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ePortfolios in Speech and Language Sciences Creating a Managed Environment for Portfolio-based

ePortfolios in Speech and Language Sciences Creating a Managed Environment for Portfolio-based Reflective learning Anne Whitworth* Simon Cotterill+ Julie Bradford* Tony McDonald+ *School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences +School of Medical Education Development.

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ePortfolios in Speech and Language Sciences Creating a Managed Environment for Portfolio-based

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  1. ePortfolios in Speech and Language Sciences Creating a Managed Environment for Portfolio-based Reflective learning Anne Whitworth* Simon Cotterill+ Julie Bradford* Tony McDonald+ *School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences +School of Medical Education Development a.b.whitworth@ncl.ac.uk

  2. Speech and Language Science ProgrammeNewcastle University • 140 BSc students - 4 year programme • 40 MSc students - 2 year programme • Academic programme has hybrid PBL curriculum (CBPS) • All students (exception of BSc1) on practice placement for part of each semester (some in campus clinics, some in community) Motivating issues: • Linking reflective practice from PBL to practice - facilitating students as independent learners • Mapping of PDP to competency framework • Assuring the quality and standards of students’ placement learning - cycle of on-going review and enhancement with NHS partners • Saving trees

  3. Wider University context • Activity within SMED e.g. ePET (FDTL funded project), growing interest and expertise in ePortfolios http://www.eportfolios.ac.uk • Common Learning Programme (DoH funded) – implementation of interprofessional practice-based education for students in health and social care, including the systems developed to facilitate e-learning in practice-based learning environments http://commonlearning.ncl.ac.uk • CELT4HealthNE – promoting application of new technologies in health professional education http://www.cetl4healthne.ac.uk • BlackBoard being used as a standard tool • UTLC – supporting innovative teaching projects

  4. Project aims 1. To focus on work–based learning (the “clinical/practice placement”) 2. To support the reflective learning approach of the CBPS framework used throughout the SLS curricula- focus on real case studies (clients) not virtual or paper based- provide focus for reflection on specific competency areas 3. To integrate existing paper systems for learning outcomes (clinical competency framework) and PDP (personal clinical goal setting) 4. To develop assessment strategies consistent with PBL ethos e.g. piloting the use of Evidence Logs in the assessment process

  5. My Placements • Enables students to maintain record of all placements • Identifies gaps in experience; influence future placements • Assists in application for jobs

  6. PDP / Personal clinical goal setting • Requires explicit goal setting, action plan and measurement • Encourages mid and final evaluation for goals • Maps neatly onto our competency framework

  7. Clinical competency framework • Easy access to intended learning outcomes • Easy links to goal setting process • Printable report form

  8. Case management framework for academic modules revolves around 7 key questions • Students required to reflect on real cases on placement • Point of reference between student and CE – demonstration of competence – feeds into CE assessment • Use tool in preparation of oral assessment case presentations back on campus My Cases

  9. 1. Is interevention required? 2. Diagnosis and communication profile? 3. Model of service delivery? 4. Intervention planning/goals? 5. Generalisation to real-life? 6. Discharge criteria / planning? 7. Efficacy and effectiveness of intervention? My Cases • Case management framework for academic modules revolves around 7 key questions • Students required to reflect within ePortfolio around cases whilst on placement • Point of reference between student and CE – demonstration of competence – feeds into CE assessment • Use tool as a means of preparing for oral assessment case presentations back on campus

  10. Reflective blogs in specific areas Current examples: Experiences of interprofessional working Dysphagia (management swallowing disorders) • This aspect likely to grow… • Currently not assessed but looking at it…

  11. Piloted in semester 2, 2005-06 Some preliminary findings… • 129 students accessed the SLS ePortfolio (median logins 5, range 1 to 40) - accounts for nearly 100% of all students inducted on the system • Personal Clinical Goal Setting and My Cases (CBPS) visited most frequently • Goals were set by most students • Dysphagia and IP learning were visited by around 40-50% of students

  12. Piloted in semester 2, 2005-06 Some preliminary findings cont… • High student engagement • Regarded as highly accessible and intuitive e-learning environment • Provided a clear relationship between placement learning outcomes and personal clinical goal setting • Process of reviewing goals and progress enhanced • Facilitated reflection around real case studies (clients) in the clinical practice setting • Flexibility for additional sections to be added e.g. IPE • Integrated numerous existing paper systems – trees saved!

  13. Thoughts for the future… • Facilitating more extensive student engagement with the ePortfolio- participation and learning styles- tweaking access and navigation • Developing assessment methods explicitly around models of reflection • Exploring additional areas for inclusion that link to key competency areas • Exploring use with mobile technology • ? More explicit links with RCSLT and HPC online CPD portfolios • Embed within the CETL4HealthNE - future development - evaluation - dissemination

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