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One Small Candle: Creating an SBS Advocacy Group

One Small Candle: Creating an SBS Advocacy Group. September 13, 2010 Greg Williams, MEd Marsha Williams, LPN. As one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone unto many. --William Bradford Of Plymouth Plantation. Reagan Emery Williams 1/5/04-7/2/06.

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One Small Candle: Creating an SBS Advocacy Group

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  1. One Small Candle:Creating an SBS Advocacy Group September 13, 2010 Greg Williams, MEd Marsha Williams, LPN

  2. As one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone unto many. --William Bradford Of Plymouth Plantation

  3. Reagan Emery Williams1/5/04-7/2/06

  4. When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes your priceless treasure. It also drives your passion, becomes your cause, and leads you to action. --The Shaken Baby Alliance

  5. action

  6. Internet • National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome • National Shaken Baby Coalition • Shaken Baby Task Force • The Shaken Baby Alliance • Prevent Child Abuse Illinois • National Center for the Prosecution of Child Abuse

  7. Literature • After Death Communication Hello from Heaven! by Bill & Judy Guggenheim We Are Their Heaven by Allison DuBois After Life by John Edward • Grief A Grief Observed by C. S. Lewis The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion When the Bough Breaks by Judith R. Bernstein The Bereaved Parent by Harriet Schiff

  8. Literature, cont. • Faith God Will Make a Way by Terry Rush Life After the Death of My Son by Dennis L. Apple A Decembered Grief by Harold Ivan Smith The Gift of Grief by Matthew D. Gewirtz The Shack by Wm. Paul Young

  9. Professionals • Grief Counselors • Pastors • Psychologists • Doctors • Nurses • Investigators • Attorneys • Educators • Social Workers • CPAs

  10. Professionals, cont. • Workshops Train-the-Trainer Workshop Springfield, IL 9/18/07 Prevent Child Abuse Illinois Children Living in Danger: The Risks of Paramours and Domestic Violence Bloomington, IL 6/11/08 Prevent Child Abuse Illinois Train-the-Trainer SBS Workshop Champaign, IL 3/12/10 Prevent Child Abuse Illinois

  11. Raising Funds • Seed Money • Memorial Fund • Wristbands

  12. Raising Funds, cont. • T-shirts

  13. Raising Funds, cont. • Pinwheels for Prevention

  14. Raising Funds, cont. • Car Magnets

  15. Raising Funds, cont. • Community Day Booklets

  16. Raising Funds, cont. • One Size Fits All Gives Back, Lafayette, IN

  17. Raising Funds, cont. • Business Partnerships Provena United Samaritans Medical Center Lamar Outdoor Advertising Radio Stations WDNL WRHK WDAN WKZS Central Christian Church Danville District #118

  18. Raising Funds, cont. • Business Partnerships, cont. Community Theatre Groups Local Merchants Chart Records Nextel Berbaum Insurance Custard Cup Education Personnel Federal Credit Union

  19. Raising Awareness • Website www.reagansrescuefund.com • Radio Programs WDAN Community Connection WITY Provena Healthy Living

  20. Raising Awareness, cont. • Presentations YFRC Child Awareness Workshop DACC Early Childhood Education Conference Kiwanis and Lions Church groups Lakeview College of Nursing

  21. Raising Awareness, cont. • Candlelight Vigil 7/2/07

  22. Raising Awareness, cont. • Candlelight Vigil 7/2/09

  23. Raising Awareness, cont. • Billboard

  24. Raising Awareness, cont. • Logo

  25. Raising Awareness, cont. • Business Card

  26. Raising Awareness, cont. • Radio Public Service Announcements 2nd Placein the Illinois Broadcasters Association Silver Dome Award for Excellence in Broadcasting for Best Locally Produced PSA for a Local Charity or Cause

  27. Raising Awareness, cont. • Magazine Articles “Partners in Prevention” One Life Winter/Spring 08 “Beary Good News” Teddy Bear Review June 2008

  28. Raising Awareness, cont. • Boyd’s Bears

  29. Raising Awareness, cont. • School District

  30. Raising Awareness, cont. • School District, cont. • Illinois House Resolution 228—adopted 6/13/07 ~SBS curriculum implemented in Illinois middle and high school health classes ~Reagan’s Rescue pushed for immediate implementation in Vermilion and Champaign County schools

  31. Raising Awareness, cont. • School District, cont. • Reagan Williams Memorial Track Invitational • Key Club at Danville High School • Channel One PSAs • Builder’s Club at North Ridge Middle School Rock-a-thon and • North Ridge Middle School Future Problem Solvers “I Will Prevent It” Campaign

  32. Raising Awareness, cont. I Will Prevent It Campaign

  33. Raising Awareness, cont. I Will Prevent It Campaign

  34. Raising Awareness, cont. I Will Prevent It Campaign

  35. Raising Awareness, cont. I Will Prevent It Campaign Future Problem Solvers International Conference LaCrosse, Wisconsin

  36. Raising Awareness, cont. I Will Prevent It Campaign Future Problem Solvers International Conference LaCrosse, Wisconsin

  37. Raising Awareness, cont. • School District, cont. • Reagan’s Rescue Scholarship

  38. Raising Awareness, cont. • School District, cont. • Library Donations Danville High School ~Silenced Angels: The Medical, Legal, and Social Aspects of Shaken Baby Syndrome by James R. Peinkofer ~Grandma’s Baby: A True Story of One Family’s Struggle with Shaken Baby Syndrome by Karen Wise, R.N.

  39. Raising Awareness, cont. • School District, cont. • Library Donations Edison Elementary School ~The Fall of Freddie the Leaf by Leo Buscaglia

  40. Legal Responsibilities • Incorporation • NFP Status • Taxes • Bookkeeping

  41. Blessings • Festival of Trees David S. Palmer Arena Nov. 2007 “Angels on Earth”

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