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Overview for CTE Educators CTE Accountability, Budget and Grants Management: Data Reporting

Overview for CTE Educators CTE Accountability, Budget and Grants Management: Data Reporting . Susan Cowden: Director of Accountability, Budget & Grants of CTE Li- Zung Lin: e TIGER Data Application and Reporting. Upon Completion of Workshop….

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Overview for CTE Educators CTE Accountability, Budget and Grants Management: Data Reporting

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  1. Overview for CTE EducatorsCTE Accountability, Budget and Grants Management: Data Reporting

    Susan Cowden: Director of Accountability, Budget & Grants of CTE Li-Zung Lin: eTIGER Data Application and Reporting
  2. Upon Completion of Workshop… Understand the federal and state funding that supports CTE programs Understand data tracking and reporting in eTIGER and the other data systems that support federal and state reporting
  3. Roles and Responsibilities Perkins IV Oversight and Compliance State and Perkins IV Funding Data Tracking and Reporting Data Analysis
  4. Perkins Funding 2013 - 2014 : $21,382,842 2012 - 2013 : $23,638,770 2011 - 2012 : $23,510,732 2010 - 2011 : $25,366,106 2009 - 2010 : $26,114,005 2008 - 2009 : $25,623,791
  5. CTE Data
  6. eTIGER? eTIGER (EIS – TIGER) Timely Information Gathering, Examination, and Reporting CTE on-line data collecting system Collect statewide data for CTE specifically In-house development Teacher level data reporting
  7. eTIGER Data Life Cycle
  8. eTIGER Data Life Cycle 11/1 – 3/1 8/16 - 8/15 9/1 – 10/31
  9. 8/16 to 8/15 From EIS to eTIGER CTE Data Life Cycle
  10. 8/16 to 8/15 Report to eTIGER CTE Data Life Cycle
  11. 9/1 to 10/31 Review Data CTE Data Life Cycle
  12. 11/1 to 3/1 Generate Reports CTE Data Life Cycle
  13. Why Is Data Important? eTIGER Enhancements 2013
  14. Data Is Important ! Accountability is a key feature in Perkins IV Data supports the Program Performance and Continued Funding Current emphasis on Reauthorization and Program Changes Interim Report: National Association of Career and Technical Education
  15. Data Is Important: An Example! 3 or 4 (data, as a value)
  16. Data Is Important: An Example! 3 or 4 (data, as a value) CTE Competency Attainment Rubric score 3 or 4
  17. Data Is Important: An Example! 3 or 4 (data, as a value) CTE Competency Attainment Rubric score 3 or 4 A student has competency rubric score of 3 or 4 means this student performed satisfactorily either in “Proficient” or “Advanced” level.
  18. Data Is Important: An Example! 3 or 4 (data, as a value) CTE Competency Attainment Rubric score 3 or 4 A student has competency rubric score of 3 or 4 means this student performed satisfactorily either in “Proficient” or “Advanced” level. The rubric performance value of 3 or 4 meets the skill attainment required and will be used to calculate the % of skill attainment of a student.
  19. Data Is Important: An Example! 3 or 4 (data, as a value) CTE Competency Attainment Rubric score 3 or 4 A student has competency rubric score of 3 or 4 means this student performed satisfactorily either in “Proficient” or “Advanced” level. The rubric performance value of 3 or 4 meets the skill attainment required and will be used to calculate the % of skill attainment of a student. A CTE student has 75% of skill attainment performance score will be counted onto the Perkins CAR code indicator 2S1, Technical Skill Attainment.
  20. Data Is Important: An Example! 3 or 4 (data, as a value) CTE Competency Attainment Rubric score 3 or 4 A student has competency rubric score of 3 or 4 means this student performed satisfactorily either in “Proficient” or “Advanced” level. The rubric performance value of 3 or 4 meets the skill attainment required and will be used to calculate the % of skill attainment of a student. A CTE student has 75% of skill attainment performance score will be counted onto the Perkins CAR code indicator 2S1, Technical Skill Attainment. The overall performance level of CAR code indicators will present the CTE Program performance of the year.
  21. CTE Data Populated from EIS Enrollment (class list, class roster) Class assignment Teacher assignment Student assignment page35 Teacher Demographic Data page36 Student Demographic Data page37
  22. CTE Data Reported in eTIGER Data for Class Performance Competencies Attainment (CTE Rubric) page38 Credit Earned, Dual Credit, Dual Enrollment page 39, 40, 41 Concentrators pag42, 43 Certificates page44, 45 Data for Follow-up Survey page46 Data for Program of Study page47
