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Documenta 13 2012. un panorama de la apertura http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXFkTdeR1CY.
un panorama de la aperturahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXFkTdeR1CY
académico, activista, agente, agrocientífico, agroecologista, antropólogo, arqueólogo,artista, bailarín, biólogo, científico, cineasta, consejero, conservador, coreógrafo, crítico, curador, director cinematográfico, economista, editor, escritor, feminista, físico, hipnoterapeuta, historiador, historiador del arte, iconólogo, ingeniero, investigador, poeta, politólogo, psicoanalista, teórico cultural, traductor, zoólogoLa lista completa de participantes de la dOCUMENTA (13)se publicará el 6.06.2012
académico, activista, activista capital, agente, agente principal, agrocientífico, agroecologista, analista cultural, analista inconsciente, analista social, antropólogo, antropólogo cultural, antropólogo de la globalización, arqueólogo, arquitecto, artista, artista de no-arte, artistas, asesor, autor, bailarín, biólogo, científico, científico informático, cineasta, cineastas, compositor, Comunes, conservador, coreógrafo, corrector, crítico, crítico cultural, crítico de arte, crítico literario, curador, director artístico, director cinematográfico, director de departamento, diseñador, economista, editor, escritor, esculturas deformadas, feminista, filósofo, filósofo de la ciencia, filósofo de la política, físico, fotógrafo, genetista, hipnoterapeuta, historiador, historiador de la cultura, historiador del arte, iconólogo, ingeniero, ingeniero informático, inventor, investigador, jardinero, músico, performer, poeta, poetas, politólogo, psicoanalista, sacerdote, teórico, singularidades de cualquier tipo, teórico cultural, teórico de estudios científicos, teórico político, teórico social, traductor, zoólogo.
académico, activista, activista capital, agente, agente principal, agrocientífico, agroecologista, analista cultural, analista inconsciente, analista social, antropólogo, antropólogo cultural, antropólogo de la globalización, arqueólogo, arquitecto, artista, artista de no-arte, artistas, asesor, autor, bailarín, biólogo, científico, científico informático, cineasta, cineastas, compositor, Comunes, conservador, coreógrafo, corrector, crítico, crítico cultural, crítico de arte, crítico literario, curador, director artístico, director cinematográfico, director de departamento, diseñador, economista, editor, escritor, esculturas deformadas, feminista, filósofo, filósofo de la ciencia, filósofo de la política, físico, fotógrafo, genetista, hipnoterapeuta, historiador, historiador de la cultura, historiador del arte, iconólogo, ingeniero, ingeniero informático, inventor, investigador, jardinero, músico, performer, poeta, poetas, politólogo, psicoanalista, sacerdote, teórico, singularidades de cualquier tipo, teórico cultural, teórico de estudios científicos, teórico político, teórico social, traductor, zoólogo.
El agente principal (coreagent) es un concepto que se relaciona con un sistema multiagente(MAS, Mutli-AgentSystem), esto es, un sistema compuesto de múltiples agentes inteligentes interactuantes dentro de un entorno.Los sistemas multiagente pueden utilizarse para solucionar problemas dificultosos o imposibles de resolverpara un agente individual o un sistema monolítico.La inteligencia de los agentes puede incluir búsquedas, hallazgo y procesamientos metódicos, funcionales, procedimentales o algorítmicos.Los asuntos donde la investigación a partir de sistemas multiagente pueden proporcionar una aproximación adecuada comprende instancias complejas como las mercantiles, las responsivas a catástrofes o las ligadas al modelado de estructuras sociales.Estos sistemas se basan en no efectuar coacción alguna sobre la arquitectura interna de los agentes que lo componenni asumir formalismo alguno para los agentes individuales.El concepto básico de agente sólo es especificado como una entidad de comunicación activa que juega roles dentro de grupos; este definición es intencionalmente de carácter general para permitir a los diseñador de agentes adoptar una definición más exacta de agentividad en relación a su uso, pues de él depende la elección del modelo de agente más apropiado.Los sistemas multiagente pueden opera a partir de la constitución interna de grupos, esto es, conjuntos atómicos de agregaciones de agentes. Cada agente puede ser parte de n grupos al mismo tiempo. En su forma más básica, el grupo es sólo una manera de etiquetar un conjunto de agentes; en formas más complejas, y a partir de la instancia de roles, un grupo puede constituir en per se un sistema multiagente. Todo agente puede formar un grupo, y cualquier agente debe solicitar su admisión para formar parte de un grupo existente.El rol es una representación abstracta de una función, servicio o identificación de un agente dentro de un grupo. Cada agente puede manipular varios roles, y cada uno de ellos está referido a un grupo. Como sucede con la admisión a un grupo, cumplir un rol en un grupo debe ser requerido por un agente candidato y no necesariamente es concedido. Las comunicaciones están siempre referidas a roles, cumplidos por agentes específicos. El mecanismo particular para el acceso al rol dentro de un grupo no está previamente definido. Funciones posibles de admisión pueden ser la aceptación o el rechazo sistemáticos, la admisión a partir de habilidades, coacciones de puesta en práctica, aceptación condicionada por el diálogo, admisión dependiente del estado del grupo, etc.(Olivier Gutknecht, Jacques Ferber. Anorganizational-levelmethodologyformulti-agentdesign.Laboratoired'Informatique, Robotique et Micro-électronique de Montpellier. CNRS - Université Montpellier II, 1998)
académico, activista, activista capital, agente, agente principal, agrocientífico, agroecologista, analista cultural, analista inconsciente, analista social, antropólogo, antropólogo cultural, antropólogo de la globalización, arqueólogo, arquitecto, artista, artista de no-arte, artistas, asesor, autor, bailarín, biólogo, científico, científico informático, cineasta, cineastas, compositor, Comunes, conservador, coreógrafo, corrector, crítico, crítico cultural, crítico de arte, crítico literario, curador, director artístico, director cinematográfico, director de departamento, diseñador, economista, editor, escritor, esculturas deformadas, feminista, filósofo, filósofo de la ciencia, filósofo de la política, físico, fotógrafo, genetista, hipnoterapeuta, historiador, historiador de la cultura, historiador del arte, iconólogo, ingeniero, ingeniero informático, inventor, investigador, jardinero, músico, performer, poeta, poetas, politólogo, psicoanalista, sacerdote, teórico, singularidades de cualquier tipo, teórico cultural, teórico de estudios científicos, teórico político, teórico social, traductor, zoólogo.
