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Accreditation - NLSA

Curriculum Night So then, just as you received Christ jesus as LORD, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Col. 2:6 7.

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Accreditation - NLSA

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  1. Curriculum NightSo then, just as you received Christ jesus as LORD, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Col. 2:6 7

  2. The purpose of FIL school is to provide a Christ centered, quality education for the children who attend here so they may • Identity themselves as children of God • Know God and his forgiving love in Jesus Christ and respond to that love with lives of Christian faith, worship, service, love, and hope • Relate responsibly to God’s creation by acquiring knowledge and understanding and developing talents and skills for responsible living and serving

  3. “Everything we do at First Immanuel Lutheran School aligned with our Christian beliefs and is for the good of the children. We believe in continual improvement and excellence in all things.”

  4. We desire to be an accredited school (2014-2015 is our renewal year) Accreditation drives school improvement We must have a standards-based curriculum – begin with the end in mind Faith is our primary objective – always! Accreditation - NLSA

  5. 21st Century learning

  6. Students can • Construct meaning for themselves (not just being told what to think) • Impose structure on information • Integrate skills into processes • Apply what they learn to unpredictable situations RIGOR & RELEVANCE

  7. Standards -- the setting of what students should know and be able to do. Curriculum -- the means and materials with which students will interact for the purpose of achieving the standards [identified educational outcomes]. Definitions

  8. Curriculum mapping -- a procedure for reviewing the operational curriculum as it is entered into an electronic database. It can serve to allow all staff to see and share the plan for the entire school. Definitions (cont’d)

  9. Terra Nova Math scores at the elementary level have been low for the last few years Grades earned in math that in the past reflected student effort did not give an accurate measure of student ability and skill, resulting in high paper grades, but not providing accurate information for algebra class placement Students in Algebra with inadequate understanding of number lines, fractions, long division, and the ability to problem solve Necessary topics were not getting covered in lower grades if they were at the end of the textbook Facts behind Math Change in K-6

  10. Better conceptual understanding, problem solving, computation scores as researched by What Works Clearing House • Concepts are covered at a deeper level at each grade level. • Differentiation material provided for teachers • Algebra is taught incrementally in Kindergarten through 6thgrade Facts behind Math Change in K-6

  11. enVision allows for frequent assessment and re-teaching opportunities • Manipulative kits and Center Activities • Opportunities are included for “Problem-Based Interactive Learning” throughout the lessons • Visual Learning is provided as part of every lesson • Provides teachers with math background for every lesson • Supports for home: • Problem Solving Handbook in text books (grades 3-6) • Online website to access book at home • Re-teaching side of worksheet has concept review at the top (grades 3-6) Facts behind Math Change in K-6

  12. Math fact testing/practice • Integrating IXL – an online program that allows students to practice math concepts that are being learned in the classroom at their own pace • Supplementing Math instruction with Center Activities, iPad apps, worksheets Other things done by teachers

  13. More problem solving encouraged at all levels.  Our previous series (and other series) handle all of the topics individually and then have a "separate" activity / lesson for problem solving.  enVision incorporates problem solving throughout each lesson / unit without it feeling "thrown together“ The terminology and content of the 6th grade is more rigorous than our previous curriculum.   More emphasis is placed on verbal and written expression.  The kids have to be able to explain what they are doing, not just get an answer. Algebra content is infused throughout the units The assessment tools given in this curriculum are much better than our previous series.  In the old series, I had to write all of my own tests.  For this series, I'm only having to add, subtract a little bit but have found their assessments very worthwhile. I have not encountered a single example of an agenda, of any "new math", of anything other than a solid math curriculum.  What teachers have noticed

  14. We are teaching the same basic skills and content (ex. geometry, two and three digit addition/subtraction, place value, etc.) but with more of an emphasis on critical thinking about these skills/the mathematical processes and practical application through problem solving One thing that is better this year is the way students need to write their own word problems. I can really see if they understand the concept  when they need to make their own problem at the end of the lesson. They also need to explain the reason for an answer and that is when you see how much they know, the deeper understanding makes that possible.  I love the questions that ask my students to explain.  It has been a hard transition for them as they are very unfamiliar with this concept, but I am amazed at what they come up with and how they are able to explain the whys of something.  I love that my students are learning how to defend their answers or dialogue with one another when they don't agree.  I really see my students being pushed to think deeper.  That deeper thinking has allowed more self-confidence.   What teachers have noticed

