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HITRI. Heavy Ion Therapy Research Infrastructure Design Study Proposal. Project Proposal: INFRADEV-01-2019-2020. 11 th October 2019. Nicholas Sammut. Participants – 19 countries. 19. UKIM ------------> Macedonia 20. UTetova ---------> Macedonia 21. CCM -------------> Montenegro
HITRI Heavy Ion Therapy Research Infrastructure Design Study Proposal Project Proposal: INFRADEV-01-2019-2020 11th October 2019 Nicholas Sammut
Participants – 19 countries 19. UKIM ------------> Macedonia 20. UTetova---------> Macedonia 21. CCM -------------> Montenegro 22. USarajevo ------> Bosnia & Herzegovina 23. EIZ ----------------> Croatia 24. USofia -----------> Bulgaria 25. UTirana----------> Albania 26. UPrishtina-------> Kosovo 27. Sentronis--------> Serbia 28. Greece?? 10. CEA 11. CIEMAT 12. ESADE 13. UUpsala 14. Bevatech 15. UMelbourne 16. ANSTO 17. Cosylab ---------------------------------------------->Slovenia 18. Wigner 1. SEEIIST 2. UMalta 3. CERN 4. HIT 5. CNAO 6. MedAustron 7. GSI 8. PSI 9. INFN • SEEIIST
Budget – Total: circa €6m (€3m EC + €3m Co-Financing)
Specific Objectives S01 - Beam Intensity and Dose Delivery S02 - Flexibility S03 - Compact S04 - Lower Construction Cost S05 - Lower Operational Cost S06 - Expandability S07 - Increased Delivery Effectiveness in all Treatment Rooms S08 - Innovation and Industrialisation S09 - Build Scientific and Technological Capacity in the Countries of South East Europe S10 - Safety and Regulatory Compliance
Specific Objectives S01 - Beam Intensity and Dose Delivery - 20 times more accelerated particles than the current European centres - reach intensities of Japanese [more not needed], i.e. up to 2×1010 carbon ions per pulse - dose rates of >50Gy/s - time for energy change @ flat-top <250̨ ms.
Specific Objectives S02 - Flexibility - 100 MeV/u - 430 MeV/u - diff. ion species from protons to argon - change of ion species < 1s; - fast extraction in a single turn i.e. about 0.1 μs for research - slow beam extraction from about 100 ms - 30 s for therapy - a large subset of the above as a licensed medical product
Specific Objectives S03 – Compact - reduce accelerator footprint by 50% from 2000m2 to 1020 m2 - reducing gantry size by 30% to 10 m diameter Proton gantry H-beam H-V-beam H-V-beam H-beam H-beam Experimental area Experimental area Linacinjector LINAC Future Ion Gantry H-beam Ions Gantry LINAC CNAO H-V-beam SEEIIST - HITRI MedAustron
Specific Objectives S04 - Lower Construction Cost - Reduce cost of accelerator by 30% to €30m - reduce gantry cost by 40% to €25m - reduce gantry weight by a factor 3 to about 200 tons (compared to EU reference HIT) - reduce power hardware requirements by 30% (supercond.)
Specific Objectives S05 – Lower Operational Cost - Reduce of maintenance costs from about 5% of capital cost per year to less than 4% of capital cost per year - Reducing the facility’s electrical consumption by 30% - 100% carbon neutral (PV farm)
Specific Objectives S06 – Expandability Initial - 3 irradiation rooms 1 for research 2 for treatment – one horiz. & one horiz. + vert. Expanded - 6 irradiation rooms 2 for research 4 for treatment - 2 of which with a gantry - dedicated space in each room for different purposes
Specific Objectives S07 - Increased Delivery Effectiveness in all Treatment Rooms - A 6- DOF patient chair - provide flexible treatment fields to a larger patient cohort freeing up the gantry for the most critical cases - Scanned dose delivery with minimum spot times of < 0.5 ms. - 3600 particle arc therapy at high dose rates
Specific Objectives S08 – Innovation and Industrialisation 1 EU company in a position to manufacture key components for a new ion therapy accelerator 1 EU company in a position to manufacture a much more affordable ion therapy gantry 2 EU companies capable of manufacturing the CCT magnets for ion therapy.
Specific Objectives S09 – Build Scientific and Technological Capacity in the Countries of South East Europe Participation of SEE institutes to the deliverables of HITRI exchange of staff between Western European and SEE centres training of SEE experts Establishment of a local network of hospitals interested in using HT
Specific Objectives S10 – Safety and Regulatory Compliance - Compliance to applicable regulatory requirements defined by the European Medical Device Regulation - Compliance to the following safety standards (for applicable clauses): IEC 60601-1, IEC 60601-2-64, IEC 60601-1-2, IEC 60601-1-6, IEC 60601-1-8, IEC 62366-1.
