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EDUE 257 Science and Technology in Early Childhood Education

EDUE 257 Science and Technology in Early Childhood Education. Programme. Mon 9.00 – 9. 50 – Introduction and Web searching Fri 10.00 – 11.50 – Online activities and resources Mon 9.00 – 9. 50 - Digital Photos Fri 10.00 – 11.50 - PowerPoint. Foundations for Discovery. What is ICT?.

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EDUE 257 Science and Technology in Early Childhood Education

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EDUE 257Science and Technology in Early Childhood Education

  2. Programme Mon 9.00 – 9. 50 – Introduction and Web searching Fri 10.00 – 11.50 – Online activities and resources Mon 9.00 – 9. 50 - Digital Photos Fri 10.00 – 11.50 - PowerPoint

  3. Foundations for Discovery

  4. What is ICT?

  5. Your Experiences • Discuss with a partner what ICT you have observed in centres • Have you used anything yourself?

  6. What are ICT’s computers laptop PDAdigital cameras digital video cameras creativity and communication software Internet web2 blogs wikistelephones fax machines mobiles tape recorders interactive stories simulated environments computer games programmable toys videoconferencing data projectors interactive whiteboards pen drives

  7. What is e-learning? “learning supported by or facilitated by ICT”

  8. “Through the use of ICT imageschildren can see themselves ascapable and confident learners.They have the opportunityto revisit and reflect on theirown learning with gains toself esteem, positive learningoutcomes and assists them tobuild relationships.”FEEDBACK FROMCONSULTATION

  9. P.M.I

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