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Community Planning and Local Economic Forums

Community Planning and Local Economic Forums. Monday 2nd December 2002. Community Planning Context. Born out of fragmentation of public sector About creating Greater coherence locally Framework for inter agency: visioning and planning agreeing priorities and objectives

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Community Planning and Local Economic Forums

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  1. Community Planning and Local Economic Forums Monday 2nd December 2002

  2. Community Planning Context • Born out of fragmentation of public sector • About creating Greater coherence locally • Framework for inter agency: • visioning and planning • agreeing priorities and objectives • agreeing joint actions • consulting with communities and stakeholders • All local authority areas have a Community Plan and partnership

  3. Community Planning …. where Ministers want it to go • Increasingly it will be the over-arching process for: liberating local leadership -effective and purposeful joint working between agencies. -marrying national & local priorities -effectivelyengaging with communities and stakeholders -objective of improving deliveryof services

  4. Just another Initiative? • No • Central to Executive's Plans • Central to Better Delivery of Services

  5. Legislation "… a process .. whereby public services in the area of the local authority are planned and provided after consultation and (on-going) co-operation … among all public bodies .. and with community bodies…"

  6. Legislative Basis continued • Duty on local authorities to 'initiate and facilitate'. • Community leadership role • Requirement to consult and co-operate (with) community bodies. • Includes business. • Duty on other core partners to 'participate' in CP: • Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise • Health Boards • Police Joint Boards and Chief Constables • Fire Service and Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority • Duty on Ministers to promote and encourage Community Planning • Duty to 'engage' in process not just produce plan

  7. Where Local Economic Forums Fit In • LEFs the Economic Dimension to Community Planning • Bringing Economic Partners to the Table • Rationalising duplication and overlap • In Strategy • In Service Delivery

  8. Community Planning about... • More coherence • Locally • National & Local Priorities • Clearer Vision • Clearer Strategy • Better Delivery - Joined-up Delivery • Stakeholder Buy In • Central to Executive Thinking

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