Subsystem Innovation - Accelerator Accelerator - novel linac: higher current and energy (10MeV/u for carbon) - sophisticated multi-turn injection scheme - new and innovative design A. Normal conducting synchrotron - intermediate objective - until we wait for defn. of optimum acc. from WP4 (Magnets) - same adv., parameters, innov. Components - but costs, size same as current machines - could be adopted by those willing to compromise between schedule & cost B. Superconducting Synchrotron
Subsystem Innovation - Gantry - TERA Design - superconducting to increase field - smaller - lighter - use magnets as support - no counterweight - GaToroid - no rotation - reduce stability requirements - much lower mass - much smaller footprint - large acceptance - FFAG - large acceptance
Subsystem Innovation - Magnets - introduction of superconducting synchrotron for ions - smaller footprint - lower construction cost - lower power consumption - build a demonstrator magnet - accelerator magnet - gantry magnet - consider the best design – probably Canted Cosine Teta (CCT) Magnets - can also be used for HEP and Synchrotron Light Sources
Subsystem Innovation – Beam Delivery - Patient positioning; robotic patient chair – 6 DOF - evaluation of imaging system that goes down vertically - fast dose delivery through improved real time control and detectors – treat moving targets - average delivery time of spot would be reduced to less than 1ms - multi energy extraction to cut down energy switching times - 3600 particle arc therapy at high dose rates – delivery on continuous moving gantry
Subsystem Innovation – Control Systems - A new game-changing treatment control system and accelerator control system - Modular - Universal - more affordable - cost-effective - easily adaptable to other accelerators - easily allow upgrades
Questions and Discussion ------> Extra slides – Work Package Details
WP1: Project Management and Technical Coordination Task 1.1: Scientific and Technical Management (UoM, CERN, GSI) Task 1.2: International Governance Structure (SEEIIST, CERN) Task 1.3: General Governance and Coordination of Contractual, Financial and Administrative Aspects of the Design Study (CERN, UoM, GSI) Task 1.4: Coordination of Participants, Communication and Meeting Organisation (GSI, UoM) 5 Deliverables 2 Milestones
WP2: Networking & SEE user community, collaborative platform, dissemination and outreach Task 2.1: Building user community and compiling user and performance specifications (SEEIIST, CERN, All Other Partners) Task 2.2: Common collaborative platform for data sharing, including epidemiological data (SEEIIST, CERN, All Other Partners) Task 2.3: Dissemination and outreach (CERN, SEEIIST, All Other Partners) 5 Deliverables 3 Milestones
WP3: Accelerator Design Task 3.1: Coordination and Communication (CERN, GSI) Task 3.2: Normal-conducting Synchrotron Design (SEEIIST, CERN, CNAO, INFN, MEDA, UME) Task 3.3: Superconducting Synchrotron and Advanced Components Design (SEEIIST, CERN, CNAO, INFN, MEDA, UME) Task 3.4: Operational modes, beam transport and instrumentation (SEEIIST, CERN, CNAO, MEDA). Task 3.5: Injector Linac Design (BEVA, CERN, SEEIIST (USAR)). 5 Deliverables 3 Milestones
WP4: Magnet Design Task 4.1: Coordination and communication (INFN, CEA, CIEMAT, PSI) Task 4.2: Technical and financial assessment of various magnet designs for synchrotron and gantry (CEA, INFN, CIEMAT, CERN) Task 4.3: Preliminary Engineering Design for SEEIIST accelerator magnets (mainly dipoles) (CIEMAT, INFN, CEA, CERN, UU, WRPC) Task 4.4: Preliminary Engineering Design for SEEIIST gantry magnet (CEA, INFN, CERN, CIEMAT, UU) Task 4.5: Construction of a small size magnet demonstrator for accelerator and gantry (INFN, CIEMAT, CEA, CERN, UU, WRPC) 4 Deliverables 6 Milestones
WP5: Gantry Design Task 5.1: Coordination and Communication (CNAO, CERN, UME) Task 5.2: Analysis of present status and functional specifications (CERN, CNAO, PSI, INFN, MEDA, SEEIIST [UTIR; UPRI; UTET; UKIM], UME) Task 5.3: Basic integration concepts of the new gantry: optics, mechanics, beam delivery (CNAO, CERN, PSI, INFN, SEEIIST [UTIR; UPRI; UTET; UKIM], MEDA, UME) Task 5.4: Detailed specification document and corresponding designs for the main gantry (INFN, CERN, CNAO, PSI, MEDA, SEEIIST [UTIR; UPRI; UTET; UKIM]). 5 Deliverables 2 Milestones
WP6: Beam Delivery Task 6.1: Coordination and communication re. fixed beam treatment room design Task 6.2: Patient positioning and imaging Task 6.3: Fast dose delivery through improved real time control and detectors Task 6.4: Particle arc therapy at high dose rates 4 Deliverables 4 Milestones
WP7: Multiple Energy Extraction System Task 7.1: Generation of Beam Characteristics Library Task 7.2: Multi-Energy Operation and Timing Requirements Task 7.3: Data Supply, Distribution and Quasi Real-Time Generation Strategy Task 7.4: System Architectural Model 4 Deliverables 2 Milestones
WP8: Controls and Safety Task 8.0: Coordination and Communication (COSY, MEDA) Task 8.1: Machine controls (COSY) Task 8.2: Treatment room controls (COSY) Task 8.3: Patient safety systems (MEDA, COSY) 3 Deliverables 3 Milestones
WP9: Facility Integration and Sustainability Task 9.1: Final Conceptual Technical Design Report (UM, SEEIIST, CERN, INFN, CNAO, GSI, HIT, COSY) Task 9.2: Machine Infrastructure, Resource Efficiency and Environmental Impact (UM, CERN, INFN, CNAO, GSI, HIT, COSY, MEDA) Task 9.3: Technical criteria for choosing the Research Infrastructure site (SEEIIST, HIT, CNAO, MEDA) Task 9.4: Feasibility Study (ESADE, SEEIIST (USOF, EIZ), HIT, CNAO, MEDA) Task 9.5: Sustainability Plan (SEEIIST (USofia, EIZ), ESADE, HIT, CNAO, MEDA) Task 9.6: Plan for Technology Transfer to the SEE Region (SEEIIST (EIZ, USOF), ESADE) 6 Deliverables 4 Milestones