Models of Assessment Manal Alia ID: m80006234
Assessment of Adaptive Behavior Adaptive behavior refers to the effectiveness or degree with which individuals meet the standards or personal independence and social responsibility expected for age and cultural groups.
Areas the examiner should focus on when doing an evaluation of adaptive behavior Communication Skills Community Use Self-Direction Health and Safety Functional Academics Self-Care Home Living Social Skills Leisure Work Skills
Adaptive Behavior Assessments Adaptive Behavior Scale- Residential and Community-2 (ABS-RC:2) Adaptive Behavior Scale- School (ABS-S:2) The Adaptive Behavior Evaluation Scale- Revised (ABES-R) Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (VABS)
FBA- the process of determining why a student engages in challenging behavior and how the student’s behavior relates to the environment
Behavior Assessment System for Children BASC-2 • A comprehensive set of rating scales includes: • Teacher Rating Scales (TRS), • Parent Rating Scales (PRS), • Self-Report of Personality (SRP), • Student Observation System (SOS), • Structured Developmental History (SDH). • Together, they help understand the behaviors and emotions of children and adolescents.
Advantages • An effective way to measure behavior • Helps children thrive in their school and home environments with effective behavior assessment. • provides a complete picture of a child’s behavior. • School and clinical psychologists evaluate and address behavioral and emotional issues • Provides a comprehensive set of rating scales. • Applies a triangulation method for gathering information. • Analyzes the child’s behavior from three perspectives Self, Teacher, and Parent
disadvantages • Measures a limited number of psychopathology and personality domains • Its structure makes comparison of child self-ratings from parents and teachers difficult • It has limited validity information about applicability with preschoolers
The social model of disability Inaccessible transport Poorly designed buildings ISSUE Disabling environment Negative attitudes Barriers Discrimination Poverty Lack of understanding from others Lack of accessible information Too few Sign Language Interpreters Negative perceptions
Sociometric assessment • The measurement of interpersonal relationships in a social group. • Provide information about an individual's social competence and standing within a peer group • School-based sociometric assessment often focuses on a child's relationships with regard to social popularity, peer acceptance, peer rejection, and reputation.
IMPLICATIONS OF SOCIOMETRIC ASSESSMENT FOR EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE • Determine eligibility for special education and for intervention for adaptive behaviors or socio-emotional problems. • Provide more specific information that can be linked to classification and intervention. • Assessing and understanding children's and adolescents' peer relations is important in educational settings for several reasons.
Limitations • The concept of social validity, which refers to the acceptance, usefulness, and potential harm of an assessment procedure. • The applications of sociometric assessment methods have resulted in controversy and ethical concerns regarding their use. • The use of negative peer nominations and the possibility that children will compare responses which may result in negative social and emotional consequences for children who are not positively perceived by their peers.
References: Bandura A, Caprara GV, Barbaranelli C, Gerbino M, Pastorelli C. Role of affective self- regulatory efficacy on diverse spheres of psychosocial functioning. Child Development. 2003;74:769–782. Bandura, Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control, WH Freeman, New York, NY, USA, 1997. Benefits Of Behavioral Assessments | Benefits Of. (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2015, from http://benefitof.net/benefits-of-behavioral-assessments/ Caprara GV, Gerbino M, DelleFratte A. Autoefficaciainterpersonale [Interpersonal self- efficacy] In: Caprara GV, editor. La valutazionedell’autoefficacia [Self-efficacy evaluation] Trento: Erickson; 2001. pp. 5–50. Cohen, L & Spenciner, L. (2013). Assessment of Children and Youth with Special Needs. Di Giunta, L., Eisenberg, N., Kupfer, A., Steca, P., Tramontano, C., & Caprara, G. V. (2015). Assessing perceived empathic and social self-efficacy across countries. European Journal of Psychological Assessment Gordon, E. W., & Campbell, E. B. (2014). Context and Perspective: Implications for Assessment in Education. Teachers College Record, 116(11). Hughes, B., & Patterson, K. (1997). The social model of disability and the disappearing body: Towards a sociology of impairment. Disability & Society, 12(3), 325-340.
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