“I don’t have a concept,” said documenta 13 artistic director Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev to those gathered to kick off the year's most anticipated exhibition. While that may be the case, what Christov-Bakargiev does have is a lot of thoughts. “I want to give a lecture,” she continued, later laughing, “This is serious you know; this is documenta.”The curator's 30-minute opening remarks spanned from Adorno and aesthetic autonomy to neurology, and from the desires of meteorites to the digital roots of rifts between rich and poor, causing some actually to cry out for her to end. (One outspoken woman burst out, “This is very un-polite. People from all over the world have come to listen to you!” as the artistic director skipped through vast portions of her opening essay.) Despite the commotion, four abstract curatorial themes or narratives became clear in the opening speech: the stage of subjecthood; besiegement by others; hope, optimism, and anticipation; and the state of retreat.As for the all-important artist list, it is nearly 300 strong. Participants for the most part hail from a visual arts background — as one would expect at a big art show — however, philosophers and social and cultural theorists such as Judith Butler, Andrea Cavalletti, Donna Harraway, and Christoph Menke dot the list, as well as more obscure figures such as Suely Rolnik, listed as an “Unconscious analyst.” Demographically, the list is extremely gender-balanced in comparison to many international art exhibitions. A great number of artists who figured in Christov-Bakargiev's 2008 Sydney Biennale such as Janet Cardiff & George Burges Miller, and various Arte Povera artists — a specially of this curator — such as Giuseppe Penone and Alighiero Boetti also make the trip to Kassel.As Christov-Bakargiev’s own feminist background suggests, issues of women's rights figure heavily in the exhibition. However, other tenets also prove important, such as questions of location — highlighted by the co-existence documenta 13’s four cities: This year, the show is also launching exhibitions in Kabul and Bamiyan in Afganistan, Alexandria and Cairo in Egypt, and Banff in Canada. “Located in an apparent simultaneity of places and times, they acquire meaning only through their interrelations,” Christov-Bakargiev explained to the crowd.She also stated that she wished to point to non-human artistic and political motivations, addressing at length her failure to bring the El Chaco Meteorite to Kassel from its age-old seat in Argentina, a curatorial gambit that was announced last January. “Does [El Chaco] have any rights and how could it express them...would it have enjoyed a short trip to an art exhibition?” she asked.Finally, it's worth noting that this year, writing and storytelling both figure prominently in the exhibition, via a writing residency titled, “Chorality. On Retreat.” As was predicted, within the city of Kassel itself, locations have multiplied in comparison to past documentas. Beside the Fridericianum, the documenta-Halle, and the Neue Galerie, the exhibition spans nine further locations, including the Karlsaue Park where Tacita Dean has created an installation in a small house. Now the race to see it all in three short days begins.The full list of artists follows: […] Alexander Forbes, ARTINFO Germany. 8.06.2012http://in.artinfo.com/news/story/807930/documenta-kicks-off-with-a-genre-busting-list-of-nearly-300-artists-and-a-concern-for-the-rights-of-space-rocks
Suely Rolnik, curadora, crítica, psicoanalistaProfesora de la Universidad Católica de San Pablo, donde fundó el Centro de Estudios de la Subjetividad en el Programa Doctoral de Psicología Clínica (1982). Desde 1982, Profesorainvitada del Programa de Estudios Independientes (MACBA., España). Entre otros escritos, es coautora, con Felix Guattari, de Micropolítica. Cartografias do desejo (1986, traducido a cinco idiomas).
En el proyecto 100 Notas – 100 Pensamientos, es autora del número 22: Archive ManiaEn décadas recientes, el interés del mundo del arte en los archivos se ha incrementado de manera vertiginosa, desarrollando una verdadera “compulsión al archivo”. En su texto, Rolnik describe las raíces de esta tendencia en el arte conceptual de las décadas de 1960 y 1970, enfocándose en los países de América Latina bajo dictaduras militares. Ella percie una explicación para este fenómeno en la “represión colonial inconsciente” que, como los regímenes dictatoriales en estos países, dejpo tras suyo un trauma de gran alcance, y condujo a una separación entre lo poético y lo político, ensanchada por los malentendidos de la historia “oficial” del arte que interpreta las prácticas artísticas que es posible hallar allí en términos de arte conceptual “político” o “ideológico”. Sobre esta fondo irrumpe el deseo de dirigirse nuevamente a los archivos y rectivar la fusión de las fuerzas poéticas y lo políticas.
