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ANATOMY OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTE M . Vincent Van Gogh – Skull with Cigarette (1886). 25.10.2013 Friday. Kaan Yücel M.D., Ph.D . Nose is divisible into : E xternal nose N asal cavity. External Nose. E xtends the nasal cavities onto the front of the face P yramidal in shape .
ANATOMY OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Vincent Van Gogh – Skull with Cigarette (1886) • 25.10.2013 Friday Kaan Yücel M.D., Ph.D.
Nose is divisible into : Externalnose Nasal cavity
External Nose Extendsthe nasal cavities onto the front of the face Pyramidalin shape
External nose has bony &cartilaginous parts. • BonesCartilages • Nasal bonesLateral cartilages (paired) • Frontal process of maxillaAlar cartilages (paired) • Nasal part of frontal boneSeptalcartilage (single)
NasalcavITIES uppermost parts of the respiratory tract olfactory receptors • separatedfrom: • each other by a midline nasal septum • oral cavity below by the hard palate • cranial cavity above by parts of the frontal, ethmoid, &sphenoid bones. Posteriorly, each nasal cavity communicates with the nasopharynx through two openings choana.
Each nasal cavity consists of 3regions. • nasal vestibuleinternal to the naris • respiratory regionlargest , rich neurovascular supply • olfactory region @ apex of each nasal cavity, olfactory receptors 3 2 1
Functions of the nose & nasal cavities • Olfaction (sense of smell) • Respiration • Filtration of the dust in the inspired air • Humidification and warming of the inspired air (cooling the internal carotid artery for brain) • Reception of the secretions from the paranasal sinuses and nasolacrimal ducts
2. PARANASAL SINUSES air filled spaces lying within the bones around the nasal cavity lined by respiratory mucosa. open into the nasal cavities innervated by branches of the trigeminal nerve [V]. • Frontal sinuses • Ethmoid sinuses • Sphenoid sinuses • Maxillary sinuses
3. LARYNX between C3-C6 organ of phonation (vocalization) continuous below with the trachea above opens into the pharynx immediately posterior & slightly inferior to the tongue Cartilage Muscles Connectivetissue
SKELETON OF LARYNX LARYNGEAL CARTILAGES • Paired cartilages • Arytenoid • Corniculate • Cuneiform • Unpaired cartilages • Thyroid cartilage (biggest) • Cricoid cartilage • Epiglottic cartilage
Thyroid cartilage largest cartilage of the larynx 2 laminaewhich fuse anteriorly at the thyroid angle & form laryngeal prominence (Adam’s apple)
Cricoid cartilage a ring shaped cartilage, most inferior of the laryngeal cartilages Inferiorly attaches to 1st tracheal ring viacricotrachealligament. Completelyencircles the airway Broadlamina of cricoidcartilageposteriorly Narrowerarch of cricoidcartilageanteriorly
Arytenoid cartilages pyramidal in shape 3 processes Apex (superior) articulation w/corniculatecartilage Vocal process (anterior)vocal ligament attaches here Muscular process (lateral) posterior & lateral crico-arytenoid muscles
Epiglottic cartilage (Epiglottis) a leaf-shaped cartilage attached by its stem to the posterior aspect of the thyroid cartilage @the angle Most superior end is free.
Corniculate&cuneiform cartilages corniculatecartilagestwo small conical cartilages Located on thearytenoid cartilages cuneiform cartilagessmall cartilagesanterior to corniculatecartilages lie in the posterior part of the aryepiglottic fold.
EXTRINSIC LIGAMENTS OF THE LARYNX . Thyrohyoid membrane Belowsuperiormargin of thethyroidcartilage, abovehyoid bone lateralthyrohyoidligament (posteriorthickening),triticeal cartilage medianthyrohyoidligament (midlinethickening) Hyo-epiglottic ligament fromthemidline of theepiglottistothe body of hyoid bone Cricotrachealligament between lower border of cricoid cartilage & upper border of 1st tracheal cartilage
INTRINSIC LIGAMENTS OF THE LARYNX . Fibroelastic membrane of the larynx lies under the mucosa of the larynx links together the laryngeal cartilages completes the architectural framework of the laryngeal cavity forms some of the ligaments between the cartilages.
INTRINSIC LIGAMENTS OF THE LARYNX . Fibroelastic membrane of the larynx 2parts lower conuselasticus upper quadrangular membrane
Conuselesticus cricothyroidligament, cricovocal membrane, cricothyroidmembrane Freeuppermarginthickens & formsvocalligament vocalfold opening between the 2 vocal folds (rima) glottis median cricothyroidligamentanteriormidlinethickening of conuselasticus
Conus elasticus cricothyroidligament, cricovocal membrane, cricothyroidmembrane Each vocal ligamentfreeuppermargin attaches to anterior part of inner surface of thyroid cartilage @ thyroid angle posteriorly attach to vocal processes of the arytenoid cartilages.
Rima glottis Inspiration Widens Phonation Narrows- 2 vocalfoldcometogether Pitch increases with tensing, decreases by relaxation. Intensity of expiration determines the loudness of sound.
