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Community Sustainability. Definition:-The long-term continuity of social, cultural, economic, democratic and environmental health and prosperity of a community.. Community Sustainability. Community sustainability is the responsibility of all levels of government and the private sector and report
1. Community Sustainability through Local Area Planning A Partnership
Moira Shire – City of Boroondara and the Department for Victorian Communities
2. Community Sustainability
The long-term continuity of social, cultural, economic, democratic and environmental health and prosperity of a community.
3. Community Sustainability Community sustainability is the responsibility of all levels of government and the private sector and reporting on relevant measures does not necessarily imply that the organisation is directly responsible for any adverse trends in performance.
The establishment of clear indicators and targets is dependant on answering five simple questions;
What needs to be measured?
Who needs to know what?
When or how often does it need to be measured and reported?
How is the information best presented?
Why have the information? i.e. what is the result or action?
Both Councils have a range of measurable targets (KPI’s) and actions as part of their Business Planning process feeding up into the targets and actions defined by Council in establishing their Budgets and Community Plan/Council Plan.Both Councils have a range of measurable targets (KPI’s) and actions as part of their Business Planning process feeding up into the targets and actions defined by Council in establishing their Budgets and Community Plan/Council Plan.
4. Community Sustainability Ultimately, each Council needs to decide for itself what performance measures are important and the information that needs to be collected and reported upon.
Some critical questions to consider in identifying the most appropriate community sustainability indicators are as follows:
How do these indicators link back into the strategic planning process?
How do they assist in community planning and decision making
Who will use this data and for what purpose?
How wide is the coverage eg is it a Shire-wide scorecard with information ‘across the board’ for government (local, state, federal), business and the community?
If it is a broadly based scorecard not confined to direct linkage to Council’s strategic plan, is this a role (collection and reporting) that Council wishes to take on?
Moira has undertaken as part of this project a review of the Actions and KPI’s that exist within the Business Planning process highlighting some anomaliesMoira has undertaken as part of this project a review of the Actions and KPI’s that exist within the Business Planning process highlighting some anomalies
5. Moira – Boroondara Process Workshop to identify current practices at each Council including Community and Stakeholder Consultation which identified strengths and weaknesses
Establish a Local Area Planning Hierarchy
Establish framework for Performance Management
Develop Sustainability Scorecards
Complete project summary and submit final report
6. Workshop Outcomes Consultation Methods Booroondara
Major target is through Boroondara Voice which involves 800 members of the community recruited to participate.
Major target is through 23 Community Action Groups involving 120 members.
7. Planning Hierarchy and Performance Management
11. Performance Management and the Planning Hierarchy
12. Scorecard Reporting Methods & Frequency
13. Measures and Current Reporting Moira
Best Value Cost and Quality Measures
Community Satisfaction Survey
Local Government Indicators
Key Strategic Activities (Performance Statement)
Key Activities (Actions) contained within Council Plan
Business Planning Actions for Departments
Directorate, Business Unit Actions linked to service delivery
14. Moira Goals and Outcomes Goal 1 LIVEABLE SHIRE
Effective management and maintenance of Council assets
Planning and building control for a vitalised community
A healthy, vibrant, well serviced community
A comprehensive, well researched social plan that recognises and values the past,
identifies current needs and plans for the future
Continue to support and advocate for measures to provide for an ongoing safe
environment for the community
Business development opportunities that support economic development
A vibrant tourism industry
Effective, long term strategic planning and management of our natural environment
Effective communication and consultation with the community
Good governance and leadership
Committed and skilled staff operating in a professional and cohesive organisational environment
Financially sustainable Council
15. Measures and Current Reporting Boroondara
Best Value Cost and Quality Measures
Community Satisfaction Survey
Local Government Indicators
Key Strategic Activities (Performance Statement)
Key Activities (Actions/Indicators) contained within Council Plan
Business Planning Actions for Departments
Directorate, Business Unit Actions linked to service delivery
16. Boroondara Community Wellbeing Indicators
DOMAIN: Healthy, safe and inclusive communities
Number of offences recorded annually by Victoria Police for Boroondara – 2006-2007 year
Safety and Security
Percentage of Boroondara residents who feel very safe or safe in own home at night
Pathways of Year12 school leavers
Percentage of Year12 school leavers from Boroondara schools in education, training or employment
Percentage of Boroondara residents who help out as a volunteer
Health & Well-being
Percentage of Boroondara residents who had walked continuously for at least 10 minutes in previous week
Support for Working Parents
Number of long day care and family day care places available in Boroondara
DOMAIN: Dynamic, resilient local economies
Unemployment Rate
Unemployment rate (percentage) for Boroondara
DOMAIN : Sustainable built and natural environments
Residents Perception of Traffic Congestion & Access to Parking Facilities
Percentage of residents who believed Council’s performance on traffic management & parking facilities was excellent or good
Water quality of local waterways
Number of E coli organisms per 100ml in dry or wet weather in local waterways
DOMAIN: Democratic and engaged communities
Resident Satisfaction with Community Engagement
Percentage of residents who believed Council’s engagement in decision making on key local issues was excellent or good
17. Community Sustainability Indicators A range of indicators have been developed as a sample of what could be used by Local Government to measure sustainability. These are to be reviewed as part of the final phase of the project and will naturally differ from Council to Council.
