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California Department of Education California School Information Services Advisory Group Meeting

California Department of Education California School Information Services Advisory Group Meeting. April 23, 2013 This presentation may be downloaded from: http://csis.fcmat.org// Pages/April2013CAG.aspx. Agenda. Agenda Review CALPADS Update CALPADS Support Update CALPADS Q & A

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California Department of Education California School Information Services Advisory Group Meeting

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  1. California Department of Education California School Information Services Advisory Group Meeting April 23, 2013 This presentation may be downloaded from: http://csis.fcmat.org//Pages/April2013CAG.aspx

  2. Agenda • Agenda Review • CALPADS Update • CALPADS Support Update • CALPADS Q & A • Next Meeting

  3. CDE Update Randy Bonnell, Administrator Data Reporting Office, CDE

  4. CDE Update Topics • CDE Organizational Changes • 2012-13 EOY Submissions • Assessments & Accountability Update • 2012-13 Amendments • Changes for 13-14 & Beyond • 2013-14 Fall Submissions

  5. CDE Organizational Changes • Staff changes since the last CAG: • Keric Ashley is now the Director of the Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Division • Cindy Kazanis is now the Director of the Educational Data Management Division • Randy Bonnell is now the Administrator of the Data Reporting Office (DRO) under Keric Ashley taking the place of Karl Scheff who has retired • Jessica Barr moved from the Assessment Division and is now the Administrator of the CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS (CCCOO) Operations Office • The DRO and CCCOO will continue working closely in the areas of data collection/use, and LEA communication

  6. 2012-13 EOY Submissions • The dates for the EOY submissions are posted: • Window Opens: April 29 • Certification Deadline: July 31 • End of Amendment Window: September 11 • All submissions will be required this year • CDE will provide a private preview of EOY 3 – Discipline data for LEAs/IRCs that meet the certification deadline

  7. Assessment & Accountability Update • CALPADS Assessment & Accountability (A&A) functionality turned on February 12, 2013 • A&A pilot began February 13 with a few LEAs • A&A pilot suspended due to issues with nightly suspension resolution process • 2012-13 CAHSEE and CELDT data are currently being loaded • Some A&A defects will be addressed April • CDE plans to restart the A&A pilot in May

  8. 2012-13 Amendments 2012-13 Fall 2: • Amendment window extended so LEAs could address data quality issues • Fall 2 closed on March 22 • Review of Fall 2 data indicates many LEAs addressed data quality issues • Reminder #1: Engage SMEs in data review • Reminder #2: Pay attention to the reports

  9. 2012-13 Amendments 2012-13 Fall 1: • School-level file for Free and Reduced Price Meal (FRPM) eligibility posted on DataQuest • Posted FRPM data are as of February 8, 2013 • FRPM data are used for funding and grant eligibility determination (see programs on file detail) • CDE considering LEA requests to decertify Fall 1 data on a case-by-case basis • Approved LEAs must recertify by May 10, 2013 after which data will be pulled for the final FRPM counts

  10. 2012-13 Amendments • Not CALPADS data for Provision 2 and 3 • Higher of the following percentages applied to CALPADS 2012-13 enrollment data: • FRPM from October 2012 claims data submitted to CDE’s Nutrition Services Division (NSD) • FRPM certified in the Consolidated Application Reporting System (CARS) in 2011-12 • LEAs will not be able to modify the Provision 2 and 3 data in CALPADS or CARS • Contact NSD regarding problems Provision data

  11. 2012-13 Amendments • 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate • CDE will provide in April: • A school & LEA level graduation data file indicating if schools & LEA met AYP graduation rate criteria • A student level file indicating which students are in the cohort and which were counted as graduates • CALPADS ODS data will be pulled after June 28 for final calculation of the 2011-12 4 year Cohort Graduation Rate • There will be no other correction window for these data

  12. 2012-13 Amendments • Continuous Enrollment & Demographic Data • CALPADS ODS data will be pulled after June 28 to calculate the 2013 Growth API: • Enrollment and exit data to determine students who are continuously enrolled • Student demographic data to determine subgroups • Previously demographic data submitted on the Pre-ID were used for subgroup determination • The CDE hopes demographic changes for 2013 Growth API will be done through CALPADS

