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SOR Losers

SOR Losers. Vocabulary. pep (pg 23) Clues: Defn: attitude(pg 23) Clues: Defn: defect(pg 24) Clues: Defn:. cringing(pg 26) Clues: Defn: bribe(pg 24) Clues: Defn: treason(pg 30) Clues: Defn:. Swim Team.

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SOR Losers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SOR Losers Vocabulary

  2. pep (pg 23) • Clues: • Defn: • attitude(pg 23) • Clues: • Defn: • defect(pg 24) • Clues: • Defn: • cringing(pg 26) • Clues: • Defn: • bribe(pg 24) • Clues: • Defn: • treason(pg 30) • Clues: • Defn:

  3. Swim Team The students organized a pep rally to cheer on the girls’ swim team. The students’ attitude showed they wanted team members to know they were important. They didn’t want anyone to defect to another school and start swimming for the rival team. The idea of losing winning swimmers made the students feel like cringing in fear. They knew one of the girls had been offered the position of captain as a bribe. Luckily, the girl thought it would be treason to leave her school team.

  4. pep • The students organized a pep rally to cheer on the girls’ swim team. • Clues: • Defn: a lively, vital spirit; energy

  5. attitude • The students’ attitude showed they wanted team members to know they were important. • Clues: • Defn: a way of thinking, acting, or feeling

  6. defect • They didn’t want anyone to defect to another school and start swimming for the rival team. • Clues: • Defn: to leave one country or group for another

  7. cringing • The idea of losing winning swimmers made the students feel like cringing in fear. • Clues: • Defn: shrinking, flinching

  8. bribe • They knew one of the girls had been offered the position of captain as a bribe. • Clues: • Defn: money or a gift offered to persuade a person to do something wrong or against his or her will

  9. treason Luckily, the girl thought it would be treason to leave her school team. • Clues: • Defn: betraying one’s country by helping the enemy

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