18. Economic Sustainability
New business start-ups (less closures) as a % of total businesses %
Retained retail spending $
Number of Bankruptcies #
Employment to Population Ratio #
Employment Rate %
Unemployment Rate %
Net Change in Jobs by Industry Sector %
Percentage of 15-20 year olds enrolled in vocational / education
and training courses %
Export income (by industry sector) $
19. Economic Sustainability Infrastructure
Public and private sector new engineering construction $
Estimated resident population #
(or Change in estimated resident population %
Net interstate migration #
Net overseas migration #
Property average capital value
(residential, commercial/industrial, primary production) $
20. Environmental Sustainability Air Quality
Number of days when regional air quality is below the # Days
EPA’s good air quality index range (34-66)
Area of native vegetation under active management Ha
Number of species at risk (fauna and flora) #
Climate Change
Change in greenhouse gas emissions %
(or Greenhouse gas emissions by sector Tonnes (CO2-e)
Change in energy consumption by sector (household, commercial, Industrial) %
Energy consumption per property kWh
(or Annual average household electricity consumption) kWh
Electricity consumption by sector %
Energy efficiency index (residential, commercial, industrial) #
21. Environmental Sustainability
Soil Management
Area of productive land affected by soil erosion Ha
Area of land affected by dryland salinity Ha
Waste Management
Waste diverted from landfill %
Annual waste to landfill per household (excluding greenwaste) kg
Recycling (diversion) rate (recycling/total waste generation) excluding green waste #
Potable water consumption KL
Water consumption per household per year KL
River Murray environmental flows GL
River Murray salinity level Ec
Wastewater reuse (residential, commercial, industrial) ML
Percentage of reclaimed water reused %)
Water supplied per property kL
Condition of natural streams and waterways Rating
22. Social Sustainability Community Strength
Percentage of people who can get help from friends,
family or neighbours when needed %
Percentage of people who like living in their local community %
Percentage of residents who are members of an organised group %
Percentage of community groups who have taken local action %
SEIFA Index of disadvantage score #
Highest qualification achieved by community members
(by qualification category) # or %
Percentage of residents who have completed year 12 or equivalent %
23. Social Sustainability Health
Life expectancy at birth (male and female) Years
Morbidity rate (by disease category) %
Mortality rate (by type, age, gender) #
Services as good or excellent) %
Percentage of residents who are living with a mental disorder %
Percentage of residents living in the region who rate their
health as good, very good or excellent %
Percentage of residents getting adequate exercise to derive
health benefits %
Community satisfaction with regional health services (by category)
(or Percentage of residents who rate the availability of health %
24. Social Sustainability Housing Affordability
Median house prices $
Percentage of people in housing stress (spending more than
30% of their income on rent or mortgage) %
Percentage of the resident population receiving rent assistance %
Average household income per region $
Average individual taxable income $
Percentage of people who could raise $2000 in 2 days in an emergency %
Information Access
Internet usage in the community %
Offences against the person # per 1000 people
Serious criminal trespass # per 1000 people
Percentage of people who feel safe on their street, alone after dark %
25. Social Sustainability Services Access
Availability of key local services Checklist
Retained retail spending %
Percentage of people who rate access to the required range of
retail services as being good or excellent %
Sport & Recreation
Percentage of residents participating in organised sporting activities %
Percentage of residents who think sport and recreation
facilities are good or excellent %
Percentage of residents who rate facilities for teenagers as
good or excellent %
Volunteer rate for the Shire %
26. Cultural Sustainability Events
Participation in community events # or %
Participation in cultural and heritage activities
(by category eg community events, historical sites etc) # or %)
Percentage of residents that have attended a community
event in the last 6 months) %
Percentage of residents born overseas by country %
Percentage of people who speak a language other
than English %
Percentage of people who thinks multiculturalism makes
their lives better %
27. Democracy Sustainability Voting
Percentage of eligible voters who participated in
government elections (local, state, federal) %
Percentage of residents interested in becoming involved in
community decision making %
Percentage or women who run for Council %
Percentage of women elected as Councillors %
28. Where to From Here Both Councils will review current indicators that are used and confirm what indicators are applicable for the services provided.
Both Council’s to review draft sustainability indicators and confirm what indicators are applicable to for the services provided.
It is acknowledged through this process that whilst a common theme can be established in relation to Community Sustainability, Council’s differ in the area of service provision and therefore whilst a set of measures may be developed each Council must select those applicable to them.
In addition, the way each Council implements its Performance Management Framework may also vary depending on the structure of the organisation and the level of planning that either currently exists or is to be developed in the future.
Ultimately our Council or your Council may not be in a position to implement Community Sustainability through Local Area Planning however we hope that we can provide you with the means to get there when you are ready.
29. Parting Thought The Chinese have a saying that goes something like this:
"When someone shares with you something of value, You have an obligation to share it with others!"