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Global Agricultural Research Partnerships: Response to challenges to the sector Olanrewaju Smith

Global Agricultural Research Partnerships: Response to challenges to the sector Olanrewaju Smith Executive Secretary GFAR. Paradigm shifts in the sector. Ensure Food Security Maintain Environmental Integrity Contribute to poverty alleviation Compete in an open integrated market.

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Global Agricultural Research Partnerships: Response to challenges to the sector Olanrewaju Smith

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  1. Global Agricultural Research Partnerships: Response to challenges to the sector Olanrewaju Smith Executive Secretary GFAR

  2. Paradigm shifts in the sector • Ensure Food Security • Maintain Environmental Integrity • Contribute to poverty alleviation • Compete in an open integrated market

  3. Current Trends of the Challenges MDG #1 Ensure FOOD SECURITY Reduce number of hungry people by half 1990-92 2015 80 million 40 million

  4. Global Incidence of undernourishment Source: FAO 2003a

  5. Current trends of the challenges Reduce extreme Poverty • 1.2 billion live on < $1/day • 40% in Sub-Saharan Africa • 40% in South Asia

  6. Major trends in the MDGs, by region Source: UNDP 2005 “the Millennium Project”

  7. Current trends of the challenges MDG # 7: Maintain Environmental Integrity • Land degradation • Water resources depletion • Biodiversity losses • Loss of forest cover

  8. Estimated Forest Cover and Forest Cover Change between 1990 and 2000 Source: FAO 2000. The global Forest Resources Assessment 2000, Rome: FAO* Europe includes the former Soviet republics of Belarus, Moldova, Russian Federation, and Ukraine

  9. Current trends of the challenges Globalization Induced Economic Growth • $ 165 billion/yr global income • 75% of it in industrialized countries • Growth of Trade deficit in dev countries • subsidy promoted imports • Tariff induced export slump

  10. Responses to the challenges • Alarming trends • Need to confront and reverse them • How well is the sector responding

  11. Status of responses to challenges

  12. Policies that enhance research and development responses Adapted from Roseboon 2003

  13. Focus on research • Comprehensive production systems • Value adding technologies • Important productivity gains

  14. Possible agricultural productivity gains in developing countries Source: FAO 2003b

  15. NARS and global system contribution • Primary responsibility of NARS • Need to collaborate on SR/R basis • Room for Inter-regional collaboration • Entry point of GFAR

  16. GFAR Mission To mobilize the scientific community and all other stakeholders involved in agricultural research for development, and support their efforts to alleviate poverty, increase food security and promote sustainable utilization of natural resources

  17. GFAR Stakeholders • Farmers` Organizations • Non-Government Organizations • NARS through their SR/RF • Advanced Research Institutions • International Agric. Research Centres, • The agri-business private sector • A group of donors

  18. EFARD European Forum on Agríc. R&D AARINENA Assoc. of Agricultural Res. Inst. Near East and North Africa FORAGRO Forum of the Americas for Agricultural Research and Technological Development APAARI Asia-Pacific Assoc. Of Agricult. Res. Inst. FARA Forum for Agricultural Resch. in Africa

  19. Global.RAIS • Develop and/or strengthen Regional Agricultural Information Systems (RAIS) • Linked to each other, to EGFAR and to the outside world • To facilitate information exchange and knowledge sharing

  20. Current status of Information Communication Services in various RF

  21. Current Information Communication Technology status in Asia-Pacific NARS

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