  13. Changes for 2013-14 • System Upgrade • A major system upgrade will occur in the summer or early fall of 2013 – date still TBD • This is a critical upgrade that must be done • Will require CALPADS to be down for about a week • Targeting a period of low system use • Upgrade will include a more robust test environment that will mirror production • LEAs will benefit from this new test environment and other enhancements

  14. Changes for 2013-14 • Spring collection moving to Fall in 2013-14 in order to: • Certify FRPM and EL counts on same census day for the anticipated Local Control Funding Formula • Immigrant counts will be based on the Fall count • Provide additional time to complete Fall 2 • Ease the burden for completing Office of Civil Rights (OCR) collection

  15. Changes for 2013-14 • Transitional Kindergarten (TK) • TK participation will be collected through CALPADS with a program record • New program code will be effective July 1, 2013 • LEAs will certify TK program participation during the year as part of EOY 2 – Program Participation • A new filter will be added to Report 1.5– Enrollment by Status – Disaggregated so LEAs can view the number of TK students enrolled during the Fall

  16. Changes for 2013-14 • CTE Code Changes • A number of changes to the Career Technical Education (CTE) pathways and associated courses recently adopted by the State Board of Education • Updated Code Set and Valid Code Combinations documents will be released in June 2013 • CALPADS changes will be effective July 1, 2013 • LEA program staff should review the new pathways and courses to ensure local codes are appropriately mapped

  17. Changes for 2013-14 • Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) report • The CDE plans to provide a CALPADS report this fall displaying data used as part of the supplemental and concentration portions of the proposed LCFF • Specifics of the formula are still being discussed • If enacted this year, the 2013-14 Fall 1 data will be used for the LCFF • The importance of the FRPM, EL and foster youth counts will increase with the new formula

  18. Changes for 2013-14 • Note: The current LEA level Student Poverty and English Learner Designation file posted on DataQuest is for informational purposes • http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sd/sd/filesspel.asp • These data will not be used as part of a funding formula

  19. Changes for 2013-14 • 4 Year Cohort Graduation Report • The CDE is working on developing a new cohort report that will allow LEAs to view their 4 year cohort graduation data within CALPADS • Availability is still TBD • The CDE will report on the status of this development at the next CAG

  20. Changes for 2013-14 and Beyond • View Only Screen Module • The CDE still plans to implement a view only screen module • The widely requested view only screens will make it easier for users, especially at the site level, to view data on students • The CDE will be working during 2013-14 to make this module available in 2014-15

  21. 2013-14 Submission Dates Tentative 2013-14 Submission Dates: • Fall 1 • Window Opens: October 2, 2013 • Certification Deadline: December 13, 2013 • Preview of Fall 1 Date: January 22, 2014 • End of Amendment Window: February 7, 2014

  22. 2013-14 Submission Dates • Fall 2 • Window Opens: October 2, 2013 • Certification Deadline: February 21, 2014 • CDE will review the quality of the Fall 2 data after the certification deadline • End of Amendment Window: March 28, 2014

  23. 2013-14 Submission Dates • End of Year • Window Opens: April 28, 2014 • Certification Deadline: July 18, 2014 • Preview of Discipline Data: TBD • End of Amendment Window: September 12, 2014

  24. CALPADS Support Update Angela Ratty Services Architect, FCMAT/CSIS

  25. CALPADS Support Update Topics • Submission Statistics • New / Revised Functionality • EOY Preparations • 4 Year Cohort Data • Support Tips

  26. Submission Statistics • Deadlines Met

  27. New / Revised Functionality • County/Authorizing LEA reports • Aggregate (not student level) • New Roles • Certification Error Reports • Two certification level buttons • Include one or many schools in extracts • New extract for SSIDs obtained online • EOY 2 – No longer collect Juvenile Justice Title I Part D programs • Enrollment Status 30 (short-term) no longer considered a Lost Transfer anomaly

  28. New / Revised Functionality • Validation Rules: • SINF0255 warning about invalid ELA status code changes • SASS0256 fatal error for duplicate staff assignments • SINF0259 warning when overwriting a prior homeless Primary Residence Category Code

  29. EOY Preparations CALPADS Calendar: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/rptcalendar.asp

  30. EOY Preparations EOY 2 – Program Participation Count of homeless students and students participating in programs All LEAs must certify EOY 2

