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Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section. STUDENT LAUNCH INITIATIVE 2010 – 2011 AIAA OC SECTION FRR PRESENTATION APRIL 4, 2011 . Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section. Agenda. Team Introduction Finalized Vehicle Motor type and selection Rocket flight stability

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  2. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Agenda • Team Introduction • Finalized Vehicle • Motor type and selection • Rocket flight stability • Parachute and descent rates • Test plans and procedures • Black Powder test • Dual Deployment • Full scale lunch • Lessons learned – Vehicle • Payload • Payload integration • Lessons learned – Payload • Educational Outreach • Questions

  3. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Modified Since Original Posting Almost Everything 

  4. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Finalized Vehicle – Black Brant

  5. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Forward Section – Black Brant

  6. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Avionics Bay – Black Brant

  7. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Rear Section – Black Brant

  8. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Finalized Vehicle – Black Brant

  9. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Velocity Vs Time Graph

  10. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Static Margin Diagram

  11. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Construction Details

  12. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Construction Details cont’d

  13. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Motor Selection

  14. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Cesaroni K635 Red Lightning(Preferred)

  15. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Cesaroni K490 Green(alternate)

  16. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Parachute Size & Descent Rates • Rocket mass = 221.65 oz • Drogue chute diameter = 24 in. • Main chute diameter = 72 in. • Calculated projected velocity for each chute with online calculator and by hand • v2 = 2FD / (ρ)(CD)(A) • CD = 1.00 • FD = mg = (6.285 kg)(9.8 m/s2) • Hand: vdrogue= 60.99 ft/s Online: vdrogue = 68.57 ft/s • Hand: vmain= 17.43 ft/s Online: vmain= 19.59 ft/s • Required: Drogue 50-100 ft/s Main: 17-22 ft/s

  17. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section GPS TRACKING • Transmitter in Vehicle • Big Red Bee Beeline GPS • RF: 17mW on 433.920 MHz • Battery and life: 750mAh 10 Hrs • Size: 1.25” x 3” 2 ounces • Ground Station • Receiver: Yaesu VX-6R • TNC: Byonics Tiny Track 4 • GPS: GarmineTrex Vista • Beeline receives GPS position • Encodes as AX.25 packet data • Sends as 1200 baud audio on 433.92 MHz • VX-6R receives at 433.92 MHz and extracts audio • TinyTrack 4 converts audio to digital NMEA location data • Garmin displays the digital location data on human screen

  18. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Payload • G-Wiz Partners HCX flight computer - measures acceleration of the rocket • Toshiba hard drive – test subject; we will run a Linux script on the hard drive over and over again; the time the hard drive takes to run the script each time is measured • Simple net computer/Linux computer – the mini computer that will execute the Linux script on the hard drive; it will be initialized automatically; the flight data will be recorded on a flash drive inserted into this computer • Power converter – Keeps a steady flow of power to the payload components

  19. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Payload Details On power up, the Linux computer starts executing a shell script that repeatedly writes and reads 32 K Bytes of zeros to the hard drive, logging the time this takes to a flash thumb drive Program Source Code #!/bin/sh PATH=/bin while true do date >>/var/ftp/LEXAR/log.txt time dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda2 bs=65536 count=32 skip=64>>/var/ftp/LEXAR/log.txt 2>&1 time sync >>/var/ftp/LEXAR/log.txt 2>&1 time dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda2 bs=65536 count=32 skip=128>>/var/ftp/LEXAR/log.txt 2>&1 time sync >>/var/ftp/LEXAR/log.txt 2>&1 tail -n 10 /var/ftp/LEXAR/log.txt done Program Output (Log File) Fri Feb 11 22:36:49 UTC 2011 8+0 records in 8+0 records out real 0m 0.10s user 0m 0.00s sys 0m 0.06s Fri Feb 11 22:36:49 UTC 2011 8+0 records in 8+0 records out real 0m 0.20s user 0m 0.00s sys 0m 0.06s Fri Feb 11 22:36:49 UTC 2011 8+0 records in 8+0 records out real 0m 0.16s user 0m 0.01s sys 0m 0.05s

  20. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Payload Integration • The payload will be screwed onto the assembly • Batteries are held by a combination of battery holders and zip ties • Wires are crimped, except for those going to the battery holders, which are tinned • Power to the components are controlled by key switches

  21. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Test Flight #1 Payload Results • Observed Results • The script started properly and began to measure and record times • The script continued to run properly, but shortly after launch the file system on the hard drive became corrupted so accesses stopped and no meaningful data was recorded • The hard drive was not damaged and could still be used (with reformatting) • Changes before next flight • The file system will no longer be used – we access the raw sectors on the disk – yielding the following advantages. • There is no file system code • There is no risk of erroring out due to a corrupted file system • We have more control over the seeking of the hard drive • Code runs much faster since without the file system

