra charged particles or photons • * p0 inefficiency < 10-6 • Suppress backgrounds well below the expected signal (S/N~10) • * Predict backgrounds from data: dual independent cuts • * Use “Blind analysis” techniques • * Test predictions with outside-the-signal-region measurements • Evaluate candidate events with S/N function October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 18
K+gp+cc: New Physics beyond rate: Courtesy W. Altmannshofer, PXPS October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 19
The BNL E787/E949 stopped kaon technique D. Bryman, W. Marciano, R.T., and T. Yamanaka, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 61, 331(2011). October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 20
ORKA is a 4th Generation Detector - x100 sensitivity - x10 from kaon flux, x10 from detector (Aptenodytes forsteri) October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 21
CDF(B0) collision hall at Fermilab is leading site: Existing tunnels and hall, Rad hard, adequate hall, large high field solenoid magnet, A0->B0 beam-line required. • Fermilab approved ORKA Dec 2011, collaboration is growing! October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 22
The NA62 Experiment for Kpnn: Overview • Signal signature SPS protonbeam @ 400 GeV/c P secondarychargedbeam 75 GeV/c (DP/P = 1% unseparated 6% K+) Rate @ beamtracker 750 MHz, area 16 cm2 Rate downstream 10 MHz (K+decaysmostly) K decayrates / year: 4.8 x 1012 • Background • All the K+decaymodes • Accidental single tracks Courtesy of Giuseppe Ruggiero - CKM 2012 23
Present Status and Schedule • Expectedsensitivity: • Analysisperformedusing GEANT4-based simulation and data from test beam and NA48/NA62 experiment. • 55signalevents/runyear, <20% background level. • Subdetectorsconstructionwelladvanced CEDAR + new optics and electronics installed Straw chamber 1 in place 8 LAVs in place • Trigger & readoutchains under test on site experiment • Technicalrunwithbeamscheduledfornovember - december 2012 • Finalbeam, partial detector set-up • Overallconstruction on schedulefor the first physicsrun in autumn 2014. Courtesy of Giuseppe Ruggiero - CKM 2012 24
The Fermilab Project-X Research Program • Neutrino experiments A high-power proton source with proton energies between 1 and 120 GeV would produce intense neutrino sources and beams illuminating near detectors on the Fermilab site and massive detectors at distant underground laboratories. • Kaon, muon, nuclei & neutron precision experiments These could include world leading experiments searching for muon-to-electron conversion, nuclear and neutron electron dipole moments (edms), precision measurement of neutron properties and world-leading precision measurements of ultra-rare kaon decays. • Platform for evolution to a Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Neutrino Factory and Muon-Collider concepts depend critically on developing high intensity proton source technologies. • Nuclear Energy Applications Accelerator, spallation, target and transmutation technology demonstration which could investigate and develop accelerator technologies important to the design of future nuclear waste transmutation systems and future thorium fuel-cycle power systems. Detailed discussion on Project X website October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 25
An Incomplete Menu of Kaon Research Targets Enabled by Project-X Kaon Physics: • K+ gp+nn: >1000 events, Precision rate and form factor. • KL gp0nn: 1000 events, enabled by high flux & precision TOF. • K+ gp0m+n: Measurement of T-violating muon polarization. • K+ g(p,m)+nx: Search for anomalous heavy neutrinos. • K0gp0e+e-: <10% measurement of CP violating amplitude. • K0gp0m+m-: <10% measurement of CP violating amplitude. • K0gX: Precision study of a pure K0 interferometer: Reaching out to the Plank scale (DmK/mK ~ 1/mP) • K0,K+ gLFV: Next generation Lepton Flavor Violation experiments …and more Possible Day-1 Experiments October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 26
Project X Day-1 program goals:Definitive Measurement of Kgpnn The Project-X era presents an opportunity to measure the holy grail of kaon physics with precision: KLgpnn . In the Project-X era the Fermilab ORKA experiment would precisely measure the rate and form-factor of K+gpnn . October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 27
Summary • Recent precision measurements in the kaon system have continued to restrict the space of physics beyond the Standard Model. • Recent limits from direct searches at the LHC are pushing the scale of new physics up and underscores the importance of rare decay probes that can reach beyond the LHC. • There is no “silver bullet” among rare processes in this hunt…but we have some serious weapons. Interdependence is key: Notably LQCD developments in theory and CKM parameters in experiment and theory. • World-wide and domestic opportunities exist. Join in this dialogue and planning, participate in the Community Planning Meeting @ FNAL October 11th-13th, and “Snowmass on the Mississippi” in August 2013: https://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=5841 October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012 28
Spare Slides October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012
Courtesy Augusto Ceccucci October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012
U. Haisch, PXPS June 2012 October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012
October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012
KLOE @ DAFNE e+e-gFg KLKS October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012
KTeV was the culmination of the high-energy in-flight program at Fermilab Discovery of matter-antimatter asymmetry in a decay amplitude University of Chicago Group October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012
The ORKA new detector payload replaces the CDF tracker volume Steve Kettell with the BNL-E949 Central tracker (similar diameter to ORKA) October 2012 R. Tschirhart - CKM 2012
Signal Definition: m2 = (PK –Pp)2 • 90% of K+ BR well separated from signal: 2 signal regions in the m2miss spectrum • Main sources of background contamination: • Region I: • Physical: radiative tails from K+m+n, semileptonics • Experimental: resolution tails from K+m+nand K+ p+p0m2miss reconstruction • Region II: • Physical: radiative tails from K+m+nand K+ p+p0, semileptonics, rare decays • Experimental: resolution tails from K+m+n, K+ p+p0, K p+p+(p0)p-(p0). Courtesy of Giuseppe Ruggiero - CKM 2012