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Today’s activities. Hook -Online CO 2 activity. Demo 1 -Greenhouse model. Demo 2 -Waste Audit . Demo 3 -BBC Climate Challenge. Demo 4 - Climate C hange Gizmo. Demo 5 -Gore movie. STSE - Kivalina. Climate Change Strand. Big Ideas. Climate Change Strand. Big Ideas.
Today’s activities Hook -Online CO2 activity Demo 1 -Greenhouse model Demo 2 -Waste Audit Demo 3 -BBC Climate Challenge Demo 4 -Climate Change Gizmo Demo 5 -Gore movie STSE -Kivalina
Climate Change Strand Big Ideas
Climate Change Strand Big Ideas • Climate Change • Affects human / natural systems • Effect of human / natural systems • What are my effects? • How can I improve this?
Climate Change Strand STSE • D1. STSE • D1.1 analyse the positive / negative effects of climate change on human • activity and natural systems • loss of habitat • loss of traditional lifestyles for e.g. Inuit regions [AI, C] • Sample issue: Increased smog days in Ontario • Sample questions: How extreme weather events affect habitats in specific regions • Climate Change • Affects human / natural systems • Effect of human / natural systems Gore movie – demo 5 STSE activity - Kivalina • Affects human / natural systems • What are my effects? • How can I improve this?
Climate Change Strand STSE • D1. STSE • D1.2 assess current initiatives addressing climate change and propose a further course of action [PR, AI, C] • municipal recycling programs, • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC]) • Sample issue: rebates or tax cuts for replacing appliances with ENERGY STAR appliances. • Sample questions: What type of recycling programs are in place in your community? • Climate Change • Affects human / natural systems • Effect of human / natural systems Waste audit – demo 2 BBC Climate Challenge – demo 3 • What are my effects? • How can I improve this? • What are my effects? • How can I improve this?
Climate Change Strand STSE D1. STSE • D1.1 analysethe positive and negative effects of climate change on human activity and natural systems [AI, C] • loss of habitat • loss of traditional lifestyles for e.g. Inuit regions • Sample issue: Increased smog days in Ontario • Sample questions: How extreme weather events affect habitats in specific regions Gore movie – demo 5 STSE activity - Kivalina • D1.2 assess current initiatives addressing climate change and propose a further course of action [PR, AI, C] • municipal recycling programs, • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC]) • Sample issue: rebates or tax cuts for replacing appliances with ENERGY STAR appliances. • Sample questions: What type of recycling programs are in place in your community? Waste audit – demo 2 BBC Climate Challenge – demo 3
Climate Change • Effect of human / natural systems • Affects on human / natural systems D2. Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication D2.1 Terminology • What are my effects? • How can I improve this? D2.2 DESIGN/BUILD a model to illustrate the greenhouse effect Gore movie – demo 5 Greenhouse model – demo 1 Climate Change Gizmo – demo 4 D2.3 ANALYSE sources of scientific data Gore movie – demo 5 Kivalina - STSE D2.4 RESEARCH a cause–and-effect hypothesis e.g. more CO2 leads to rising global temp. Kivalina – STSE CO2 Hook activity D2.5 LAB INVESTIGATION on effects of heat transfer in hydro-/atmos- phere D2.6 LAB INVESTIGATION on effects of water (e.g. vapour / ice) on climate patterns D2.7 RESEARCH influence of ocean currents D2.8 CLASSIFY and COMPARE local climate regions D2.9 COMPARE different perspectives / biases BBC Climate Challenge – demo 3 Gore movie – demo 5
Climate Change • Affects on human / natural systems • Effect of human / natural systems D2. Developing Skills of Investigation and Communication D2.4 RESEARCH a cause –and-effect hypothesis e.g. more CO2 leads to rising global temperature D2.1 Terminology D2.8 CLASSIFY and COMPARE local climate regions D2.2 DESIGN/BUILD a model to illustrate the greenhouse effect Kivalina – STSE CO2 Hook activity Greenhouse model – demo 1 Climate Change Gizmo – demo 4 D2.5 LAB INVESTIGATION investigate effects of heat transfer in hydro-/atmos- phere Gore movie – demo 5 D2.3 ANALYSE sources of scientific data Kivalina - STSE D2.6 LAB INVESTIGATION investigate effects of water (e.g. vapour / ice) on climate patterns Gore movie – demo 5 D2.9 COMPARE different perspectives / Biases BBC Climate Challenge – demo 3 D2.7 RESEARCH influence of ocean currents Gore movie – demo 5
Climate Change • Affects on human / natural systems • Effect of human / natural systems D2.4 cause –and-effect hypotheses D2.1 Terminology D2.8 Local climate regions D2.2 Greenhouse effect model D2.5 heat transfer D2.6 water (e.g. vapour /ice) D2.3 Sources of data D2.9 COMPARE biases /perspectives D2.7 ocean currents