“I don’t have a concept,” said documenta 13 artistic director Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev to those gathered to kick off the year's most anticipated exhibition. While that may be the case, what Christov-Bakargiev does have is a lot of thoughts. “I want to give a lecture,” she continued, later laughing, “This is serious you know; this is documenta.”The curator's 30-minute opening remarks spanned from Adorno and aesthetic autonomy to neurology, and from the desires of meteorites to the digital roots of rifts between rich and poor, causing some actually to cry out for her to end. (One outspoken woman burst out, “This is very un-polite. People from all over the world have come to listen to you!” as the artistic director skipped through vast portions of her opening essay.) Despite the commotion, four abstract curatorial themes or narratives became clear in the opening speech: the stage of subjecthood; besiegement by others; hope, optimism, and anticipation; and the state of retreat.As for the all-important artist list, it is nearly 300 strong. Participants for the most part hail from a visual arts background — as one would expect at a big art show — however, philosophers and social and cultural theorists such as Judith Butler, Andrea Cavalletti, Donna Harraway, and Christoph Menke dot the list, as well as more obscure figures such as Suely Rolnik, listed as an “Unconscious analyst.” Demographically, the list is extremely gender-balanced in comparison to many international art exhibitions. A great number of artists who figured in Christov-Bakargiev's 2008 Sydney Biennale such as Janet Cardiff & George Burges Miller, and various Arte Povera artists — a specially of this curator — such as Giuseppe Penone and Alighiero Boetti also make the trip to Kassel.As Christov-Bakargiev’s own feminist background suggests, issues of women's rights figure heavily in the exhibition. However, other tenets also prove important, such as questions of location — highlighted by the co-existence documenta 13’s four cities: This year, the show is also launching exhibitions in Kabul and Bamiyan in Afganistan, Alexandria and Cairo in Egypt, and Banff in Canada. “Located in an apparent simultaneity of places and times, they acquire meaning only through their interrelations,” Christov-Bakargiev explained to the crowd.She also stated that she wished to point to non-human artistic and political motivations, addressing at length her failure to bring the El Chaco Meteorite to Kassel from its age-old seat in Argentina, a curatorial gambit that was announced last January. “Does [El Chaco] have any rights and how could it express them...would it have enjoyed a short trip to an art exhibition?” she asked.Finally, it's worth noting that this year, writing and storytelling both figure prominently in the exhibition, via a writing residency titled, “Chorality. On Retreat.” As was predicted, within the city of Kassel itself, locations have multiplied in comparison to past documentas. Beside the Fridericianum, the documenta-Halle, and the Neue Galerie, the exhibition spans nine further locations, including the Karlsaue Park where Tacita Dean has created an installation in a small house. Now the race to see it all in three short days begins.The full list of artists follows: […] Alexander Forbes, ARTINFO Germany. 8.06.2012http://in.artinfo.com/news/story/807930/documenta-kicks-off-with-a-genre-busting-list-of-nearly-300-artists-and-a-concern-for-the-rights-of-space-rocks
Leeza Ahmady, Agent; CuratorKorbinian Aigner, Artist; Gardener; PriestVyacheslav Akhunov, ArtistBarmak Akram, Filmmaker; ArtistKhadim Ali, ArtistEric Alliez, PhilosopherAllora & Calzadilla, ArtistsMaria Thereza Alves, ArtistAlÿs, Francis, ArtistAyreen Anastas, Agent; Artist; ResearcherAND AND AND, Commoners; Poets; Whatever-singularitiesArjun Appadurai, Anthropologist of globalizationIda Applebroog, ArtistIrina Aristarkhova, Cultural TheoristMohammad Yusuf Asefi, ArtistDoug Ashford, ArtistTarek Atoui, ArtistKader Attia, ArtistJulie Ault, ArtistAlexandra Bachzetsis, ArtistBactrian Princesses Nanni Balestrini, Artist; Poet; WriterAmy Balkin, ArtistLars Bang Larsen, Art HistorianKaren Barad, Physicist; Philosopher; Theorist; Scholar; AuthorBassam El Baroni, Art Critic; CuratorJudith Barry, ArtistMassimo Bartolini, ArtistGianfranco Baruchello, ArtistAhmed Basiony, ArtistHrach Bayadyan, Cultural CriticThomas Bayrle, ArtistJérôme Bel, ChoreographerMario Bellatin, Advisor; WriterGordon Bennett, ArtistJill Bennett, Cultural Historian; Theorist; CuratorFranco Bifo – Berardi, Activist; Philosopher; WriterRossella Biscotti, ArtistIwona Blazwick, Advisor; CuratorManon de Boer, ArtistAlighiero Boetti, ArtistAnna Boghiguian, ArtistBruno Bosteels, CriticCarol Bove, ArtistAli Brivanlou, Advisor; BiologistKristina Buch, ArtistSusan Buck-Morss, Philosopher; Cultural HistorianAndrea Büttner, ArtistJudith Butler, Cultural Theorist; PhilosopherGerard Byrne, ArtistCAMP (founded 2007 by Shaina Anand, Sanjay Bhangar, and Ashok Sukumaran), ArtistsCardiff, Janet & Bures