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Sampling conditions and topological guarantees for shape reconstruction algorithms. Andre Lieutier , Dassault Sytemes Thanks to Dominique Attali for some slides (the nice ones ) Thanks to Dominique Attali , Fréderic Chazal , David Cohen-Steiner for joint work. Shape Reconstruction.
Sampling conditions and topological guarantees for shape reconstruction algorithms Andre Lieutier, DassaultSytemes Thanks to Dominique Attali for someslides (the niceones) Thanksto Dominique Attali, Fréderic Chazal, David Cohen-Steiner for joint work
Shape Reconstruction UNKNOWN INPUT OUTPUT Surface of physical object Triangulation Sample in R3 • geometrically accurate • topologically correct
Shape Reconstruction(or manifold learning) INPUT OUTPUT Unordered sequence of images varying in pose and lighting Low-dimensional complex
Shape Reconstruction(or manifold learning) UNKNOWN INPUT OUTPUT Space with small intrinsec dimension Simplicial complex Sample in Rd • geometrically accurate • topologically correct
Algorithms in 2D heuristics to select a subset of the Delaunay triangulation
Algorithms in 3D heuristics to select a subset of the Delaunay triangulation
A Simple Algorithm UNKNOWN INPUT OUTPUT Shape Sample -offset = union of balls with radius centered on the sample
A Simple Algorithm UNKNOWN INPUT OUTPUT Shape Sample From Nerve Theorem: -offset -complex
A Simple Algorithm Shape Sample OUTPUT
Reconstruction theorem Sampling conditions [Niyogi Smale Weinberger 2004]
1 m wfs m-reach reach Beyond the reach : WFS and m-reach wfs m m
Previous best known result for faithful reconstruction of set with positive m-reach(Chazal, Cohen-Steiner,Lieutier 2006)
Previous best known result for faithful reconstruction of set with positive m-reach(Chazal, Cohen-Steiner,Lieutier 2006)
Best known result for faithful reconstruction of set with positive m-reach
Previous best known result for faithful reconstruction of set with positive m-reach(Chazal, Cohen-Steiner,Lieutier 2006) Under the conditions of the theorem, a simple offset of the sampleis a faithfulreconsruction
Recoveringhomology (Cohen-Steiner,Edelsbrunner,Harer 2006) (Chazal, Lieutier 2006)
Recoveringhomology (Cohen-Steiner,Edelsbrunner,Harer 2006) (Chazal, Lieutier 2006)
Recoveringhomology (Cohen-Steiner,Edelsbrunner,Harer 2006) (Chazal, Lieutier 2006)
Recoveringhomology (Cohen-Steiner,Edelsbrunner,Harer 2006) (Chazal, Lieutier 2006)
Recoveringhomology (Cohen-Steiner,Edelsbrunner,Harer 2006) (Chazal, Lieutier 2006)
Samplng condition for Cech and Rips(D. Attali, A. Lieutier 2011) [NSW04] [CCL06]
Cech / Rips Rips and Cech complexes generally don’t share the same topology, but ...
Possesses a spirituous cycle that we want to kill ! Cech / Rips
Cech / Rips Had there been a point close to the center, it would have distroy spirituous cycles appearing in the Rips, without changing the Cech.
Density authorized [NSW04] [CCL06]