  22. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Recovery Electronics Flight Computer #2 • G-Wiz Partners HCX 56G • 1.10” x 5.50” 45 grams • Accelerometer based altitude • Pyro output at Apogee • Pyro output at 900 ft altitude • 9VDC at 65ma for 3 hour battery life • Separate CPU and Pyro batteries • Two Safety interlock switch on body tube (1-CPU and 1-Pyro) Flight Computer #1 • PerfectFlite MAWD • .90” x 3.00” 20 grams • Barometric pressure based altitude • Pyro output at Apogee • Pyro output at 900 ft altitude • 9VDC at 8ma for 28 hour battery life • One battery for both CPU and Pyro • Safety interlock switch on avionics bay

  23. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Recovery - Dual Deployment • Electronics: MAWD Perfect Flight, HCX G-Wiz Partners • The electronics will “back” one another up in case one pyro (either drogue or main) does not fire. • Drogue Parachute will be deployed at apogee • Main Parachute will be deployed at 900ft • The electronics have been tested several tests have been done: • Christmas tree light test • Vacuum Chamber test • Second flight in the scale rocket (MAWD Only) • Third Flight in scale model (MAWD Only) • First Flight in full scale model (MAWD and HCX)

  24. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Previous Recovery Electronics Tests

  25. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Black Powder Charge Calculating the black powder charges is a two step process Pressure needed to shear pins (#2 screws - 3x35lbs each) and eject the parachute. We will use 200lbs (drogue) and 250 lbs (main) to shear pins, overcome friction and eject. Surface Area = π * r 2 = 3.14 * 22 = 12.56 in2 For 200 lbs / 12.56 in2 = 15.9 PSI   250 lbs / 12.56 in2 = 19.9 PSI Amount of black powder to reach that pressure Grams of Black Powder = C * D2 * L Where: D = Diameter of the airframe in inches L = Length of the airframe in inches C = 0.006 for 15psi and 0.008 for 20 psi. For a 4” diameter airframe of 17” long, we require 200 lbs (16 psi) = .0064 * 42in * 17in = 1.74 grams 250 lbs (20 psi) = .008 * 42in * 17in = 2.17 grams

  26. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Black Powder Charge Test The table below shows the testing our team has done with black powder charges

  27. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Other Previous Testing

  28. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section 1st Full Scale Flight Analysis • First Flight • Cesaroni K400 (Total thrust: 1597 – Burn 3.2s) • Wind was very heavy (15 MPH) • Vehicle was stable although it did weathercock • All ejection charges fired at the proper times • Drogue deployed just after apogee as programmed • Main ejection charge did not fully deploy the parachute • Reached 3339 ft at apogee • Partiall successful flight (see curve from MAWD)

  29. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Corrective Actions • After the first flight we did several additional ground tests to deploy the main until it fully and easily deployed: • Increase the black powder charge to 2.5 grams • Move the black powder charge so it pushes the parachute out from behind • The parachute needs to be rolled much tighter • The shroud lines need to be wrapped around the outside of the parachute to hold its tight packing • The attachment point of the parachute is now right at the avionics bay instead of 1 foot away along the shock cord • The Nomex shield protecting the shock cord has been replaced by a sleeve to minimize obstructions • The Nomex shield protecting the parachute needs to be packed around it like a burrito.

  30. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section 2nd Full Scale Flight Analysis • Second Flight • Cesaroni K500 (Total thrust 1596N – Burn: 4s) • Wind was very light/moderate (5-8 MPH) • Vehicle was stable and flew straight • All ejection charges fired at the proper times • Drogue deployed just after apogee as programmed • Main deployed at 900 feet as programmed • Reached 4059 feet • Successful flight (see curve from MAWD)

  31. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Second Flight Full Scale Launch

  32. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Lessons Learned from Scale Model Test Flight

  33. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Recovery Lessons Learned from Full Sized Vehicle Test Flight

  34. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Payload Lessons Learned from Full Sized Vehicle Test Flight

  35. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Website • AIAAOCRocketry.org • SLI 2010-2011 • Documents • Calendar • Photos/Videos • Manuals • MSDS

  36. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Educational Outreach Cloverdale 4-H club Girl Scouts workshop Presentations to Sunny Hills High School Science classes to get involved Articles published/ will be published in the Orange County Register, The Foothill Sentry, and the Sunny Hills High School Accolade We will have a booth at Youth Expo, April 9th to April 11th, we will reach a few hundred kids.

  37. Student Launch Initiative AIAA OC Section Thank you for letting us be part of SLI Questions?

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