  15. The textbook and teacher support materials are much better written than our previous book.  In our previous book, students, as well as parents and teachers, were often left wondering exactly what it was they were being asked to do.  This book is much more clear. The in-book Topic tests show the students and parents exactly what will be asked of the students on the next Topic assessment.  No one needs to wonder what they will be tested on, and students can begin preparing for the test from day one. The in-class video supports are helpful to provide "set" for each lesson, and get the class thinking in the right direction. What teachers have noticed

  16. The content at the 3rd grade level is basically the exact same content we have taught for years.  The difference is that now we are focusing on deeper understandings of the material, rather than a rote memorization of an algorithm with no conceptual understanding.  Many methods (ways) may be shown to solve a problem, including the standard algorithm.  This shows the children that there are many ways to think about or think through a math problem.  Additionally, there is now more of a focus and higher expectations for kids to be able to explain why they are doing what they are doing.  I have seen an increase in understanding of number sense and the ability of the 3rd graders to explain their thinking.  In real life, adults are not handed a sheet of math problems to solve.  They are given real life problems in which they need to apply their math knowledge.  This program is better preparing kids to solve real life math problems, instead of a sheet of math facts.     What teachers have noticed

  17. The math series is teaching kids strategies.  Each time they learn something new they are adding to their math tool belt.  They will be armed to solve anything that comes their way. Teach learners how to learnThe most important thing we can do is cultivate thinkers who can evolve their skills and capabilities because they’ve developed an ability to think deeply and critically. These new learners will be able to adapt to new circumstances, stimuli, and challenges. We want to develop students who possess a flexible and versatile intelligence. We want to develop adaptive thinkers. They will be the ones who will drive- not survive- the future. http://www.dreambox.com/blog/whats-future-learning What teachers have noticed

  18. Why CCSS? They are the current WI State Standards – FIL has always aligned to these standards. CCSS was discussed the School Ministry Advisory Council May 15, 2013 – members were in support we discussed what to communicate with parents, FIL statement was emailed in August. • Testing? Choice Students must take the Smarter Balanced Assessment  - called the person in charge of testing today – no biometric testing involved just Math and ELA. DPI will treat the data with the same privacy as the WKCE exams – students names are stripped from test when answers are shared with the testing company. • We can choose our own standardized test for our students • It was proposed to the School Ministry Advisory Council last Spring that we move to MAP testing that allows us to test up to 3 times/year. MAP test can align to former WI or current WI CCSS standards at this point in time. • Informational Text? CCSS asks for an increase in instruction in non-fiction reading – this happens in science and Social studies – students need to be taught how to read this type of information as this will be a lot of what they will encounter in their lives (we can use the Bible!). • Christian filter?We have a Christian filter – we are an LCMS school, we employ teachers committed to this and they will use their Christian filter as they ALWAYS have! CCSS Questions

  19. Federal Funds? We have accepted NO federal funds because of CCSS. • Costs? There have been no costs associated with CCSS. We would have incurred textbook costs no matter what. • Adoption of new math text? Our typical way of adopting a new textbook is to put together a panel of teachers, seek council from professors at CUW and choose what will best meet our classroom needs • Drawing pictures in math? The models/pictures help the students to understand what they are trying to figure out – aid the visual learner; Math programs that are based in other countries rely highly on using model drawings for problem solving. The CCSS do not endorse any specific way of drawing pictures – that would be a curriculum choice. • CCSS.Math.Content.3.OA.A.3Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, e.g., by usingdrawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.1 • CCSS.Math.Content.3.NBT.A.3Multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 (e.g., 9 × 80, 5 × 60) using strategies based on place value and properties of operations CCSS Questions

  20. To God be the glory….

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