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The main significance is that before starting anything new, seeking his blessings clears obstacles and helps clear the intellect of an individual for them to easily move forward in their lives. Hence, to attract good luck and prosperity, people belonging to the hindu religion keep marble Ganesha statues in their workplaces.
Adorn your workplace with beautiful GaneshaStatueandknowit’ssignificance Workplaces can be adorned with beautiful and calming pieces of Ganesha idols astheyareveryversatileandcanfitineverycorner.Decoratingyourworkplaces withthese idolscanbe asource ofcomfortandpeace. Lord Ganesha is believed to be the god of wealth and prosperity and adorning yourworkplaceswithidolsis supposedtobringgoodluck. Whenever a place is adorned with idols, it wards off any negative energy that might be there and keeps obstacles out of your paths. When the lord is pleased, hebrings success,goodluckandprosperity intoyourlives. TypesofGaneshaStatue:- Significance of Ganesha murtis varies with the type of material and colour it is madeof.Itcanbemadeoutofmarblestone,blackstonewood,silver,clayor
brass. Ganesha marble statuesthat are made out of wood, they bring good health and long lives as well as success for the worshippers. A silver Ganesha idol is believed to bring fame and popularity. Clay Ganesha idols are believed to clearanyobstaclesintheworshipper’spath.BrassGaneshaidolsarebelieved tobringimmensejoyaswell asprosperityinthelivesofthe peopleconcerned. • Marblegodstatuemakersspecificallymaketheseidolssuchthattheyprovide a very calming and peaceful atmosphere and they become a source of comfort and canbekeptin workplacesor homes.Thesizeofthestatue mustbe determinedbeforehandaccordingto yourworkplace. Ganeshstatuesare available in perfect proportions, usually all parts except the face is machine-cut. Sinceitisshapedsogreatly,itcanbekeptinanyandeverycorner.Thesestatues have a radiant looking polish and they radiate peace, positivity and calmness. They help create an ambience which is soothing for all, especially people of the hindu religion. They have a finishing look which is clean and polished. These statues are very durable and do not break easily. They are also really easy to clean. • Significanceof Ganesh Statue- • Themain significanceisthatbeforestartinganythingnew, seekinghisblessings • clears obstacles and helps clear the intellect of an individual for them to easily move forward in their lives. Hence, to attract good luck and prosperity, people belongingtothe hindureligionkeepGaneshmarblestatuesintheirworkplaces. • AwhiteGaneshamarblestatueisknowntosignifywealthandprosperitybut theyshouldbe keptaccordingtotheguidelineslaiddownbytheVastu.
ItremovesallthenegativeenergiesandanydefectsintheVastuandattracts joy,happinessaswellasluckforthe individual. • Theyarepreferably keptin thenorth-facingdirectionoftheenvironment. • Theycanalsomakeindividualsmoreenthusiasticatwork,asitremindsthem oftheir goalandthey workharderhopingtobeblessedbyhim. • Theyareveryversatileandfitgreatlywherever they arekept. • Lakshmiganeshidolsareplacedinhinduhouseholdswiththebeliefthat theywill bringsuccess aswellasprosperityfor thepeople concerned. • Italsosignifiesthattheindividualsnotonlygettheirdesiredwealthbutthey • alsogainwisdomintheprocess.Aswithoutproperwisdom,wealthwon’t stayfor long. • SourceLink: • https://www.problogs.in/importance-of-placing-ganesha-statue-at- workplace/