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Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center experience on

2. Outline of the presentation. RationaleObjectives Approaches followedForage species targetedForage development strategySmallholder seed production exerciseMarketing optionsAchievements Ensuring back up of forage seed supplyFuture plans. 3. 1.Rationale . In forage production and developme

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Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center experience on

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    1. 1 Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center experience on Participatory Evaluation of community based forage seeds/cuttings production in mid rift valley : A case study in A/T & A/N

    2. 2 Outline of the presentation Rationale Objectives Approaches followed Forage species targeted Forage development strategy Smallholder seed production exercise Marketing options Achievements Ensuring back up of forage seed supply Future plans

    3. 3 1.Rationale In forage production and development the bottle neck problem is the source of seed. For many years government as well non-government organizations (NGOs) are repeatedly supplying forage seed to farmers. Nevertheless, the demand for forage seeds is higher than the supply and the previous approach could not be sustainable.

    4. 4 Forage seed request to ATARC

    5. 5

    6. 6 1.Rationale cont.

    7. 7 1.Rationale cont. Therefore to ensure its sustainability a participatory based forage seed production is one of the options To establish a system of forage seed production in the community like other cereal crops

    8. 8 Forage seed system establishment

    9. 9 2.Objectives To share the experiences of Adami Tulu Agriculture Research Centers in forage seed production and To share the experiences of JICA-FRG forage seed producers around Adami Tulu and Arsi Negelle

    10. 10 3.Approaches followed

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    13. 13 Outcomes from discussions High demand of forage seed market To start with small number of farmers, land and high competitive forage crops To think of the forage as animal feed, soil conservation and seed sell as income generation

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    16. 16 Information obtained

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    19. 19 Result obtained 13 farmers from Arsi Negelle & 9 farmers from Adami Tulu participated on PRA Animal feed is a number one problem As one alleviation strategy forage production and development was selected In this regard not to go for forage production and development seed is a great problem

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    21. 21 Result Based on interest, dairy beneficiary Two FRG forage seed producers are formed (10 from A/T using irrigation and 10 Arsi Negelle-rainfed)

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    24. 24 Participants Farmers ARD/DAs NGO Private investor Guest forage agronomists instructor ATARC(agronomist,economist,extensionist)

    25. 25 Output of the training and workshop Farmers were trained on forage seed production Farmers selected the forage species Potential forage seed buyers (Private investor , NGO ) forage seed interested were identified NGO & ARD promised to support farmers forage seed initiation From each districts a committee representing their respective PA were formed to set the selling price of the forage seed they will produce

    26. 26 4.Forage species under community based seed production 1.Alfalfa---A/T & A/N 2.Cow pea---A/T & A/N 3.Lablab---A/T & A/N 4.Vetch---A/N 5.Napier --A/T & A/N

    27. 27 5. Forage development strategy

    28. 28 Napier in Arsi Negelle was planted around water harvest pond to protect soil erosion

    29. 29 Napier in Adami Tulu

    30. 30 Lablab-Arsi Negelle Intercropping of lab lab with maize, cowpea with sorghum

    31. 31 Vetch with maize/sole crop-A/N

    32. 32 6.Smallholder seed production exercise

    33. 33 7.1.small holder seed flow options

    34. 34 8.Achievements Linking farmers seed producer with potential seeds buyers have been done. The selected forage species have planted strategically and are performing well. Two successfully operating forage producer farmer research groups at Adami Tulu and Arsi Negelle have been established. Farmers got 160-4,000 ETB from sell of Lablab Farmers animal feed protein is improved Milk yield increased by 1-2 litter Seed system circulation in revolving is established (for more than 120 farmers )

    35. 35 9.Ensuring sustainable back up forage seed supply To ensure sustainable forage seed supply for community based forage seed production trial and for practically training farmers the Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center established those forage crops that it tastes on farm for their seed production potential.

    36. 36 10.Future plans To demonstrate & popularize forage seed producers groups To demonstrate the food value of some forage crops (dual purpose) Establishing a local mini forage seed shops at the respective experimental districts with collaboration of ARD bureaus & NGOs

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