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Mrs. Marcie Ackell

Mrs. Marcie Ackell. Red Phoenix Team Language Arts and Science Room 205. Welcome !. The preferred way to communicate with team teachers is e-mail. Messages may be left in voicemail. Please make sure contact information is always up to date on your child’s information sheet.

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Mrs. Marcie Ackell

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mrs. Marcie Ackell Red Phoenix Team Language Arts and Science Room 205

  2. Welcome ! • The preferred way to communicate with team teachers is e-mail. Messages may be left in voicemail. • Please make sure contact information is always up to date on your child’s information sheet.

  3. Daily Procedures • A.M. Arrival-Locker and Restroom • Materials – in place and ready for class when the 7:40 bell rings. - Missing any materials – unprepared for class • Planners-All assignments and important information recorded daily as directed

  4. Daily Procedures Continued… Assignments – full name and date - follow directions - complete and neat - point system – all home work assignments/points Late/missed assignments-District Policy : The earned percentage rate will be reduced by 10% for the first day, 20% for the second day, 30% for the third day, and 0% on the fourth day. * Example- If a student earns an 80% on the assignment and it is one day late, the final grade will be a 70%, with two days late 60%, and with three days late 50%. After three school days, late work will no longer be accepted.

  5. Reading • Daily Materials – journals, books, planner, homework, and sharpened pencils • Reading instruction – Houghton Mifflin Anthology and Leveled Readers - Anthology – class instruction - Leveled Readers – group instruction -Curriculum based on state standards • Book Reports/Reviews – Independent reading - Hatchet –current class assignment - Approximately 2-4 books/marking period

  6. Language Arts : English • English – includes grammar and written composition • Parts of speech, sentence structure, paragraphs • Personal Narrative • Persuasive • Research

  7. Language Arts Grades • Secondary report card is used • Grades are reported as percent • There is one grade for Language Arts: • Assessments .50 • Quizzes .25 • Classwork .15 • Homework .10

  8. Academic Enrichment Period • Work on current assignments or read quietly • Academic support as needed-Students may seek help in core subjects • Make up work (absences) • Library/Computer Lab as needed • Extra curricular activities • Band, Orchestra, Chorus

  9. Misc. Homework: • Daily Calendar – on our Team’s website http://www.cdschools.org/Page/10532 • HW Buddy – absent from school • Student is responsible for obtaining missed assignments • Lunch • Please make sure your child eats breakfast daily. • Discuss lunch choices and amount they should spend. Only 1 “charged” lunch is permitted. • eSchoolsPlus-to monitor your child’s progress online (HAC)

  10. Misc. • Rams Rule Coupons-6th grade behavior incentive program • Warning Card System-Building Behavior Plan Procedures and routines - Unprepared for class –after three signatures in the log

  11. Misc. Protocol for collecting work while students are sick… • At the middle school we do not collect homework for students unless they have been absent for 3 or more days. Students are encouraged to check the team page on CD Middle's web site to see what assignments they missed. Students are given one day for every day missed to make up assignments.

  12. The best way to contact me: mackell@cdschools.org Miss Williams long-term substitute: mkwilliams@cdschools.org Telephone: 540-4606 Ext. 74113 to leave voicemail. Calls will be returned as soon as possible, usually at the end of the day. Thank You for Coming !

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