  31. EOY Preparations EOY 2 – Program Participation • Update Enrollment for all students through last day of school • Verify Primary Residence field populated in local SIS • Post Student Demographics (SINF) for students enrolled after 03/01/2013 • Post SPRG file

  32. EOY Preparations • EOY 3 – Discipline • Report the final disciplinary action taken • For non-special education students, suspensions and expulsions that are one full day or more must be reported. • For special education students, all incidents must be reported. Count of incidents and disciplinary actions All LEAs must certify EOY 3

  33. EOY Preparations • EOY 3 – Discipline • Maintain discipline locally as incidents occur • Assign “Incident IDs” to discipline incidents (unique within each school) • SDIS is a full replacement file (by school and Academic Year) • New: Discipline data will be posted to DataQuest; include local data stewards in review of reports prior to certification

  34. EOY Preparations • EOY 1-Course Completion • Count of completed courses & CTE students • Only LEAs with grades 7-12 departmentalized courses are required to certify CTE: Non-Concentrators: Primary, secondary, or short term enrollments Concentrators or Completers:Primary enrollments

  35. EOY Preparations • EOY 1-Course Completion • Post SDEM for new staff since 10/3/12 • Post SENR for enrollments 7/1/12 thru 6/30/13 • Post SINF updates through 6/30/13 • Post CRSCfor the Academic Year (AY) • Post SCSC for course completion in AY • Student Credits Attempted • Student Credits Earned • Student Course Final Grade • Marking Period • Post SCTE for CTE Pathway elements

  36. EOY Preparations • EOY 4 – Waivers and Exemptions • Count of waivers and exemptions • Only LEAs with students in grades 10-12 are required to certify WAIVER: Allows a student to pass the CAHSEE with a modified score and accommodations EXEMPTION: Indicates that a student is required to take the CAHSEE, but not required to pass

  37. Cohort Data • 4 Year Cohort Data • Forms the basis for calculating graduation and dropout rates. The cohort is the group of students that could potentially graduate during a 4-year time period (grade 9 through grade 12). • 4 Year Cohort Graduation Rate: # of cohort members who earned a regular high school diploma by the end of year 4 in the cohort # of first-time grade 9 students in year 1 (starting cohort) plus students who transfer in, minus students who transfer out, emigrate, or die during school years 1, 2, 3, and 4

  38. Cohort Data • Initial 9th Grade Entry Year (2.47) data element is no longer used • Grade level record and Effective Date are used to determine Cohort assignments • “Early Completers” stay in the original cohort and contribute to the graduation rate • “Late Completers” (aka 5th year graduates) stay in the original cohort • Cohort Rules: http://data1.cde.ca.gov/dataquest/cohortrates/CohortOutcomeDefinitions2012_4_30.doc

  39. Support Tips Expedite Support Response Time Reference Known Issues Advise site users to contact LEA Admin Configure Security Questions Use email or web form Include Job ID, SSID, SEID, Error Number

  40. Support Tips • Help Yourself First • Reference key documents before contacting support: • Quick Reference Guides (Help function of CALPADS) • System documentation on CDE website: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/systemdocs.asp • Check the Upcoming Events on the main CALPADS portal • Subscribe to the CALPADS one-way listserv • Attend Training or Use Self Paced Trainings • Attend Q & As October 2012 CAG, Slide 41

  41. Support Tips • Training Opportunities • http://csis.fcmat.org/Pages/Trainings.aspx • http://csis.fcmat.org/Pages/Self-Paced-Training.aspx • Basic courses • Advanced courses • Self-Paced Training Modules • Create a CSIS/FCMAT account to register for training • WebEx is being replaced by Lync

  42. Support Tips • Resources • Release Updates and Known Issues • Error List • Flash Updates • Data Guide • Self-Paced Training Modules • Glossary (User Guide) • FAQs

  43. CALPADS Q&A Facilitated by: Nancy Sullivan Chief Operations Officer, FCMAT/CSIS

  44. Next Meeting Nancy Sullivan Chief Operations Officer, FCMAT/CSIS

  45. Next Meeting October 15, 2013 from 9:30 – 12:00 • Video Conference from Sacramento • Remote locations throughout the state • Registration available by August 15th • Please provide feedback on 2 vs. 3 CAGs

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