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Unit 5: The solar system

Lesson 2: What makes up the Solar System?. Unit 5: The solar system. Vocabulary #1 . Solar System: A star and all the planets and other objects that revolve around it. Vocabulary #2. Planet: A body that revolves around a star. Vocabulary #3. Satellite

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Unit 5: The solar system

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  1. Lesson 2: What makes up the Solar System? Unit 5: The solar system

  2. Vocabulary #1 • Solar System: • A star and all the planets and other objects that revolve around it.

  3. Vocabulary #2 • Planet: • A body that revolves around a star.

  4. Vocabulary #3 • Satellite • A body in space that orbits a larger body.

  5. Vocabulary #4 • Asteroid: • A piece of rock and metal that orbits the sun.

  6. Vocabulary #5 • Comet: • A ball of ice, rock, and frozen gases that orbits the sun.

  7. The Inner Planets • A planet is a body that revolves around a star. • Gravity holds that planet in place. • Most planets have moons, or satellites. • A satellite is a body that revolves around a planet. • All inner planets are rocky and dense

  8. MERCURY • Closest to the sun • About the size of our moon • Temperature about 810° on side facing sun • -290°on side not facing sun • 3,000 miles in diameter • 36,000,000 miles from sun • Length of year: 88 Earth days

  9. VENUS • Brightest object in night sky • Same size as Earth • 860° (hotter than Mercury because of thick atmosphere) • Diameter: 7,520 miles • 67,000,000 miles from sun • Length of year: 225 Earth days

  10. EARTH!!! • The only planet that can support life • Only atmosphere that keeps temperatures at right level for life • Diameter: 7,900 mi. • 93,000,000 miles from sun • Year: 365 ¼ days

  11. MARS • called the Red planet • Atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide • Must have once had water because it has river valleys • Has the largest volcano in solar system • Has dust storms that last for months • Diameter: 4,200 miles • 142,000,000 miles from sun • Year: 687 Earth days

  12. OUTER PLANETS • The four outer planets are called gas giants because they are all very large and made up mostly of the gases hydrogen and helium.

  13. JUPITER • Largest planet • Has a ring and dozens of moons • Has a storm that has lasted 400 years • Diameter: 89,000 miles • 483,000,000 miles from sun • Year: 11.9 Earth years

  14. SATURN • Rings made of ice, dust, boulders, and frozen gases • Dozens of moons • Can be seen without a telescope • Diameter: 75,000 miles • 887,000,000 miles from sun • Year: 29.5 Earth years!

  15. URANUS • Many moons and rings • Axis is tilted more than any other planet • Diameter: 32,000 miles • 887,000,000 miles from sun • Year: 84 Earth years!

  16. NEPTUNE • Several rings and moons • Strongest winds can reach 1200 miles per hour • Diameter: 30,000 miles • 2,799,000 miles from sun • Year: 165 Earth years!

  17. ASTEROIDS & COMETS • Between Mars & Jupiter is an asteroid belt. • It contains thousands of small rocky bodies called asteroids. • Asteroids are chunks of rock too small to be called planets.

  18. METEORS Pieces of rock traveling through space. They usually burn up when they hit Earth’s atmosphere. This results in a shooting star. When a meteor reaches Earth’s surface, it is called a meteorite.

  19. COMETS A ball of ice, rock and frozen gases that orbits the sun. When near the sun, the center begins to melt. This forms a cloud of gas that is pushed into a long tail by energy from the sun.

  20. Online Resources http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97Ob0xR0Ut8 Bill Nye shows distances between planets (4:17) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8KZyj7aIA4&feature=related Magic School Bus in the Solar System (25:11)

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