Climate Change • Affects on human / natural systems • Effect of human / natural systems D3. Understanding Basic Concepts D3.1 Describe components of climate system and how it works CO2 Hook activity Greenhouse model – demo 1 Climate Change Gizmo – demo 4 Kivalina - STSE D3.2 heat transfer and effects on air / water currents D3.3 Describe natural vs anthropogenic greenhouse effect CO2 Hook activity Climate Change Gizmo – demo 4 D3.4 Identify human / natural phenomena affecting climate change – role of Canada Waste Audit – demo 2 Gore movie – demo 5 Climate Change Gizmo – demo 4 D3.5 Principal sources and sinks of greenhouse gases D3.6 Describe how carbon and nitrogen compounds trap heat Greenhouse model – demo 1 D3.7 Anthropogenic greenhouse effect, atmospheric ozone, ground level ozone / smog Climate Change Gizmo – demo 4 D3.8 Indicators of climate change (e.g. sea level, polar ice, wind patterns) Kivalina - STSE Gore movie – demo 5
Climate Change • Affects on human / natural systems • Effect of human / natural systems D3. Understanding Basic Concepts D3.8 Indicators of climate change (e.g. sea level, polar ice, wind patterns) D3.1 Describe components of climate system and how it works D3.2 heat transfer and effects on air / water currents -CO2 Hook activity D3.3 Describe natural vs anthropogenic greenhouse effect -Greenhouse model – demo 1 -Kivalina - STSE -Gore movie – demo 5 -Climate Change Gizmo – demo 4 -CO2 Hook activity -Climate Change Gizmo – demo 4 -Kivalina - STSE • What are my effects? • How can I improve this? D3.5 Principal sources and sinks of greenhouse gases D3.4 Identify human / natural phenomena affecting climate change – role of Canada D3.6 Describe how carbon and nitrogen compounds trap heat -Greenhouse model – demo 1 D3.7 Anthropogenic greenhouse effect, atmospheric ozone, ground level ozone / smog -Waste Audit – demo 2 -Climate Change Gizmo – demo 4 -Climate Change Gizmo – demo 4 -Gore movie – demo 5
Climate Change • Affects on human / natural systems • Effect of human / natural systems D2.4 cause –and-effect hypotheses D2.1 Terminology D2.8 Local climate regions D2.2 Greenhouse effect model D3.8 Indicators of climate change D2.5 heat transfer D2.6 water (e.g. vapour /ice) D2.3 Sources of data D2.9 COMPARE biases /perspectives D2.7 ocean currents D3.1 Description D3.3 natural vs anthropogenic greenhouse effect • What are my effects? • How can I improve this? D3.7 human effects D3.5 Sources/sinks of greenhouse gases D3.6 How do C and N compounds trap heat? D3.4 phenomena affecting climate change – Role of Canada D3.2 heat transfer effects on currents
Climate Change • Affects on human / natural systems • Effect of human / natural systems D3.3 natural vs anthropogenic greenhouse effect D3.8 Indicators of Climate Change D2.1 Terminology D3.1 Description D2.8 Local climate regions D2.2 Greenhouse effect model D3.7 human effects D2.4 cause –and-effect hypotheses D2.3 Sources of data D3.5 Sources/sinks of greenhouse gases D2.9 COMPARE biases /perspectives D3.6 How do C and N compounds trap heat? • What are my effects? • How can I improve this? D2.5 heat transfer D3.2 effects on currents D3.4 phenomena affecting climate change – Role of Canada D2.7 ocean currents D2.6 water (e.g. vapour /ice)
Climate Change • Affects on human / natural systems • Effect of human / natural systems D3.3 natural vs anthropogenic greenhouse effect D3.8 Indicators of Climate Change D2.1 Terminology D3.1 Description D2.8 Local climate regions D2.2 Greenhouse effect model D3.7 human effects D2.4 cause –and-effect hypotheses D2.3 Sources of data D3.5 Sources/sinks of greenhouse gases D2.9 COMPARE biases /perspectives D3.6 How do C and N compounds trap heat? • What are my effects? • How can I improve this? D2.5 heat transfer D3.2 effects on currents D3.4 phenomena affecting climate change – Role of Canada D2.7 ocean currents D2.6 water (e.g. vapour /ice)
Climate Change Strand Timeline D3.8 Indicators of Climate Change STSE Demo 5 D2.1 Terminology D2.8 Local climate regions D3.1 Description Hook D2.2 Greenhouse effect model Demo 1 Demo 4 Demo 5 D3.4 phenomena affecting climate change – Role of Canada D3.3 natural vs anthropogenic greenhouse effect Demo 4 Demo 2 Demo 2 D3.7 human effects D2.5 heat transfer D2.7 ocean currents D2.6 water (e.g. vapour /ice) STSE Hook D2.4 cause –and-effect hypotheses D3.2 effects on currents D2.3 Sources of data D2.9 COMPARE biases /perspectives D3.5 Sources/sinks of greenhouse gases Demo 1 Demo 3 D3.6 How do C and N compounds trap heat? Demo 3
Today’s activities Hook -Online CO2 activity Demo 1 -Greenhouse model Demo 2 -Waste Audit Demo 3 -BBC Climate Challenge Demo 4 -Climate Change Gizmo Demo 5 -Gore movie STSE -Kivalina