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Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration. Copied book chapters 7 and 8. Dirt, bugs, NaCl not needed in photosynthesis. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= 2xNwZCk2CHY. 6 CO 2 + 6 H 2 O <--> 6 O 2 + C 6 H 12 O 6. What is photosynthesis?. “when plants use sunlight to make energy”

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Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

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  1. Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Copied book chapters 7 and 8

  2. Dirt, bugs, NaCl not needed in photosynthesis • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xNwZCk2CHY

  3. 6 CO2+ 6 H2O <--> 6 O2 + C6H12O6

  4. What is photosynthesis? • “when plants use sunlight to make energy” • Is the plant making energy? NO – it is being transformed, changed, altered • How can a plant take light and change it into something else?

  5. Remembering types of energy(7.2) • Kinetic – energy of movement • Directed or random • Potential – stored energy • Position or bonds • What are bonds made of? • Electrons! Which are small, negatively charged particles around every atom that can be energized

  6. How can a plant take light and change it into something else?(8.1) • Where: Chloroplast at the chlorophyll molecule • Photosystem: a group of pigments that collect energy for one electron • All of your friends giving you info on a cheating boyfriend • Two part process- Light Dependent reaction and Light INdependent reaction

  7. The Light Dependent Reaction • Electrons get excited (replaced by water) • Moves hydrogen across a membrane forming a concentration gradient • Bonds NADP with H to make NADPH • Squished hydrogens move and make ADP bond with P to make ATP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK_cjd6Evcw

  8. Light Dependent Reaction Vocab: • Electron- • Concentration gradient- • Hydrogen- • Membrane- • NADP and NADPH- • ADP and ATP (7.3)-

  9. Adenosine TRI or DI phosphate(7.3) • A molecule that is very good at storing energy • Can have up to three P groups attached • Usually two then three then two then three…

  10. Where are we? • How can a plant take light and change it into something else? -Light made NADPH and ATP -water was broken to get electrons and H’s and, oxygen got released • Next step is to make those into sugar

  11. Light INdependent Reaction • CO2 meets with a big carbon molecule already there • ATP and NADPH are used to rearrange the CO2 and old carbon molecule into Glucose • Some glucose stays in the cycle while the rest can be used to build the plant and ‘eaten’ for energy to divide cells and absorb nutrients

  12. Light Independent Reaction Vocab: • Glucose- • CO2- • Calvin Cycle-

  13. So now where are we? • The light independent reaction uses CO2, ATP and NADPH to make Glucose • The whole story: chlorophyll traps light energy by exciting electrons. Those electrons help make NADPH and ATP needed in the light independent reaction. There, CO2 is rearranged to make glucose.

  14. Now that the plant has trapped sunlight in bonds of glucose, how does it use the glucose? How do animals use glucose?

  15. Cellular Respiration • Three Parts: • Glycolysis • Krebs Cycle • Electron Transport • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1I33Dgcc_M • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_XQR800AgM

  16. Glycolysis (p149) • Activation energy (ATP) is added to glucose breaking it into two molecules called pyruvic acid • With help from a protein (Acetyl CoA), pyruvic acid loses a carbon (CO2) and gets inside the inner part of the mitochondria. • It joins with a big carbon molecule and goes into the Krebs Cycle

  17. Glycolysis Vocab: • Activation Energy- • Pyruvic acid-

  18. Krebs Cycle (p150) • The broken down glucose/pyruvic acid joins enters. • As CO2 is broken off, ADP and P bond to make ATP. • FAD and H and H become FADH2 and NAD and H become NADH

  19. Krebs Cycle Vocab: • FAD and H and H- • NAD and H-

  20. Electron Transport Chain (p151) • NADH and FADH2 carry excited electrons and hydrogens to the membrane where they are pushed through making a gradient. • As the hydrogen comes back, A LOT of ATP is made

  21. Electron Transport Chain Vocab: • NADH and FADH2- • Gradient-

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