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Cover Slide. Evidence Matters! KU-03 2003, Quebec, Canada. Ofer Allan Avital M.D., Anne Bourbonnais RN, MSc (cand) Founders, Evidence Matters ContactUs@EvidenceMatters.com. Our Scientific Advisors. Stuart Macleod M.D . - former dean of medicine at McMaster university

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cover Slide Evidence Matters! KU-03 2003, Quebec, Canada Ofer Allan Avital M.D., Anne Bourbonnais RN, MSc (cand) Founders, Evidence Matters ContactUs@EvidenceMatters.com

  2. Our Scientific Advisors Stuart MacleodM.D. - former dean of medicine at McMaster university Mo Watanabe, M.D. – former dean of medicine, University of Calgary, EBM Expert Dr. Lewis Slotin – Former Director, MRC Dr. Al Shrier –Chair of McGill Physiology Dept Angela Lambrou, MSLIS, Librarian, McGill U Louise Bourbonnais, MSLIS, Librarian, IUGM

  3. Outline Presentation Outline • Example of a Clinical Question • The Problems With Evidence • Current Resources - Evidence Matters • Accolades, Awards & Activities • How to Access

  4. Example of a Clinical Question A Clinician or Manager Asks: For a 35 year old woman with breast cancer (with bone metastases), what are the therapies available with: - Highest remission rates at five years? - Lowest nausea rates during therapy? - Least hair loss? - Outcomes above and lowest costs? Goal: Include multiple types of research designs, organized by level of evidence

  5. Outline The Problem With Finding Evidence Presentation Outline • Example of a Clinical Question • The Problems With Evidence • Current Resources - Evidence Matters • Accolades, Awards & Activities • How To Access

  6. Outline The Problem With Finding Evidence Challenges - Philosophical • Evidence can sometimes be rigid • Evidence should inform, not dictate • Leave room for experience, judgment

  7. Outline The Problem With Finding Evidence Challenges - Practical • Evidence can be slow/hard to amass • Evidence can be slow/hard to synthesize • No standardization of outcomes • Varying levels of evidence - Contradictory findings • Timeliness of synthesized resources vary

  8. Outline Presentation Outline • Example of a Clinical Question • The Problem With Finding Evidence • Current Resources - Evidence Matters • Accolades, Awards & Activities • How To Access

  9. Spectrum of Professional Literature Ask a Question Do above Choose Concept/Keyword Do above Choose Concept Term Customized Answer Construct Question “Metaanalysis” Can “Drill-down” to get - Reference Lists Research Resources - Expert/Researcher (+/- evidence) - Library Collections Find Apply Read Synthesize - Index Medicus • Medline/Pubmed • Evidence Matters (“Metagraph”) - Text - Article Summaries

  10. Spectrum of Professional Literature Traditional Opinion Evidence-Based Cancer Focus The Spectrum of Professional Literature UpToDate Cochrane ACP Clinical Evidence MDConsult Harrison’s Online Medline Evidence Matters - Daily Updates - Multiple types of research • Graph Summary Views • User-defined • Outcomes-based • Summaries of every article • Multilingual

  11. Outline Presentation Outline • Example of a Clinical Question • The Problem With Finding Evidence • Current Resources - Evidence Matters • Accolades, Awards & Activities • How To Access

  12. DrKoop Home Page & Login

  13. Graph 1 – Intro: All therapies Search! Answer:

  14. Graph 1b - Level of Evidence

  15. Graph 1c - Case Series Label

  16. Graph 1d - Legend & Drill Down

  17. List View 1

  18. List View 2

  19. Article Summary 1a - Recurrence Outcome

  20. Article Summary 1b - Other Outcomes

  21. Article Summary 1a - Recurrence Outcome

  22. Article Summary 1c - Scroll Down

  23. Construct new Question/Search

  24. Question Wizard - Step 1a

  25. Question Wizard - Step 1b

  26. Question Wizard - Step 2a

  27. Question Wizard - Step 2a1

  28. Question Wizard - Step 2b1

  29. Question Wizard - Step 2b2

  30. Question Wizard - Step 2b2-P

  31. Question Wizard - Step 3

  32. Question Wizard - Step 3a

  33. Question Wizard - Step 3b

  34. Question Wizard - Step 3b6

  35. Question Wizard - Step 3b62

  36. Question Wizard - Step 3b62b

  37. Question Wizard - Step 3b62b-OverallS

  38. Question Wizard - Generate Graph

  39. Graph 2 - Prednisone Prednisone

  40. Favorites

  41. EM Feature Summary Feature Summary - Daily Updates - Multiple types of research - Graph Summary Views - User-defined comparisons - Outcomes-based • Summaries of every article • Multilingual

  42. Outline Presentation Outline • Example of a Clinical Question • The Problem With Finding Evidence • Current Resources - Evidence Matters • Accolades, Awards & Activities • How To Access

  43. Accolades from Test Users « This is the most time-friendly device for medical information I’ve ever seen » « I cannot believe this will not become the new standard of care » « I find it hard to get medical articles from the MEDLINE database, but this is easy and fast » Dr. George Michaels Assistant professor Family Medicine McGill University, Assistant Physician-in-Chief St-Mary’s Hospital Dr. Campbell Davies, Gastroenterologist, St. Mary’s Hospital

  44. Awards 2003 • Best Company – Samson Belair Deloitte Touche Investors night - $5 000 prize 2002 • Finalist for Best New Company in Canada, Canadian Youth Business Foundation• December 2002: $350 000 Federal grant signed from CANARIE • Financial backing from MedTech Partners inc. 2001 • Governor’s Circle: Best New Company - $20 000 grant from City of Montreal, “Fondation du Maire de Montreal”

  45. Activities - 2003 September • KU-03: Knowledge Utilization / Transfer Colloquium, KU-UC/CHSRF/CIHR, Invited Speaker June • CHLA 2003, EBL, in Edmonton, Alberta. Paper presentation, Poster • USMLA 2003, San Diego. Registrant February • TEKT Think Tank, CIHR - Vancouver, B.C. • McGill Medical Class - Invited Speaker, class on Evidence Based Medicine

  46. Outline Presentation Outline • Example of a Clinical Question • The Problem With Finding Evidence • Current Resources - Evidence Matters • Accolades, Awards & Activities • How To Access

  47. Access to Our System 2) Some Content always free 1) Free Trials available in 3-6 months 3) Subscription to the rest 4) Browser-based (no installation) 5) Leave your contact information or contact us to be notified of the launch and trials Questions: ContactUs@EvidenceMatters.com

  48. End

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