  23. Reports Available in eTIGER Teacher’s Class History page48 Student’s Course History page49 Student Certificates Report page50 Rubric Class Report by Students page51 CTE Concentrators – CTE Concentrators for the school year Class Performance Report page52 Student Competency Profile page53, 54 Follow-Up Results page55
  24. eTIGER as Data Resources Perkins CAR Report (Federal) Academics, skill performance; completion; placement; non-traditional for senior concentrators EDEN/EDFacts Data Report (Federal) Academics, skill performance; completion; placement; non-traditional for senior concentrators CTE Report Card (State/System/School) CTE program profile; CAR report Teacher /Course / Program Evaluation Other Research or Studies
  25. CTE Report CardProgram Overview Course Enrollments Teachers Students Programs of Study Dual Credits/Dual Enrollments CTE Student Organizations CTE vs HS Students Distribution
  26. CTE Report Card Perkins IV CAR* Data Academic Attainment 1S1: Reading/Language Arts 1S2: Mathematics 2S1: Technical Skill Attainment 3S1: Secondary School Completion 4S1: Student Graduation Rates 5S1: Secondary Placement 6S1: Nontraditional Participation 6S2: Nontraditional Completion *CAR: Consolidated Annual Report http://tn.gov/education/data/report_card/2013.shtml
  27. Select the link for step-by-step screen learning eTIGER Enhancements 2013 Report Concentrators Cohort Concentrators Rubric Data Off-Line Student Certificates Class Data Attest or Approval Data Current Students vs All Students eTIGER Enhancements 2013
  28. Do you know how to access the below screens at eTIGER? CTE Course List Standards and competencies of a CTE course Rubric data report screen Saved class performance data Student competency profile Rubric Report by class Student course history Student personal information Instructor information eTIGER Enhancements 2013 eTIGER Enhancements 2013
  29. Thank You!
  30. Report Concentrators eTIGER Enhancements 2013
  31. A CTE Concentrator? Any CTE student who earns the 3rd credit in a career cluster or a program of study. A student can possibly becomes a concentrator in more than one career cluster or more than one program of study. A student can also possibly become a concentrator in the same career cluster multiple times if their concentrations are in different programs of study. A student will not become a concentrator in the same program of study more than one time.
  32. Back 22 Usage of CTE Concentrator Data Reported CTE Concentrator for the current school year – for Teacher Evaluation, due by end of May (the concentrator list sent to TEAM group). Calculate Graduation Rate of CTE Cohort Concentrators (4S1) by Data & Communication Division (due June, 15 for identifying the Cohort Concentrators). Use Cohort Concentrators to calculate Academic Attainment in Language Arts and Mathematics (1S1 and 1S2); and Completion rate (3S1) for Federal and CTE Report Card. Also, apply Cohort Concentrators of prior year for Secondary Placement (5S1) for Federal and CTE Report Card. Use Concentrator for the year to calculate Skill Attainment (2S1) and Non-traditional Completion (6S2) for Federal and CTE Report Card.
  33. Cohort Concentrators eTIGER Enhancements 2013
  34. Back 22 Cohort / Graduation Rate Process Division of Data & Communication hosts the Cohort/Graduation Rate process which starts from February ends in August. Steps in this Process: Identify Cohort students of the school year (Verify CTE Cohort Concentrator of the school year) Report “Completion Type” information for Cohort students (Verify CTE Cohort Concentrator with the accurate type of completion reported to State) Calculate the Graduation Rate based on the identified Cohort students (Verify the graduation rate of CTE Cohort Concentrators)
  35. Back School Courses Listing (Director’s View)
  36. Back School Courses Listing (Teacher’s View)
  37. Back Class Roster
  38. Back 16 Teacher, Class, Student Assignments at Class Roster
  39. Back Teacher Demographic Data
  40. Back Student Demographic Data
  41. Back 17 Competencies Rubric Report
  42. Back 17 Earned Credits, Dual Credit & Enrollment 3-1
  43. Back 17 Earned Credits, Dual Credit & Enrollment 3-2
  44. Back 17 Earned Credits, Dual Credit & Enrollment 3-3
  45. Back 17 Making Concentrators 2-1
  46. Back 17 Making Concentrators 2-2
  47. Back 17 Report Certificates 2-1
  48. Back 17 Report Certificates 2-2
  49. Back 17 Follow-up Data Entry
  50. Back 17 Program of Study Selection
  51. Back 18 Teacher Class History
  52. Back 18 Student Course History
  53. Back 18 Student Certificates Report
  54. Back 18 Rubric Class Report by Students
  55. Back 18 Class Performance Report
  56. Back 18 Student Competency Profile 2-1
  57. Back 18 Student Competency Profile 2-2 Data Important
  58. Back 18 Follow-Up Results
  59. Back 18 Concentrator Report
  60. Back 2S1 - Technical Skill Attainment
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