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CAS 283 : Communication and Information Technology

CAS 283 : Communication and Information Technology. Lesson 11 Assignment Juliana Wade. Lesson 2: Computer Overview. A computer can solve problems and run programs. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) gives instructions to the rest of the computer. Memory is where information is stored.

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CAS 283 : Communication and Information Technology

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  1. CAS 283 : Communication and Information Technology Lesson 11 Assignment Juliana Wade

  2. Lesson 2: Computer Overview • A computer can solve problems and run programs. • The Central Processing Unit (CPU) gives instructions to the rest of the computer. • Memory is where information is stored. • Purpose of a computer is to access data and process data into information.

  3. Computer Operating System • The operating system within the computer is used to: • Manage the hardware and software resources of the system. • Provide stable and consistent way for the computer to use applications and interact with other hardware.

  4. Hardware & Software • A computer is comprised of both hardware and software. • Hardware: electronic devices and media dealing with storage and processing. • Input: keyboard, mouse, scanner, etc. • Output: display, printer, DVD, etc. • Storage: USB drive, CD-ROM, etc. • Software: programs and operating systems that make the computer perform various functions.

  5. Things that Affect Computers • Viruses: • Programs specifically created to cause problems within your system. • Bugs: • Problems with the software that interfere with the proper functioning of the computer.

  6. Lesson 3: The Internet • The Internet is a worldwide telecommunications system. • “A network of networks.” • The Internet began in 1969 as the U.S. Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA). • Network changed from military use to scientific use.

  7. The World Wide Web • The World Wide Web was created in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee. • Contains a vast collection of linked multimedia pages. • Basic components that allow computers to communicate with each other: • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) • Internet Protocol (IP) • URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) are addresses for Web sites.

  8. Searching the Internet • Three general types of sites that can be used to find information: • Directory Sites • Search Engines • Specialized Search Sites

  9. Boolean Trick • Useful trick that can be used to effectively search the Internet • Involves the combination of key words with the operator “and.” • Tips: • Use 6 to 8 keywords per query. • Use nouns as query keywords. Never use articles ("a," "the"), pronouns ("he," "it"), conjunctions ("and," "or") or prepositions ("to," "from") in your queries.

  10. Lesson 5: Microsoft Word • A word processor that enables the user to create a document and store it electronically. • The document can be modified without retyping the whole thing.

  11. Formatting a Document • Two type of page orientations: • “Letter”- text runs across a page that is vertical. • “Landscape”- page turns sideways, which allows for more room horizontally. • Change font, type size, or make letters bold, italic, and/or underlined.

  12. Tables • Tables can be used to display data in the document. • They can organize data, ideas, and words. • An example is shown below:

  13. Synonyms • Word has a feature that allows the user to find synonyms for words. • Right-click on a word in the document, then select Synonyms from the shortcut menu. • The user can click Thesaurus for more options.

  14. Lesson 7: Social Media • Social networking is a means to communicate and share information using social media tools. • Social media and social networking are often combined on the following sites: • Facebook • Myspace • Twitter

  15. Blogs • A blog is a web site or online journal, where a user can write thoughts or opinions. • Several different topics are blogged about including photography, religion, and recipes. • Some sites include: blogger.com, xanga.com, wordpress.com.

  16. RSS Feeds • RSS(Really Simple Syndication) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. • These feeds act as a way to be notified of new and changed content.

  17. Widget • A widget is anything that can be embedded within a web page. • Widgets can be shared with friends, registered in the directory, or dragged around user profiles. • Works as a connection between marketers and consumers.

  18. Lesson 8: Issues in Computer Mediated Communication • Promotes the process of online social interaction through: • Identity construction • Relationship formation • Community building

  19. Privacy & Security Issues • The Internet is a medium through which private information can be accessed. • Identity theft is more prevalent. • Internet cookies as a means for “user-tracking.”

  20. Chain Letters and Hoax Messages • Factors that make a hoax successful: • Credibility by association. • Technical sounding language. • Most chain letters and hoax messages have a similar pattern: • Hook • Request • Threat

  21. Netizen • This term refers to a citizen of the Internet or someone who uses networked resources. • Term created by Michael Hauben. • The term implies civic responsibility and participation.

  22. Lesson 9: Social Networking and Online Communities • Two types of Computer- Mediated Communication (CMC): • Synchronous • Asynchronous

  23. Advantages of CMC • Distance is not a factor affecting communication. • Time is not a factor affecting communication. • Multiple opinions and views can be shared. • 24/7 availability.

  24. Disadvantages of CMC • No moderation to the discussion. • Discussions are not topic driven. • Too much information to sort through. • No definitive end to the discussion.

  25. Tips for Effective Communication • Keep paragraphs and messages short and to the point. • Capitalize whole words only to highlight an important point or to distinguish a title or heading. • *Asterisks* surrounding a word can be used to make a stronger point.

  26. Lesson 11: Microsoft PowerPoint • PowerPoint is a presentation creation program. • It can be used to create slides, overhead transparencies, or computer screen slide shows.

  27. Presentation Layouts • There are three layouts that are useful to the user: • Content Slides • Design Slides • Presentations

  28. Presentation Views • PowerPoint offers four screen layouts for constructing your presentation: • Slide Show • Normal • Slide Sorter • Note Page

  29. Adding Graphics • Graphics can be added to the presentation in order to enhance the communication process. • Some features that can be added include: • Clip art • Drawing Shapes • Charts • Tables

  30. Good Design Tips • Text should be above 20 pt. ; title should be 40+ pt. size. • Don’t capitalize or bold everything. • Limit text to 8-10 lines maximum per slide. • One idea per slide. • One background color scheme throughout presentation.

  31. Example of a Good Slide The Five Stages of Grief • 1) Denial and Isolation. • 2) Anger. • 3) Bargaining. • 4) Depression. • 5) Acceptance.

  32. Bad Design Tips • Material too close to the edge. • Too many points on a slide. • More than 30 characters per line. • More than six words per line.

  33. Example of a Bad Slide THE FIVE STAGES OF GRIEF • 1) Denial and Isolation : The first reaction to learning of terminal illness or death of a cherished loved one is to deny the reality of the situation. It is a normal reaction to rationalize overwhelming emotions. It is a defense mechanism that buffers the immediate shock. We block out the words and hide from the facts. This is a temporary response that carries us through the first wave of pain. • 2) ANGER: As the masking effects of denial and isolation begin to wear, reality and its pain re-emerge. We are not ready. The intense emotion is deflected from our vulnerable core, redirected and expressed instead as anger. The anger may be aimed at inanimate objects, complete strangers, friends or family. Anger may be directed at our dying or deceased loved one. Rationally, we know the person is not to be blamed. Emotionally, however, we may resent the person for causing us pain or for leaving us. We feel guilty for being angry, and this makes us more angry.

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