Miller, George, ArtistsEmily Carr, ArtistMariana Castillo Deball, ArtistAndrea Cavalletti, PhilosopherGeorge Chan, Agroscientist; EngineerPaul Chan, ArtistKudzanai Chiurai, ArtistCarolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Artistic DirectorGeoff Cox, Critic; Writer; CuratorCritical Art Ensemble, ArtistsAbraham Cruzvillegas, ArtistIstván Csákány, ArtistAttila Csörgő, ArtistAntoni Cumella, ArtistSalvador Dalí, ArtistMarie Darrieussecq, WriterDietmar Dath, Writer; TranslatorLydia Davis, Writer; TranslatorTacita Dean, ArtistMark Dion, ArtistThea Djordjadze, ArtistWillie Doherty, ArtistNikola Doll, Art Historian; CuratorTrisha Donnelly, ArtistSam Durant, ArtistJimmie Durham, ArtistEpaminonda, Haris & Cramer, Daniel Gustav, ArtistsCevdet Erek, ArtistMichael Eskin, Author; Literary Critic; PublisherFaivovich, Guillermo & Goldberg, Nicolás, ArtistsMatias Faldbakken, Artist; WriterGeoffrey Farmer, ArtistOmer Fast, ArtistLara Favaretto, ArtistSilvia Federici, Feminist; Scholar; ActivistCeal Floyer, ArtistLlyn Foulkes, ArtistAbul Qasem Foushanji, ArtistChiara Fumai, ArtistBettina Funcke, Writer; EditorRene Gabri, Agent; Artist; ResearcherPeter L. Galison,Historian and Philosopher of Science; FilmmakerDario Gamboni, Art HistorianRyan Gander, ArtistDora García, ArtistFernando García-Dory, ArtistMario Garcia Torres, ArtistTheaster Gates, ArtistJeanno Gaussi, ArtistAshraf Ghani, Anthropologist; Political ScientistMariam Ghani, ArtistSimryn Gill, ArtistKenneth Goldsmith, PoetJulio González, ArtistAvery F. Gordon, Writer; Social TheoristTue Greenfort, Agent; ArtistBoris Groys, PhilosopherDurs Grünbein, PoetPéter György, Cultural TheoristZainab Haidary, ArtistFiona Hall, ArtistDorothea von Hantelmann, Art HistorianDonna Haraway, Advisor; Science Studies and Cultural TheoristMichael Hardt, Philosopher; Political TheoristGraham Harman, PhilosopherSalah M. Hassan, Advisor; Art Historian; Cultural TheoristFlorian Hecker, ArtistAlanna Heiss, CuratorDaniel Heller-Roazen, PhilosopherTamara Henderson, ArtistSofía Hernández Chong Cuy, Agent; Curator; WriterSusan Hiller, ArtistHorst Hoheisel, ArtistBrian Holmes, Cultural CriticJudith Hopf, ArtistHourani, Khaled with Amjad Ghannam and Rashid Masharawi, ArtistsPierre Huyghe, Advisor; ArtistSonallah Ibrahim, WriterSanja Iveković, ArtistEmily Jacir, ArtistAlejandro Jodorowsky, FilmmakerToril Johannessen, ArtistJoan Jonas, ArtistBrian Jungen, ArtistJungen, Brian and Linklater, Duane, ArtistsRudolf Kaesbach, ArtistKahn, Robin & La Cooperativa Unidad Nacional Mujeres Saharauis (The National Union of Women rom Western Sahara), ArtistMasood Kamandy, ArtistAmar Kanwar, ArtistWilliam Kentridge, ArtistHassan Khan, Artist; Musician; WriterSunjung Kim, Agent; CuratorAdam Kleinman, Agent; Curator; WriterAlexander Kluge, Filmmaker; WriterKoyo Kouoh, Agent; CuratorJoasia Krysa, Agent; CuratorChristian Kuhtz, InventorErkki Kurenniemi, Artist; PhysicistMarta Kuzma, Agent; CuratorAdriana Lara, ArtistHoracio Larrain Barros, Cultural AnthropologistLê, Dinh Q. in collaboration with Vu Giang Huong, Quang Tho, Huynh Phuong Dong, Nguyen Thu, ruong Hieu, Phan Oanh, Nguyen Toan Thi, Duong Anh, Minh Phuong, Kim Tien, Quach Phong, guyen Thanh Chau, ArtistsPamela M. Lee, Art Historian; Art CriticJolyon Leslie, ArchitectGabriel Lester, ArtistDavid Levi Strauss, Art Historian; Cultural CriticDavid Link, Artist; Computer ScientistMaria Loboda, ArtistMark Lombardi, ArtistAníbal López, ArtistRenata Lucas, ArtistLutyens, Marcos & Raimundas Malašauskas, featuring Sissel Tolaas, ArtistsGoshka Macuga, ArtistAnna Maria Maiolino, ArtistCatherine Malabou,PhilosopherNalini Malani, ArtistRaimundas Malašauskas, Agent; Artist; Curator; WriterMan Ray, ArtistChus Martínez, Head of Department; Core Agent; Curator; WriterMaria Martins, ArtistFrancesco Matarrese, ArtistFabio Mauri, ArtistJulie Mehretu, ArtistJohn Menick, Artist; Writer; FilmmakerChristoph Menke, PhilosopherGustav Metzger, ArtistLee Miller, PhotographerW. J. T. Mitchell, Art HistorianAman Mojadidi, ArtistMOON Kyungwon & JEON Joonho, ArtistsGareth Moore, ArtistGiorgio Morandi, ArtistRomaine Moreton, PoetRabih Mroué, ArtistStephen Muecke, Cultural Theorist; WriterChristian Philipp Müller, ArtistZanele Muholi, ArtistIngo Niermann, WriterArne Nordheim, ComposerM.A. Numminen, Composer; PerformerObjects damaged during the Lebanese Civil War (1975–90), Deformed SculpturesHans Ulrich Obrist, Critic; CuratorShinro Ohtake, ArtistRahraw Omarzad, ArtistRoman Ondák, ArtistFüsun Onur, ArtistThe Otolith Group, ArtistsLívia Páldi, Agent; CuratorChristodoulos Panayiotou, ArtistNikos Papastergiadis, Cultural TheoristAaron Peck, Writer; Art CriticGiuseppe Penone, ArtistClaire Pentecost, ArtistAlexei Penzin, PhilosopherHetti Perkins, Agent; CuratorMichael Petzet, Advisor; ConservationistSusan Philipsz, ArtistPratchaya Phinthong, ArtistSopheap Pich, ArtistGriselda Pollock, Art Historian; Cultural TheoristLea Porsager, ArtistMichael Portnoy, ArtistMargaret Preston, ArtistSeth Price, ArtistAna Prvacki, ArtistWalid Raad, ArtistAtiq Rahimi, WriterMichael