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Mastering Mental Math: Embracing Number Talks for Deeper Understanding

Explore the world of mental math and reasoning through engaging Number Talks. Discover why these short, ongoing discussions are essential for fifth-grade students to build efficient computation strategies and deeper mathematical understanding. Learn how to communicate and reason mathematically, fostering a community of learners who celebrate both correct and incorrect answers. Develop critical thinking skills and various problem-solving approaches through fun and interactive sessions. Join the journey of mastering mental math with Number Talks!

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Mastering Mental Math: Embracing Number Talks for Deeper Understanding

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Number Talks Building Mental Math and Reasoning

  2. What is mental math? • With an elbow partner, talk about the question, “What is mental math?” • Why do we need to do “mental math?”

  3. Targets • I am learning how to explain what a Number Talk is. • I am learning why “Number Talks” are going to be an important part of my learning in fifth grade. • I am learning the rules of “Number Talks!” • I am practicing a “Number Talk!”

  4. What do you think a ‘Number Talk’ is? • Talk with an elbow partner again and come up with an answer to the question, “What do you think a ‘Number Talk’ is?” • When do we talk about numbers? • Why is it important to talk about numbers?

  5. What is a Number Talk? A number talk is: • Short (5-15 minutes) • On-going • Part of your daily routine • Practice with computation • Sometimes, but not always, structured as a short session alongside your math curriculum • A discussion about numbers and computation • A way to learn share ideas and learn about different ways to solve and think about problems

  6. Why should we do “Number Talks” in fifth grade? • So many students and adults think that math is all about rules and procedures. We memorize those rules and procedures without understanding the relationships and meanings of numbers. • Todays technology and information age requires students and adults to develop a deeper understanding of mathematics. We have to be able to reason about quantitative information, possess number sense, and check for the reasonableness of solutions and answers. • Number Talks will help other students and adults understand and learn about different ways of thinking and solving problems.

  7. Why Number Talks? • Making sense of mathematics (DEEPER UNDERSTANDING)! • Developing efficient computation strategies • Communicating mathematically • Reasoning and proving solutions

  8. For example: • Solve: 405 - 68 = ______

  9. Format for Number Talks • Teacher presents the problem. • Students use mental math to figure out the answer. • 1-2 minutes to figure come up with an answer. • Use hand signals to let your teacher know you are ready. • Students share their answers. • ALL answers/ideas will be recorded. • Students share their thinking. • The class agrees on the “real” answer for the problem. • Repeat for additional problems.

  10. Some questions that your teacher might ask: • How did you think about that? • How did you figure it out? • What did you do next? • Why did you do that? Tell me more. • Who would like to share their thinking? • Did someone else solve it in a different way? • Who else started the problem this way? • Who else used this strategy to solve the problem? • What strategies do you see being used? • Which strategies seem to be efficient, quick or simple?

  11. Rules • Respect all answers, no matter how off they are! • Celebrate correct and incorrect answers! • You need to feel comfortable with making errors and know that mistakes are celebrated and will help us learn and grow. • Be a class community! • We are a family and need to treat each other with care and respect! • Teacher is the facilitator ONLY! • Give 100% of your effort during Math Talks. • Discuss nothing other than math. • Ask questions if you don’t understand. • When you know the answer, continue to think of new ways to solve the problem. • Teacher will be looking for different strategies and ways of thinking about problems. Be prepared, just in case a classmate shares your same idea!  • Listen attentively to all ideas and be ready to repeat what was said or explain someone else’s thinking. • When you know the answer, continue to think of new ways to solve the problem. • Teacher will be looking for different strategies and ways of thinking about problems. Be prepared, just in case a classmate shares your same idea!  • Most important rule: absolutely under no circumstances allowed to raise your hands – no calling out! We will use hand signals!

  12. Hand Signals • We will all start with our fist on our chest. • Thumbs up on our chest if we have the answer • One answer = thumb and one finger • Two answers or solutions = thumb and two fingers • Closed fist: Don’t have answer yet, but have a strategy • Still thinking, almost there…

  13. Number Talk Sentence Starters… • I agree with you because… • I disagree with you because… • Can you explain how… • So I hear you saying that… • Your strategy reminds me of… • My strategy was to… • To add on to what ____________ was saying… • I wonder… • How did you… • What would happen if…

  14. You tell me: • What did we learn today? • I am learning how to explain what a Number Talk is. • I am learning why “Number Talks” are going to be an important part of my learning in fifth grade. • I am learning the rules of “Number Talks!” • I am practicing a “Number Talk!” • Why is it important? • How will we use it? • How will we know if we are successful?

  15. Let’s Try it!

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