Quadrangular membrane . vestibular ligament attached posteriorly arytenoid cartilage anteriorly thyroid angle superior to the attachment of the vocal ligament. lateralmargin of epiglottis free lower margin is thickened anterolateral surface
Quadrangular membrane . vestibular ligament attached posteriorly arytenoid cartilage anteriorly thyroid angle superior to the attachment of the vocal ligament.
LARYNGEAL CAVITY tubular architectural support fibro-elastic membrane of the larynx laryngeal cartilages .
superior aperture (laryngeal inlet)V.S. inferioraperture 1) opens into anterior aspect of pharynx just below and posterior to the tongue continuous with the lumen of trachea completely encircled by cricoid cartilage
superior aperture (laryngeal inlet)V.S. inferioraperture 2) obliqueand points posterosuperiorly into the pharynx horizontal in position
superior aperture (laryngeal inlet)V.S. inferioraperture • 3) • can be closed by downward movement of the epiglottis. • continuouslyopen
LARYNGEAL CAVITY vestibular and vocal foldsdivide into three major regions Vestibule betweenlaryngeal inlet & vestibularfolds Middlepart between vestibular folds & vocal folds Infraglotticspace between the vocal folds & inferior opening of the larynx
Rimaglottidis between vocal folds separates middle chamber from infraglottic cavity. base formed byinterarytenoid fold @ bottom of interarytenoidnotch. .
FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY OF THE LARYNX Respiration Quiet: laryngeal inlet, rimaglottidisopen arytenoidcartilagesabducted Forced: rimaglottidiswidens arytenoidcartilagesrotatedlaterally, vocalfoldsabducted
FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY OF THE LARYNX Effortclosure occurs when air is retained in the thoracic cavity to stabilize the trunk increasing intra-abdominal pressure Rimaglottidis is completely closed. Completelyand forcefully shut the airway
FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY OF THE LARYNX Phonation arytenoid cartilages & vocal folds adducted rimaglottidisclosed Air is forcedthroughtheclosedrimaglottidis Vocal folds vibrate against each other and produce sounds. Tension in the vocal folds adjusted by vocalis& cricothyroidmuscles
FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY OF THE LARYNX Swallowing Rimaglottidisclosed. Laryngeal inlet narrowed Larynxmovesup & forward – openstheesophagus attachedtotheposterioraspect of thelamina of cricoidcartilage Epiglottisgoesdowntowardthearytenoidcartilages laryngeal inlet narrowedorclosed .
. from the inferior end of larynx to the level of T5-T6 Terminatesby dividing into right &left main bronchi @ sternal angle. Mainbronchi give branches inside the lungs & form bronchial tree.
formed of tracheal rings which are incomplete posteriorly Posterior parts of the tracheal rings closed by smooth muscle trachealis muscle. .
5. PLEURA coversthepulmonarycavitiesandexternalsurfaces of thelungs in thesecavities visceral pleurainvests all surfaces of the lungs parietal pleuralines the pulmonary cavities & thorax’sinner surface
Visceral pleura insensitive to pain Parietal pleura extremely sensitive to pain Irritation causes local pain or referred pain projecting to the dermatomes supplied by the same spinal nerve.
pleural cavity potential space between the layers of pleura contains a capillary layer of serous pleural fluid lubricates the pleural surfaces allows layers of pleura slide smoothly over each other during respiration. lung surface in contact with thoracic wall lung expands fills with air when thorax expands
5. LUNGS organs of respiration lie on either side of the mediastinum surrounded by right & left pleural cavities
5. LUNGS Air enters and leaves the lungs via main bronchi branches of trachea Inspiredair into close relation with venous blood in pulmonary capillaries.
5. LUNGS Apexupper pole 3 surfaces costal, mediastinal and diaphragmatic Root of the lung 2 lobesin the left lung oblique fissure 3 lobes in the right lung horizontal &oblique fissures
Tracheobronchial Tree sublaryngeal airway Trachea @ superiormediastinumTRUNK OF THE TREE Bifurcation @ sternalangleMain bronchi Right main bronchus & Left main bronchusenterhilum of thelung Branches of thetracheobranchialtree
Tracheobronchial Tree Main (primary) bronchus Secondary (lobar) bronchi 2 on theleft, 3 on theright Tertiary (segmental) bronchi .
BRONCHOPULMONARY SEGMENTS largest subdivisions of a lobe • Pyramidal-shaped segments of the lung • apices facing the root of the lung. • Separated from adjacent segments by connective tissue septa.
BRONCHOPULMONARY SEGMENTS largest subdivisions of a lobe • Segmental bronchus &Tertiary branch of pulmonary artery • Drained by intersegmental parts of the pulmonary veins
BRONCHOPULMONARY SEGMENTS largest subdivisions of a lobe • Named according to the segmental bronchi supplying them. • Usually 18-20 in number • Surgically resectable.
tertiary segmental bronchi conducting (lobular) bronchioles end as terminal bronchioles respiratory bronchioles pulmonary alveolus basic structural unit of gas exchange in the lung
Branching of the bronchial tree • Trachea • Principal bronchus • Lobar bronchi (secondary bronchi) • Segmental bronchi (tertiary bronchi) • Terminal bronchiol • Respiratory bronchiol • Alveolar duct • Alveolar sac • Alveolus