Rakowitz, ArtistAraya Rasdjarmrearnsook, ArtistDoreen Reid Nakamarra, ArtistPedro Reyes, ArtistGunnar Richter, Artist; HistorianSarah Rifky, Agent; CuratorStuart Ringholt, ArtistRobbins, Ruth & Red Vaughan Tremmel, ArtistsRodas, Juana Marta & Isidrez, Julia, ArtistsSuely Rolnik, Unconscious AnalystJacqueline Rose, Cultural TheoristAndrew Ross, Social and Cultural AnalystPascal Rousseau, Art Historian; CuratorPaul Ryan, ArtistHannah Ryggen, ArtistNawal El Saadawi, WriterNatascha Sadr Haghighian, ArchitectAnri Sala, ArtistCharlotte Salomon, ArtistIssa Samb, Artist; WriterAnnemarie Sauzeau, Writer; Art CriticInes Schaber, ArtistEva Scharrer, Agent; Curator; Writer; Art HistorianKitty Scott, Agent; CuratorTino Sehgal, ArtistAlbert Serra, Filmmaker; ArtistNicola Setari, Agent, PhilosopherTejal Shah, ArtistWael Shawky, ArtistZolaykha Sherzad, DesignerAdania Shibli, WriterVandana Shiva, Seed ActivistNedko Solakov, ArtistSong Dong, ArtistTamás St.Turba, Non-Art-ArtistAlexandra Sukhareva, ArtistImre Szeman, Cultural TheoristMika Taanila, Artist, FilmmakerMohsen Taasha, ArtistG. M. Tamás,PhilosopherAlexander Tarakhovsky, Advisor; GeneticistMichael Taussig, Advisor; AnthropologistJane Taylor, Advisor; Cultural Theorist; WriterJavier Téllez, ArtistAase Texmon Rygh, ArtistWarwick Thornton, FilmmakerTime/Bank (e-flux: Julieta Aranda & Anton Vidokle), ArtistsWarlimpirrnga Tjapaltjarri, ArtistJalal Toufic, Artist; WriterRosemarie Trockel, ArtistMario Tronti, Political PhilosopherVandy Rattana, Artist; PhotographerVann Nath, ArtistChiara Vecchiarelli, Curator; WriterIgnacio Vidal-Folch, WriterEnrique Vila-Matas, WriterAndrea Viliani, Agent; CuratorAdrián Villar Rojas, ArtistEduardo Viveiros de Castro, AnthropologistJeronimo Voss, ArtistVu Giang Huong, ArtistRoy Wagner, AnthropologistIan Wallace, ArtistJessica Warboys, ArtistLori Waxman, CriticClemens von Wedemeyer, ArtistApichatpong Weerasethakul in collaboration with Chaisiri Jiwarangsan, Filmmakers; ArtistsLawrence Weiner, ArtistEyal Weizman, ArchitectYan Lei, ArtistHaegue Yang, ArtistAkram Zaatari, ArtistZalmaï, ArtistAlejandro Zambra, WriterAnton Zeilinger, Advisor; PhysicistKonrad Zuse, Artist; Computer Engineer
Leeza Ahmady, Agent; CuratorKorbinian Aigner, Artist; Gardener; PriestVyacheslav Akhunov, ArtistBarmak Akram, Filmmaker; ArtistKhadim Ali, ArtistEric Alliez, PhilosopherAllora & Calzadilla, ArtistsMaria Thereza Alves, ArtistAlÿs, Francis, ArtistAyreen Anastas, Agent; Artist; ResearcherAND AND AND, Commoners; Poets; Whatever-singularitiesArjun Appadurai, Anthropologist of globalizationIda Applebroog, ArtistIrina Aristarkhova, Cultural TheoristMohammad Yusuf Asefi, ArtistDoug Ashford, ArtistTarek Atoui, ArtistKader Attia, ArtistJulie Ault, ArtistAlexandra Bachzetsis, ArtistBactrian Princesses Nanni Balestrini, Artist; Poet; WriterAmy Balkin, ArtistLars Bang Larsen, Art HistorianKaren Barad, Physicist; Philosopher; Theorist; Scholar; AuthorBassam El Baroni, Art Critic; CuratorJudith Barry, ArtistMassimo Bartolini, ArtistGianfranco Baruchello, ArtistAhmed Basiony, ArtistHrach Bayadyan, Cultural CriticThomas Bayrle, ArtistJérôme Bel, ChoreographerMario Bellatin, Advisor; WriterGordon Bennett, ArtistJill Bennett, Cultural Historian; Theorist; CuratorFranco Bifo – Berardi, Activist; Philosopher; WriterRossella Biscotti, ArtistIwona Blazwick, Advisor; CuratorManon de Boer, ArtistAlighiero Boetti, ArtistAnna Boghiguian, ArtistBruno Bosteels, CriticCarol Bove, ArtistAli Brivanlou, Advisor; BiologistKristina Buch, ArtistSusan Buck-Morss, Philosopher; Cultural HistorianAndrea Büttner, ArtistJudith Butler, Cultural Theorist; PhilosopherGerard Byrne, ArtistCAMP (founded 2007 by Shaina Anand, Sanjay Bhangar, and Ashok Sukumaran), ArtistsCardiff, Janet & Bures Miller, George, ArtistsEmily Carr, ArtistMariana Castillo Deball, ArtistAndrea Cavalletti, PhilosopherGeorge Chan, Agroscientist; EngineerPaul Chan, ArtistKudzanai Chiurai, ArtistCarolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Artistic DirectorGeoff Cox, Critic; Writer; CuratorCritical Art Ensemble, ArtistsAbraham Cruzvillegas, ArtistIstván Csákány, ArtistAttila Csörgő, ArtistAntoni Cumella, ArtistSalvador Dalí, ArtistMarie Darrieussecq, WriterDietmar Dath, Writer; TranslatorLydia Davis, Writer; TranslatorTacita Dean, ArtistMark Dion, ArtistThea Djordjadze, ArtistWillie Doherty, ArtistNikola Doll, Art Historian; CuratorTrisha Donnelly, ArtistSam Durant, ArtistJimmie Durham, ArtistEpaminonda, Haris & Cramer, Daniel Gustav, ArtistsCevdet Erek, ArtistMichael Eskin, Author; Literary Critic; PublisherFaivovich, Guillermo & Goldberg, Nicolás, ArtistsMatias Faldbakken, Artist; WriterGeoffrey Farmer, ArtistOmer Fast, ArtistLara Favaretto, ArtistSilvia Federici, Feminist; Scholar; ActivistCeal Floyer, ArtistLlyn Foulkes, ArtistAbul Qasem Foushanji, ArtistChiara Fumai, ArtistBettina Funcke, Writer; EditorRene Gabri, Agent; Artist; ResearcherPeter L. Galison,Historian and Philosopher of Science; FilmmakerDario Gamboni, Art HistorianRyan Gander, Artist Dora García, ArtistFernando García-Dory, ArtistMario Garcia Torres, ArtistTheaster Gates, ArtistJeanno Gaussi, ArtistAshraf Ghani, Anthropologist; Political ScientistMariam Ghani, ArtistSimryn Gill, Artist
