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ISIS Space acts as a broker for secondary payload purchases on launch vehicles globally, offering primary payload organization. Based in the Netherlands, they launch worldwide, optimizing CubeSat launches for location and cost. Learn about orbital and satellite lifetimes, mission sequences, and satellite testing responsibilities from Michiel van Bolhuis from ISIS. Get insights into altitude range planning and launch payment sequences.
Launch issues DB razgovaraosa “Michiel van Bolhuis from ISL” https://www.isispace.nl/launch-services/
ISIS • ISI Space je posrednikkojikupuje secondary payload nalaunch vehicles koje transportiraju veće satelite. Mogu organizirati i primary payload. • Locirani su u Nizozemskoj, ali lansiraju po cijelom svijetu (EU, USA, China). • Cijela lansiranja 1U CubeSata stoga ovisi o lokaciji i cijeni koju launch service njima naplaćuje. Od 72.5 – 95 k€. • He recommends that we plan for a wider rather than narrow altitude range. Maximum for CubeSats is 650 km, but we should design for 550 – 650 km to allow higher chance of getting the right launch at the time was want. • Primary layload defines the orbit and the altitude, ISIS compuets the exact orbit for each of the CubeSats in the launch. • From launch to deployment is less than one hour. • Mission sequence: primary payload deployment, and then secondary payload. Separation is mechanical. • Angular momentum of launch vehicle is degrees/sec – very low.
Satelite lifetime vs. orbital lifetime According to Michiel: • Orbital lifetime is determined by celestial mechanics – at 550 km a rock will live about 10 years before burning up. • Satellite lifetime is determined by random failures, which may include vacuum problem, thermal runaway, exposure to cold, space radiation. Typical time is 1 year. • Need to check this / what is the most likely failure?
Dodatna informacija Ono što možde nije bilo jasno iz prethodnih slideova: • mi smo odgovorni za testiranje satelita da bi prošao kvalifikaciju – dokumentaciju o tome što treba proći dobivamo od ISIS • mi smo odgovorni za licencu frekvencija koje ćemo koristiti. Tražio sam primjer dokumentacije, ali mi je Michiel rekao da je ne može dati jer su sve različite budući da je lansiranje iz različitih zemalja, tj. Prijavni krietriji se mijenjanju o ovisnosti o državi koja lansira.