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Introduction to Linguistics Chapter 2: Phonetics. Instructor: LIU Hongyong. Phonetics: the study of speech sounds.
Introduction to LinguisticsChapter 2: Phonetics Instructor: LIU Hongyong
Phonetics: the study of speech sounds • Although different languages contain different sounds, the sounds of all the languages of the world constitute a class of sounds that the human vocal tract is able to make. All these sounds are human speech sounds. The study of human speech sounds is called phonetics.
Phonology: the study of sound patterns This property is called "duality (in patterning)". When you know a language you know the sounds of that language, and you know how to combine those sounds into words. For example, If you know the sounds /p/, /a:/, /k/, you are able to combine them to form the words parkor carp, but you know there is no sound pattern /a:pk/ or /a:kp/ in English. The study of the way sounds form patterns is called phonology. Phonology aims to discover how speech sounds in a particular language form patterns.
Three branches of phonetics • Articulatory phonetics: the study of how the vocal tract produces the sounds of language • Auditory phonetics: the study of the perception of speech sounds • Acoustic phonetics: the study of the physical properties of the speech sounds
2.2.2 Organs of speech
A. The pharyngeal cavity: • 13 windpipe, 12 glottis/vocal cords, 11 pharyngeal cavity • B. The oral cavity: • 1/2 lips, 3/4 teeth, 5 teeth ridge(alveolus), 6 hard palate,7 soft palate (velum), 14 uvula, 8 tip of tongue, 9 blade of tongue, 10 back of tongue • C. Nasal cavity: 15 15 14 咽腔
Vocal folds (cords) • The vocal folds, also known commonly as vocal cords, are composed of two membranes stretched horizontally across the larynx. • A slow-motion animation of the vocal folds vibrating during speech
Voicing: voiced vs. voiceless • Vibration of the vocal cords results in "voicing", which is a feature of all vowels and some consonants. Such consonants are voiced. • When the vocal cords are drawn wide open, letting air go through the glottis without causing vibration, the sounds produced in such a condition are voiceless.
Three nasal consonants in English bilabial nasal 双唇鼻音: /m/ alveolar nasal 齿龈鼻音: /n/ velar nasal 软腭鼻音: sink, sing, song
Orthographic representation of speech sounds IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet): A standardized and internationally accepted system of phonetic transcription. The basic principle of the IPA is using one letter to represent one sound.
Broad and Narrow Transcription • 1. Diacritics(发音符号/辨音符): the set of symbols in IPA, which are added to the letter-symbols to representsmall distinctions of sounds. /l/: leaf [li:f], feel [fi:ł](clear vs. dark) /p/:pit [phit], spit [spit] (aspirated vs. unaspirated)
Broad and Narrow Transcription Broad transcription(宽式音标): The transcription of sounds with letter-symbols only. / _ / Narrow transcription(严式音标): The transcription of sounds with letter-symbols together with the diacritics. [ _ ]
Classification of English sounds English speech sounds: • Vowels: Speech sounds which are produced with no obstructionof the vocal tract, so no turbulence or a total stopping of the air can be perceived. • Consonants: Speech sounds which are produced by constricting or obstructing the vocal tract at some place to modulate the flow of air in the vocal tract.
Classification of English consonants • Manner of articulation (发音方式) • Place of articulation (发音部位)
The IPA chart sounds • http://hctv.humnet.ucla.edu/departments/linguistics/VowelsandConsonants/course/chapter1/chapter1.html
Vowels can be divided by a number of factors: Thepositionof the tongue: front, central, back The openness of the mouth: open, semi-open, semi-close, close The shapeof the lips: rounded, unrounded The length of the vowels: long, short Classification of English vowels
Online phonetics resources http://www.unc.edu/~jlsmith/pht-url.html