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Mr. Manasranjan Murlidhar Rana is responsible for handling four different clusters of the software development process. These are DEV, UAT, QA, and Prod. He and his entire team even used the innovative Ambari server extensively to maintain different Hadoop cluster and its components. The Ambari server collects data from a cluster and thereby, controls each host.
Manasranjan MurlidharRana How Mr. Manasranjan Murlidhar Rana Helped Union Bank Switzerland as a Certified HadoopAdministrator September 09,2020 Mr.ManasranjanMurlidharRanaisacertifiedHadoopAdministratorandanITprofessionalwith10years of experience. During his entire career, he has contributed a lot to Hadoop administration for different organizations,includingthefamousUnionBankofSwitzerland. Mr. Rana’s Knowledge in Hadoop Architecture and itsComponents Mr. Manasranjan Murlidhar Rana has vast knowledge and understanding of various aspects related to Hadoop Architecture and its different components. These are MapReduce, YARN, HDFS, HBase, Pig, Flume, Hive,andZookeeper.HeevenhastheexperiencetobuildandmaintainmultipleclustersinHadoop, liketheproductionanddevelopmentofdiversesizesandconfigurations. HiscontributionisobservedintheestablishmentofracktopologytodealwithbigHadoopclusters.Inthis blog post, we will discuss in detail about the massive contribution of Manasranjan Murlidhar Rana as a HadoopAdministratortodealwithvariousoperationsofthe UnionBankofSwitzerland. Role of Mr. Rana in Union Bank ofSwitzerland Right from the year 2016 to until now, Mr. Manasranjan Murlidhar Rana played the role of a Hadoop Administratorwith10othermembersforhisclientnamedUnionBankofSwitzerland.Duringabout4 years,heworkedalottoenhancetheprocessofdatamanagementforhisclientUBS.
. Works for the Set up of HadoopCluster ManasranjanMurlidharRanaandhisentireteamwereinvolvedinthesetupoftheHadoopClusterinUBS right from the beginning to the end procedure. In this way, the complete team works hard to install, configure, and monitor the complete Hadoop Cluster effectively. Here, the Hadoop cluster refers to a computation cluster designed to store and analyze unstructured data in a well-distributed computational environment. . Handles 4 Different Clusters and Uses AmbariServer Mr. Manasranjan Murlidhar Rana is responsible for handling four different clusters of the software developmentprocess.TheseareDEV,UAT,QA,andProd.Heandhisentireteamevenusedtheinnovative Ambari server extensively to maintain different Hadoop cluster and its components. The Ambari server collectsdatafromaclusterandthereby, controlseachhost. . Cluster Maintenance and Review of Hadoop LogFiles Mr. Manasranjan Murlidhar Rana and his team have done many things to maintain the entire Hadoop cluster, along with commissioning plus decommissioning of data nodes. Moreover, he contributed to monitoring different software development related clusters, troubleshoot and manage the available data backups, while reviewed log files of Hadoop. He also reviewed and managed log files of Hadoop as an importantoftheHadoopadministrationtocommunicate,troubleshoot,andescalatetonsofissuestostep ahead in the rightdirection. . Successful Installation of Hadoop Components and itsEcosystem Hadoop Ecosystem consists of Hadoop daemons. Hadoop Daemons in terms of computation imply a processoperatinginthebackgroundandtheyareoffivetypes,i.e.DataNode, NameNode, TaskTracker, JobTracker, and SecondaryNameNode. Besides,HadoophasfewothercomponentsnamedFlume, SqoopandHDFS,allofwhichhave specific functions. Indeed, installation, configuration, and maintenance of each of the Hadoop daemons and Hadoopecosystemcomponentsarenoteasy. However, based on the hands-on experience of Mr. Manasranjan Rana, he succeeded to guide his entire team to install Hadoop ecosystems and its components named HBase, Flume, Sqoop, and many more. Especially,heworkedtouseSqooptoimportandexportdatainHDFS,whiletouseFlumeforloadingany log data directly intoHDFS. . Monitor the Hadoop Deployment and Other RelatedProcedures BasedonthevastknowledgeandexpertisetodealwithHadoopelements,Mr.ManasranjanMurlidhar Ranamonitoredsystemsandservices,workforthe architecturaldesignandproperimplementationof Hadoop deployment and make sure of other procedures, like disaster recovery, data backup, and configurationmanagement. . Used Cloudera Manager and AppDynamics
Basedonthehands-onexperienceofMr.ManasranjanMurlidharRanatouse AppDynamics, he monitored multipleclustersandenvironmentsavailableunderHadoop.Heevencheckedthejobperformance, workload, and capacity planning with the help of the Cloudera Manager. Along with this, he worked with varietiesofsystemengineeringaspectstoformulateplansanddeployinnovativeHadoopenvironments. HeevenexpandedthealreadyexistingHadoopclustersuccessfully. . Setting Up of My-SQL Replications and Maintenance of My-SQLDatabases Other than the expertise of Mr. Manasranjan Murlidhar Rana in various aspects of Bigdata, especially the Hadoop ecosystem and its components, he has good command on different types of databases, like Oracle, Ms-Access, andMy-SQL. Thus, accordingtohisworkexperience,hemaintaineddatabasesbyusingMy-SQL,establishedusers,and maintained the backup or recovery of available databases. He was also responsible for the establishment of master and slave replications for the My-SQL database and helped business apps to maintain data in various My-SQLservers. Therefore, with good knowledge of Hadoop Ambari Server, Hadoop components, and demons, along with theentireHadoopEcosystem,Mr.ManasranjanMurlidharRanahasgivencontributionstowardsthesmart managementofavailabledataforthe UnionBankofSwitzerland. Find Mr. Manasranjan Murlidhar Rana on Social Media. Here are some social mediaprofiles:- https:/www.facebook.com/manasranjan.rana.904 https:/twitter.com/ManasranjanMur5 https:/www.linkedin.com/in/manasranjan-rana-b90a791b6/ https:/in.pinterest.com/manasranjanmurlidharrana/ https:/www.youtube.com/channel/UC4LuRbbXDe-egfJbSlCJMOg/about https:/www.reverbnation.com/artist/manasranjanmurlidharrana
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