Kenneth Goldsmith, PoetJulio González, ArtistAvery F. Gordon, Writer; Social TheoristTue Greenfort, Agent; ArtistBoris Groys, PhilosopherDurs Grünbein, PoetPéter György, Cultural TheoristZainab Haidary, ArtistFiona Hall, ArtistDorothea von Hantelmann, Art HistorianDonna Haraway, Advisor; Science Studies and Cultural TheoristMichael Hardt, Philosopher; Political TheoristGraham Harman, PhilosopherSalah M. Hassan, Advisor; Art Historian; Cultural TheoristFlorian Hecker, ArtistAlanna Heiss, CuratorDaniel Heller-Roazen, PhilosopherTamara Henderson, ArtistSofía Hernández Chong Cuy, Agent; Curator; WriterSusan Hiller, ArtistHorst Hoheisel, ArtistBrian Holmes, Cultural CriticJudith Hopf, ArtistHourani, Khaled with Amjad Ghannam and Rashid Masharawi, ArtistsPierre Huyghe, Advisor; ArtistSonallah Ibrahim, WriterSanja Iveković, ArtistEmily Jacir, ArtistAlejandro Jodorowsky, FilmmakerToril Johannessen, ArtistJoan Jonas, ArtistBrian Jungen, ArtistJungen, Brian and Linklater, Duane, ArtistsRudolf Kaesbach, ArtistKahn, Robin & La Cooperativa Unidad Nacional Mujeres Saharauis (The National Union of Women rom Western Sahara), ArtistMasood Kamandy, ArtistAmar Kanwar, ArtistWilliam Kentridge, ArtistHassan Khan, Artist; Musician; WriterSunjung Kim, Agent; CuratorAdam Kleinman, Agent; Curator; WriterAlexander Kluge, Filmmaker; WriterKoyo Kouoh, Agent; CuratorJoasia Krysa, Agent; CuratorChristian Kuhtz, InventorErkki Kurenniemi, Artist; PhysicistMarta Kuzma, Agent; CuratorAdriana Lara, ArtistHoracio Larrain Barros, Cultural AnthropologistLê, Dinh Q. in collaboration with Vu Giang Huong, Quang Tho, Huynh Phuong Dong, Nguyen Thu, ruong Hieu, Phan Oanh, Nguyen Toan Thi, Duong Anh, Minh Phuong, Kim Tien, Quach Phong, guyen Thanh Chau, ArtistsPamela M. Lee, Art Historian; Art CriticJolyon Leslie, ArchitectGabriel Lester, ArtistDavid Levi Strauss, Art Historian; Cultural CriticDavid Link, Artist; Computer ScientistMaria Loboda, ArtistMark Lombardi, ArtistAníbal López, ArtistRenata Lucas, ArtistLutyens, Marcos & Raimundas Malašauskas, featuring Sissel Tolaas, ArtistsGoshka Macuga, ArtistAnna Maria Maiolino, ArtistCatherine Malabou,PhilosopherNalini Malani, ArtistRaimundas Malašauskas, Agent; Artist; Curator; WriterMan Ray, ArtistChus Martínez, Head of Department; Core Agent; Curator; WriterMaria Martins, ArtistFrancesco Matarrese, ArtistFabio Mauri, ArtistJulie Mehretu, ArtistJohn Menick, Artist; Writer; FilmmakerChristoph Menke, PhilosopherGustav Metzger, ArtistLee Miller, PhotographerW. J. T. Mitchell, Art HistorianAman Mojadidi, ArtistMOON Kyungwon & JEON Joonho, ArtistsGareth Moore, ArtistGiorgio Morandi, ArtistRomaine Moreton, PoetRabih Mroué, ArtistStephen Muecke, Cultural Theorist; WriterChristian Philipp Müller, ArtistZanele Muholi, ArtistIngo Niermann, WriterArne Nordheim, ComposerM.A. Numminen, Composer; PerformerObjects damaged during the Lebanese Civil War (1975–90), Deformed SculpturesHans Ulrich Obrist, Critic; CuratorShinro Ohtake, ArtistRahraw Omarzad, ArtistRoman Ondák, ArtistFüsun Onur, ArtistThe Otolith Group, Artists Lívia Páldi, Agent; CuratorChristodoulos Panayiotou, Artist
Nikos Papastergiadis, Cultural TheoristAaron Peck, Writer; Art CriticGiuseppe Penone, ArtistClaire Pentecost, ArtistAlexei Penzin, PhilosopherHetti Perkins, Agent; CuratorMichael Petzet, Advisor; ConservationistSusan Philipsz, ArtistPratchaya Phinthong, ArtistSopheap Pich, ArtistGriselda Pollock, Art Historian; Cultural TheoristLea Porsager, ArtistMichael Portnoy, ArtistMargaret Preston, ArtistSeth Price, ArtistAna Prvacki, ArtistWalid Raad, ArtistAtiq Rahimi, WriterMichael Rakowitz, ArtistAraya Rasdjarmrearnsook, ArtistDoreen Reid Nakamarra, ArtistPedro Reyes, ArtistGunnar Richter, Artist; HistorianSarah Rifky, Agent; CuratorStuart Ringholt, ArtistRobbins, Ruth & Red Vaughan Tremmel, ArtistsRodas, Juana Marta & Isidrez, Julia, ArtistsSuely Rolnik, Unconscious AnalystJacqueline Rose, Cultural TheoristAndrew Ross, Social and Cultural AnalystPascal Rousseau, Art Historian; CuratorPaul Ryan, ArtistHannah Ryggen, ArtistNawal El Saadawi, WriterNatascha Sadr Haghighian, ArchitectAnri Sala, ArtistCharlotte Salomon, ArtistIssa Samb, Artist; WriterAnnemarie Sauzeau, Writer; Art CriticInes Schaber, ArtistEva Scharrer, Agent; Curator; Writer; Art HistorianKitty Scott, Agent; CuratorTino Sehgal, ArtistAlbert Serra, Filmmaker; ArtistNicola Setari, Agent, PhilosopherTejal Shah, ArtistWael Shawky, ArtistZolaykha Sherzad, DesignerAdania Shibli, WriterVandana Shiva, Seed ActivistNedko Solakov, ArtistSong Dong, ArtistTamás St.Turba, Non-Art-ArtistAlexandra Sukhareva, ArtistImre Szeman, Cultural TheoristMika Taanila, Artist, FilmmakerMohsen Taasha, ArtistG. M. Tamás,PhilosopherAlexander Tarakhovsky, Advisor; GeneticistMichael Taussig, Advisor; AnthropologistJane Taylor, Advisor; Cultural Theorist; WriterJavier Téllez, ArtistAase Texmon Rygh, ArtistWarwick Thornton, FilmmakerTime/Bank (e-flux: Julieta