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WELCOME TO THE BLAST MODEL – ENGLISH STYLE. Presented by Monica Mello & Brian Redmond. ESSENTIAL QUESTION: WHAT EXACTLY IS THE BLAST MODEL IN HUMANITIES?. A rotational model system using 2-3 learning stations and digital content to understand English standards. The 3 stations:

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  1. WELCOME TO THE BLAST MODEL – ENGLISH STYLE Presented by Monica Mello & Brian Redmond

  2. ESSENTIAL QUESTION:WHAT EXACTLY IS THE BLAST MODEL IN HUMANITIES? • A rotational model system using 2-3 learning stations and digital content to understand English standards. • The 3 stations: • DIRECT INSTRUCTION • INDEPENDENT STATION • COLLABORATIVE GROUPS

  3. BLAST PD OBJECTIVE • Our objective in delivering this professional development today is two fold: • Given direct instruction of the BLAST rotational model, the teacher willunderstand the BLAST Model bycreating a poster in groups of 4 that explains how to teach the story of the Three Little Pigs in 2-3 stations with creativity.

  4. DIRECT INSTRUCTION Expectations for Direct Instruction/Teacher Led Instruction • Teacher delivers content – this is the only station where the teacher orally gives directions and breaks down standard for 10-20 students at a time. • Teacher performs checking for understanding with each student during this rotation. • Each student is held accountable for participation.

  5. INDEPENDENT STATION • Students work independently on laptops with digital content. • Students pull up Digital Agenda and follow instructions assigned by teacher, related to standard. • Student Accountability is needed. Reference “Station Leaders” slide.

  6. COLLABORATIVE STATION • Students work in groups of 4 to construct knowledge through discussion, projects, and in-depth analysis. • A collaborative group can create a PowerPoint, Prezi, a comic based on standard, presentation, diagrams, coolaborative poster, I-movie, or • The main focus of this station is that students are driving their own “educational ship”.

  7. Student Accountability/Station Leaders • There are 2 teacher chosen leaders per station. The role of the station leaders is to be a role model and faux teacher to the Independent/Collaborative Groups. • Purpose: To keep stations student centered instead of relying on teacher for final answer. Rule of thumb • Ask 3, Then Me. – • STUDENT REFLECTIONS & RUBRIC

  8. Student Reflection/Rubric • Download the following items (2) from Mr. Redmond’s Website: • Station Standard Based Writing Reflection 4-9.docx • Collaborative Group Expectations and Roles • Take 4 min. to read “Station Standard Based Writing Reflection” and “Collaborative Expectations”

  9. ROTATING • A system needs to be set in place – there are many ways that you can keep track of time for your rotations in each station: • Teachers call out warning check-ins (“5 min, left!”) • 1. Clock on Smart-Board • 2. Station Leaders keep time and remind teachers • 3. Rotate according to station number( Direct # 2 moves to Collaborative # 2)

  10. BTW – Why are there #’s? • GROUPINGS for students: • Many teachers group differently, but this is the question - • Homogenous or Heterogeneous? • What do you think would be most beneficial for student learning in the BLAST Model? • Discussion/Testimonials

  11. Maintain Rigor/Engagement • BLOOMS TAXONOMY IS YOUR BEST FRIEND. • (discipline talks here…………. ) • Direct Station is rooted in recall, factual information, comprehension. • Collaborative is primarily application, analysis, synthesis/creating. • Independent is connected to analysis, recall, and

  12. Strategies for Success in Independent Station • www.Edmodo.com (classroom Facebook for English) • www.edelements.com - Achieve 3000 (Teen Biz • www.glogster.com - digital posters/media posters • PowerPoint/Prezi/Wiki (Jon, help us out here) • i-Movie, Garage Band • Vocabulary Poems

  13. Strategies for Success in Collaborative Station • Pro/Con charts – prepare for Debates/Socratic Seminar • Investigative Project – “What is Evil” • Create a Comic/Cartoon based on Literature • www.glogster.com - digital posters/media posters • PowerPoint/Prezi/Wiki (Jon, help us out here) • i-Movie, Garage Band • Vocabulary Poems

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