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Movie 1: Demo Suchow and Alvarez’s stimuli

Movie 1: Demo Suchow and Alvarez’s stimuli.

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Movie 1: Demo Suchow and Alvarez’s stimuli

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Movie 1: Demo Suchow and Alvarez’s stimuli

  2. Movie 2: Stimuli for first experiment. Each trial began with fixation point presented for 1000 ms, followed by two presentations of rotating clouds of 100 dots each for 1000 ms. Subjects reported which interval contained the size-changing dots. The angular speed of the stimuli was varied on each trial by the adaptive Quest algorithm.

  3. Movie 3: stimuli used to study crowding. Spacing between rings 0.14times eccentricity. Only the dots in the central ring were size-modulated. The distance between rings was variable. In this example, the spacing between rings was 0.14 times their eccentricity. The following movies show other examples, with different inter-dot spacing.

  4. Movie 4: stimuli used to study crowding. Spacing between rings 0.28 times eccentricity.

  5. Movie 5: stimuli used to study crowding. Spacing between rings 0.42 times eccentricity.

  6. Figure 6. Example of rotating dipole pattern

  7. Movie 7: Example of limited-life motion. The deaths and rebirths of the dots are almost invisible when the dots are in motion, but quite apparent when stationary.

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