Aranda & Anton Vidokle), ArtistsWarlimpirrnga Tjapaltjarri, ArtistJalal Toufic, Artist; WriterRosemarie Trockel, ArtistMario Tronti, Political PhilosopherVandy Rattana, Artist; PhotographerVann Nath, ArtistChiara Vecchiarelli, Curator; WriterIgnacio Vidal-Folch, WriterEnrique Vila-Matas, WriterAndrea Viliani, Agent; CuratorAdrián Villar Rojas, ArtistEduardo Viveiros de Castro, AnthropologistJeronimo Voss, ArtistVu Giang Huong, ArtistRoy Wagner, AnthropologistIan Wallace, ArtistJessica Warboys, ArtistLori Waxman, CriticClemens von Wedemeyer, ArtistApichatpong Weerasethakul in collaboration with Chaisiri Jiwarangsan, Filmmakers; ArtistsLawrence Weiner, ArtistEyal Weizman, ArchitectYan Lei, ArtistHaegue Yang, ArtistAkram Zaatari, ArtistZalmaï, ArtistAlejandro Zambra, WriterAnton Zeilinger, Advisor; PhysicistKonrad Zuse, Artist; Computer Engineer
Kassel (Alemania)Aschrott FountainBali CinemaBolero KasselBreitenau MemorialBrothers Grimm MuseumDepartment Store C&ADepartment Store GaleriaKaufhofDepartment Store SinnleffersDock 4 Studiobühnedocumenta-HalleDschingis Khan RestaurantFridericianumFriedrichsplatz Parking GarageFriedrichsstr. 28Gloria CinemaGrand City Hotel HessenlandHandwerkskammerHauptbahnhofHuguenothouseKarlsaue ParkKaskade CinemaNeueGalerieObereKarlsstr. 4 (Ex-Bakery)ObersteGasse 4 (Ex-Elisabeth Hospital)OrangerieOttoneumSchlachthofSpohrstr.7 (Ex-Finance Building)StaatstheaterStändehausUntereKarlsstr. 14Weinberg BunkerWeinberg TerracesYouth LibraryKabul (Afganistan)Bamiyan (Afganistan)Alejandria (Egipto)El Cairo (Egipto)Banff (Canada)
Adrián Villar RojasWeinberg Terraceshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jotk1ZgaqM0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLl1eDzcIJc&feature=relmfu
académico, activista, activista capital, agente, agente principal, agrocientífico, agroecologista, analista cultural, analista inconsciente, analista social, antropólogo, antropólogo cultural, antropólogo de la globalización, arqueólogo, arquitecto, artista,artista de no-arte,artistas, asesor, autor, bailarín, biólogo, científico, científico informático, cineasta, cineastas, compositor, Comunes, conservador, coreógrafo, corrector, crítico, crítico cultural, crítico de arte, crítico literario, curador, director artístico, director cinematográfico, director de departamento, diseñador, economista, editor, escritor, esculturas deformadas, feminista, filósofo, filósofo de la ciencia, filósofo de la política, físico, fotógrafo, genetista, hipnoterapeuta, historiador, historiador de la cultura, historiador del arte, iconólogo, ingeniero, ingeniero informático, inventor, investigador, jardinero, músico, performer, poeta, poetas, politólogo, psicoanalista, sacerdote, teórico, singularidades de cualquier tipo, teórico cultural, teórico de estudios científicos, teórico político, teórico social, traductor, zoólogo.
Tamás St.TurbaTrustee in bankruptcy of IPUT (International Parallel Union of Telecommunications); Agent of NETRAF (Neo-Socialist. Realist. IPUT’s Global Counter Arthist.ory- Falsifiers Front); engaged in the Intermedia Crèche of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts; propagator of the St.Rike and the Subsist. ence Level St.andard Project 1984 W (with this he participated in FIU during documenta 6, 1977) Fideicomisario en bancarrota de IPUT (Unión Internacional Paralela de Telecomunicaciones);Agente de NETRAF (Neo-socialista. Realista. Frente Global Contra Falsificadores de la Hist.oria artística);contratado en la Guardería Infantil Intermedios de la Universidad húngara de Bellas Artes;propagador de San Golpe (de los ricos) y del Nivel Subsist.encia del Proyecto San Estándar 1984 W(con esto participó en FIU durante documenta 6, 1977 )Evento:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 Jul 2012 / Gloria CinemaBéla Balázs Studio - Tamás St. Turba & Dezsö Magyar: : Centaur, Agitátorok (The Agitators)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
académico, activista, activista capital, agente, agente principal, agrocientífico, agroecologista, analista cultural, analista inconsciente, analista social, antropólogo, antropólogo cultural, antropólogo de la globalización, arqueólogo, arquitecto, artista, artista de no-arte,artistas, asesor, autor, bailarín, biólogo, científico, científico informático, cineasta, cineastas, compositor, Comunes, conservador, coreógrafo, corrector, crítico, crítico cultural, crítico de arte, crítico literario, curador, director artístico, director cinematográfico, director de departamento, diseñador, economista, editor, escritor, esculturas deformadas, feminista, filósofo, filósofo de la ciencia, filósofo de la política, físico, fotógrafo, genetista, hipnoterapeuta, historiador, historiador de la cultura, historiador del arte, iconólogo, ingeniero, ingeniero informático, inventor, investigador, jardinero, músico, performer, poeta, poetas, politólogo, psicoanalista, sacerdote, teórico, singularidades de cualquier tipo, teórico cultural, teórico de estudios científicos, teórico político, teórico social, traductor, zoólogo.
