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Explore the legislative framework, regulatory body strength and weaknesses, funding challenges, and licensing issues in Kyrgyz Republic regarding radiation control. Evaluate the compatibility with international standards and suggest improvements.
RER/9/096 Regional Planning Meeting“Strengthening National Infrastructures for the Control of Radiation Sources” (TSA-1), (Phase II) Country: Kyrgyz Republic 19-20 March 2009 IAEA, Vienna
LegislationRegulations and Guidanceoccupational protection, public protection, medical exposure, radioactive waste, and the transport of radioactive materials. Brief update since 2008 • Law “About Radiation Security of Population in Kyrgyz Republic” • Law “About Radioactive Waste Dumps in the territory of Kyrgyz Republic” • Norms of Radiation Security (NRB-99) • Basic Sanitary Rules (OSP-78/87) • SanPiN “Sanitary Rules on Provision the Radiation Protection of Personal and Population During Transportation Radioactive Materials (Substances)” • SanPiN “Hygienic Requirements to Design and Exploitation of Facilities with Isotope Sources” • SanPiN “Hygienic Requirements to Exploitation of Shielded Radionuclide Sources during Implementation Geophysical Works at Boreholes” • SPORO-2000 “Sanitary Norms and Rules for Management of Radioactive Waste” Main developments – changes – ongoing activities in the regulatory framework since 2008 • Approved new “Instruction on gamma radiation measurement of scrap metal and consumer goods” • There is continues the general national procedure calling “Technical Regulations in the field of Radiation Security” and “Environmental Code” in which included drafts of regulation about licensing of use radiation sources, categorization of radiation sources and others. Identify strong & weak points (indicating their compatibility with the IAEA BSS, IAEA GS-R-I and the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources) • NRB-99 has strong compatibility with the IAEA BSS • There is necessary to adopt the national legislative base to the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources
The Regulatory Bodyorganization structure – responsibilities - effective independence
The Regulatory Body Strengths and weaknesses of the regulatory body • Process of adoption of national legislation and regulations passes not rapidly as it is necessary. • SAEPF expresses difficulties in institutional development as a regulator on the safety and security of radioactive sources. • Ministry of Health in the structure of which is SES at the same time is operator the facilities with radiation sources and ionizing radiation. • There is misunderstanding by government officials about necessity of establishment independent regulatory body (no Nuclear Power Plant). • There is continues governmental economical policy on decreasing number of license issued by national governmental organizations. • Not proper cooperation between SAEPF and SES. Funding • - unfortunately, there is not adequate financial resources in order to implement and operate by SAEPF and SES a regulatory authority’s functions according to the existing law. • - most operators are national and financed through national budget which is not enough at present stage to cover and implement even main notifications issued by regulatory bodies.
Notification - Authorization – Licensing - Inspections • Notification usually provided during application by operator for approval the sanitary detention of facility. • Authorization process in the form of sanitary detention has to be modified, otherwise new adopted to IAEA requirements licensing procedure should be introduced. • Measures for optimizing occupational and public exposures (ALARA) usually not described and not are taken into account. • Asset 88 of Code of Kyrgyz Republic “About administrative responsibility”– “infringement of rules, norms, instructions and other requirements in the field of radiation security” usually used during enforcement procedure. • However due the limited resources there is not provided requirements such as individual monitoring. • Problem matter: *Licensing of use radiation sources still is not established.
Regulatory Body Staffing and Training Numbers of Staff • 1. State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry - 13 (4 central office inspection officers, 1 of them – NLO to IAEA, 1 – NLO Assistant to IAEA, 2 – conduct the authorization procedure (2 kinds of licensing), and 9 laboratory workers – 2 radiological monitoring and radiation source search and indication officers, 7 regional inspection and radio-ecological monitoring workers). • 2. State Sanitarian Epidemiological Surveillance of Ministry of Health - 19 (3 central supervision officers, 1 of them - responsible for issuance the radiological sanitary detentions and 2 – responsible for supervision the occupational and public exposure, 8 central laboratory workers and 7 regional medical radiologists. Education – availability of skills – access to training and development – training needs • All central staff of two regulatory bodies has passed different IAEA regional training courses, as well as national training courses with exercises on the safety and security of radiation sources. • At present stage, regulatory bodies has obtained some volume of training materials and experience on conducting the training program. • There is based on IAEA training materials a draft of the staff training program which is under the process of adoption.
Management System Recent developments – activities concerning the RB management system, notably: • Information management • At present stage total officially controlled number of radiation sources at various facility operators is 1135, 514of them are under exploitation, 621 spent sources require to be transferred to Radioactive Waste Management Facility. • Both regulatory organizations as SAEPF as SES conduct an inventory of radiation sources, their users and locations with the help of computer based Regulatory Authority Information System (but not all components of RAIS system for every radiation source completed). • Quality management • Components of quality system, such as manuals on the organisation and section specific functions and procedures, work instructions and laboratory manuals are in place. It is necessary to strengthen control of using radiation sources in industrial radiography and establish stronger quality system.
Plans Main plans - aspirations in correlation with the projects & main barriers (political, organisational, financial) • Getting progress on political and organisational matters connected with establishment independent and clearly charged regulatory body is very important. Main needs for the coming period 2009 - 11 One of main needs for the coming period 2009-11 is development of legislation during the “National Technical Regulation” process. Also, needs in achievement goals on establishment a management system that includes clear designation of responsibilities, external and internal interactions among organisational units of two regulatory authorities. What, above all else, does your organisation wish to achieve through RER9096? Nevertheless, all staff of two regulatory organisations are looking for approaches in solving a vital issue but a tractable issue. In this regard, continuation of IAEA support through regional, and particularly, a national projects is actual and important.