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Interactive Risk Assessment Process (IRAP). Why do we need the Risk Mitigation/ Waiver Process?. You are required by the ADA to accommodate the WLFF. It is a condition of employment for primary WLFF
Why do we need the Risk Mitigation/ Waiver Process? • You are required by the ADA to accommodate the WLFF. • It is a condition of employment for primary WLFF • It is a risk assessment to see if the WLFF who does not meet the Federal Interagency Wildland Firefighting Medical Standardscan safely perform arduous duty (not to be confused with performance or conduct issues)
What is the Interactive Risk Assessment Process? The Servicing Human Resources Officer (SHRO), Fire Management Officer (FMO) and Wildland Firefighter (WLFF) review and analyze the WLFF supporting documentation then create the draft Waiver or Risk Mitigation. The FMO facilitates the Interactive Risk Assessment.
Who are the Interactive Risk Assessment Process players ? • The Fire Management Officer • The Servicing Human Resources Officer • The Wildland Firefighter
The SHRO, FMO and WLFF have 30 days to review, analyze and create the draft Risk Mitigation/Waiver memo.
The Wildland Firefighter is ensured 14 days to gather supporting documentation.
What do the players need to bring to the Interactive Risk Assessment Process? • The FMO brings the Non-Clearance letter from the contracted medical provider. • The SHRO brings the Risk Mitigation/Waiver template. • WLFF provides SHRO and FMO with supporting documentation on their current Risk Mitigation, Waiver agreements, mitigation methods, qualifications, experience and training, etc.
The WLFF can request a 15 calendar day extension, which must be processed by his/her FMO.
When is the IRAP completed? The Interactive Risk Assessment Process and draft Risk Mitigation/Waiver needs to be completed within 30 days of receiving the Non-Clearance notification from the contracted medical provider.
Where does the Interactive Risk Assessment Process take place? In person or by phone with all three parties participating together.
What is the goal of the Interactive Risk Assessment Process? The SHRO, FMO and WLFF review and analyze the WLFF supporting documentation, then create the draft Waiver or Risk Mitigation memo.
Elements that must be considered when creating the draft Risk Mitigation/Waiver memo: • Medical condition and ability to safely and efficiently perform the tasks • Qualifications, experience and training • Significant threshold shifts • Medical condition is Static and Stable • Work conditions • Body stature and PPE • Physical limitations
The first risk assessment is completed without any mitigations and a risk determination of Acceptable or Unacceptable is identified together by the FMO, SHRO and WLFF.
A risk recomendationof Acceptable or Unacceptable is identified together by the FMO, SHRO and WLFF. If it’s determined to be an Acceptable Risk, the WLFF should be considered for a Waiver. If it’s determined to be an Unacceptable Risk, proceed with additional assessments using possible mitigations.
Once the draft Risk Mitigation/Waiver is complete, it’s the SHRO responsibility to forward that memo to the Wildland Firefighter Safety Program Manager (WFSPM) for review.
The WFSPM reviews the draft Risk Mitigation/Waiver and provides advice to the FMO and SHRO within five days.
The SHRO, FMO and WLFF discuss the recommendation received from the WFSPM and determine whether or not to incorporate that advice into the draft Risk Mitigation/Waiver. The SHRO then forwards that draft Risk Mitigation/Waiver to the Management Official (MO) within five days.
The IRAP is now complete, it’s now up to the MO to select one of the three decision alternatives: • Acceptable Risk • Acceptable Risk with Conditions Unacceptable Risk