Objetos dañados durante la guerra civil libanesa (1975–1990)Se trata de dos objetos arqueológicos provenientes del Museo Nacional de Beirut,catalogados con los N° 13630 y 28108, en que las fusiones de metal, marfil, vidrio, terracota y bronce son resultado de las altas temperaturas alcanzadas durante un fuego causado por el bombardeo de una área de almacenamiento
25 Mar 2011 / negative form By horst hoheiselHorst Hoheisel, Negative Form, 1987Negative Formis a “counter-monument” designed by the artist Horst Hoheisel in 1987. The work revisits the history of a public fountain, financed by a Jewish banker, which was destroyed by the National Socialists. This “ghost” structure was reproduced as a hollow shell, inverted, and ultimately submerged into the site where the piece of civic architecture once stood. Photos courtesy of Horst Hoheisel
Horst Hoheisel: Aschrott Fountain cleaning, 10 am, March 29, 2011 Artist Horst Hoheisel, with Artistic Director of dOCUMENTA (13), Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, will perform the monthly cleaning of Negative Form, Hoheisel's counter-memorial to the Aschrott Fountain in the center of Kassel. Christov-Bakargiev states: "In this shared event, recalling feminist performances that involve the act of cleaning, the Latin term curare — meaning 'to attend to'— is taken literally, and the memory of the void, the lost form, is renewed."
Horst Hoheisel: Aschrott Fountain cleaning, 10 am, March 29, 2011 The Aschrott Fountain was named after Sigmund Aschrott, the Jewish benefactor who commissioned it from architect Karl Roth as a gift to the city of Kassel in 1908. In April 1939, the narrow sandstone obelisk of the fountain in front of the City Hall was destroyed by the Nazis.
Horst Hoheisel: Aschrott Fountain cleaning, 10 am, March 29, 2011 In 1987, artist Horst Hoheisel completed Negative Form. It is a sound that draws us "into the depths of history,“ Hoheisel suggests, where "perhaps we will encounter feelings of loss, of a disturbed place, of lost form." Turned invisible, Hoheisel's fountain is a "counter-monument" that exists orally and actively, as a rumor that keeps the history and memory of the holocaust circulating. As the artist puts it, "it is not a place to put flowers“ —for him it is "a wound not to be paved or glossed over." In a monthly ritual, Hoheisel personally cleans the fountain as he has carefully done for the past 25 years.
Horst Hoheisel: Aschrott Fountain cleaning, 10 am, March 29, 2011 Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev and Horst Hoheisel with photographs of the Aschrott Fountain in Kassel before and after it was destroyed by Nazi troops in 1939; “The artist Horst Hoheisel is known for his Holocaust memorial artworks because of the piece he did in Kassel in 1987 – there was a fountain called the Aschrott Fountain, which was destroyed by the Nazis in ’38, so he proposed to make the same fountain shape but as a cast underground. Walter De Maria’s The Vertical Earth Kilometer [1977] in Kassel may have influenced him; it’s a kind of post-documenta piece in which an iron plate on the ground is always at body temperature, even when it is snowing”.
Walter De Maria, The Vertical EarthKilometer,1977, Kassel, Germany; The Vertical Earth Kilometer, located in the Friedrichsplatz Park in Kassel, Germany, is a one-Kilometer long brass rod five centimeters (two inches) in diameter. The full length of the rod is inserted into the ground with the top lying flush to the surface of the earth. A red sandstone square surrounds the brass rod’s flat circular top, commemorating the undistinguished top of the pole, which could otherwise be mistaken for a large blank coin. Installed in 1977, the VEK is the work of famed American artist Walter De Maria, whose other work with metal rods includes the Lightning Field and the Broken Kilometer. But this is by far De Maria's most subtle, and bizarre, work. The piece is almost entirely hidden from view, confining its existence to the trusting mind of the viewer.
The boring of the shaft, which goes through six geological layers, took seventy-nine days. The continuous metal rod is made up of lengths measuring 167 meters each, that are screwed tightly together. The sandstone square which surrounds the top of the shaft is at the intersection of two paths which traverse the Friedrichsplatz in Kassel, Germany, site of the international contemporary art survey, Documenta.
Horst Hoheisel: Aschrott Fountain cleaning, 10 am, March 29, 2011 SegúnCCB Cleaning Negative Form, 29 March 2011 “It’s a kind of entanglement. The fountain has a neo-gothic shape and it gets really dirty down there. Hoheisel has a contract with the city as a street cleaner and his only task is to clean his own artwork once a month. Every year since 1987 his contract has been renewed. I asked him who’s going to do it when he’s dead and he said, ´I don’t know, maybe my children will´ so there is this strange story of this artist-labourer who is cleaning this artwork which is a hole in time. To give the work visibility, we did the fountain cleaning publicly in March, like a performance”
25 May 2011 / a brief history of collapses (diagram) By mariamghani A research map for MariamGhani's project A Brief History of Collapses—to be filmed in the Dar ul-Aman Palace in Kabul and the Fridericianum in Kassel in 2011.Seealso(http://www.kabul-reconstructions.net/mariam/correspondences/Correspondences/ )
académico, activista, activista capital, agente, agente principal, agrocientífico, agroecologista, analista cultural, analista inconsciente, analista social, antropólogo, antropólogo cultural, antropólogo de la globalización, arqueólogo, arquitecto, artista, artista de no-arte,artistas, asesor, autor, bailarín, biólogo, científico, científico informático, cineasta, cineastas, compositor, Comunes, conservador, coreógrafo, corrector, crítico, crítico cultural, crítico de arte, crítico literario, curador, director artístico, director cinematográfico, director de departamento, diseñador, economista, editor, escritor, esculturas deformadas, feminista, filósofo, filósofo de la ciencia, filósofo de la política, físico, fotógrafo, genetista, hipnoterapeuta, historiador, historiador de la cultura, historiador del arte, iconólogo, ingeniero, ingeniero informático, inventor, investigador, jardinero, músico, performer, poeta, poetas, politólogo, psicoanalista, sacerdote, teórico, singularidades de cualquier tipo, teórico cultural, teórico de estudios científicos, teórico político, teórico social, traductor, zoólogo.