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How to Make an iSchool Trading Card: You have 3 options: Option A. Effort Expenditure: Low

How to Make an iSchool Trading Card: You have 3 options: Option A. Effort Expenditure: Low 1. Choose a design. 2. Submit a picture of yourself.

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How to Make an iSchool Trading Card: You have 3 options: Option A. Effort Expenditure: Low

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  1. How to Make an iSchool Trading Card: You have 3 options: Option A. Effort Expenditure: Low 1. Choose a design. 2. Submit a picture of yourself. 3. Submit your “stats” – These can be whatever you want to share (e.g., research interests, 2007-08 Highlights, current projects, a model or graphic, contracts/IRB applications processed, candidates hosted, goals, professionals aspirations, progress towards PhD, etc.,). Option B. Effort Expenditure: Medium 1. Choose a design, but request changes (i.e. different colors, fonts, no logo, etc.). 2. Submit a picture of yourself. 3. Submit your “stats” (see Option A-3). Option C. Effort Expenditure: High 1. Make and design the card yourself. 2. Make sure each side fills a 3.5” x 5” space. 3. Include a picture and “stats” (see Option A-3) in your design. * Cards will be printed on 100lb. card stock paper coated with full bleed.

  2. Current Research Lorem Ipsum Project: Fusce lectus felis, suscipit non, euismod eget, porttitor in, turpis. Sed vehicula dapibus arcu. Maecenas vulputate sagittis ante. Mauris tortor lorem, volutpat eu, sodales eget, malesuada eget, nunc. Proin ac mi ac sapien posuere feugiat. Morbi neque diam, malesuada sit amet, interdum vel, ornare auctor, metus. Praesent vehicula scelerisque lectus. Aenean orci. Curabitur libero. Morbi nec nunc id eros tincidunt hendrerit. Dor Sit Amet Project: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt molestie est. Nam nisl velit, tincidunt sit amet, volutpat mollis, eleifend ac, turpis. Morbi eleifend. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus eu orci in diam laoreet laoreet. Donec et massa at metus rhoncus fringilla. Fusce bibendum aliquam lacus. Donec blandit elementum risus. Ada Byron The Information School | University of Washington • Position: Countess of Lovelace, Analyst, Metaphysician • Interests: Mathematics, logic , member of the Bluestockings • 2007-2008 Highlights: • Translated the Analytical Engine documentation iSchool Research Planning Day 2008 Design #1: iSchool Plain

  3. Research Projects: Five Laws of Library Science Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt molestie est. Nam nisl velit, tincidunt sit amet, volutpat mollis, eleifend ac, turpis. Morbi eleifend. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus eu orci in diam laoreet laoreet. Donec et massa at metusrhoncusfringilla. Fusce bibendum aliquam lacus. Donecblanditelementumrisus. Proin felis ipsum, congue non, adipiscing sed, pretiumnec, sem. Nulla mi. Colon Classification System Fuscelectusfelis, suscipit non, euismod eget, porttitor in, turpis. Sed vehiculadapibusarcu. Maecenas vulputatesagittis ante. Mauristortorlorem, volutpat eu, sodales eget, malesuada eget, nunc. Proin ac mi ac sapien posuerefeugiat. S.R. Ranganathan The Information School | University of Washington iSchool Research Planning Day 2008 • Position: Father of Library Science • About Me:I’m a workaholic, I love organizing stuff, and I play a mean • game of cricket. • Research Interests: • Analytico-synthetic classification • Laws of Library Science • Library Administration Design #2: Courier Blue

  4. About my Research: • Lorem Ipsum Project • Proin hendrerit tincidunt nisi. Ut ultrices urna a dolor. Aliquam ipsum. Nulla eget sapien vitae mi tristique rhoncus. Vestibulum vitae libero. Curabitur porta massa vitae est. Donec ante nisl, ornare non, bibendum a, scelerisque nec, augue. Duis augue nisl, venenatis at, pellentesque vitae, aliquet ut, dui. Proin id ipsum. Proin eget est. Proin ac enim vel sem congue blandit. Ut justo. • Dolor Sit Amet Project • Vivamus pede ante, faucibus quis, adipiscing eget, vestibulum in, nunc. Phasellus vitae nisl sed nulla imperdiet venenatis. Etiam sed turpis nec arcu rhoncus convallis. Phasellus quis nulla ac tortor eleifend faucibus. Ut pede. Praesent hendrerit. Donec massa. Pellentesque gravida nisi pretium elit. Mauris sed tellus eu libero pharetra ornare. S. R. Ranganathan Position: Father of Library Science Interests: Long walks on the beach, Classification 2007-2008 Highlights • Colon Classification • Climbed Mt. Everest • Saw the IceCapades iSchool Research Planning Day 2008 Design #3: iSchool Fancy

  5. Current Research The Differential Analyser Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vestibulum commodo arcu sed nisi. Sed massa arcu, rutrum sit amet, facilisis quis, condimentum at, elit. Nulla in dolor. Suspendisse et nulla vel ligula egestas elementum. In sem dolor, vestibulum quis, porttitor ac, fermentum sit amet, felis. Proin leo lorem, molestie id, molestie a, tincidunt ac, libero. Vestibulum augue elit, malesuada ac, porttitor nec, iaculis in, magna. Submarine Detection n elit arcu, vulputate eu, aliquet a, tincidunt eu, justo. Pellentesque sagittis vulputate sapien. Maecenas feugiat, urna sed viverra sagittis, lorem dui ultricies metus, quis ultrices urna nisl nec nisl. Duis luctus, mi et dictum rhoncus, odio pede luctus arcu, eu pharetra eros turpis ut elit. Nullam turpis. Pellentesque cursus justo quis enim. In non augue vel dolor aliquam bibendum. • Vannevar Bush • The Information School • University of Washington • Nickname: “Vabs” • Position: Engineer • Research Interests: Analog computing, atomic bombs, the Memex • 2007-2008 Highlights: • developed analog computing • conceptualized the Memex iSchool Research Planning Day 2008 Design #4: Modern

  6. Design #1: Plain

  7. Design #4: Modern

  8. Design #3: Fancy

  9. Design #4: Blank

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