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Alcova Elementary Title I Annual Parent Meeting

Alcova Elementary Title I Annual Parent Meeting. September 12, 2013 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 A.M. AND 6:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. Overview of Title I. The Title I Program… i s the largest federal assistance program for schools.

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Alcova Elementary Title I Annual Parent Meeting

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  1. Alcova Elementary Title I Annual Parent Meeting September 12, 2013 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 A.M. AND 6:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.

  2. Overview of Title I The Title I Program… • is the largest federal assistance program for schools. • provides support to students who are most at risk of not meeting the state’s academic standards. • bases funds on the number of students receiving free or reduced price lunch. • supports parents by offering workshops and training opportunities to increase their involvement in their children’s education.

  3. Overview of Title I Two types of programs: • Targeted Assistance • Schoolwide Alcova Elementary is a Schoolwide Title I Program.

  4. Overview of Title I • Targeted Assistance Program • Students with the greatest academic need are identified and targeted for additional academic support. • Students receive additional support through pullout/push-in models, extended learning time or in-class programs. • Materials, equipment, professional development, extended learning time, and teachers that are funded through Title I benefit only the identified (targeted) students and parents.——

  5. Overview of Title I • Schoolwide Program • While an emphasis is placed on students at risk of not meeting academic standards, all students at the school benefit from Title I funds. • Materials, equipment, professional development, extended learning time, and teachers that are funded through Title I benefit all students and parents.

  6. Requirements of a Title I School • Title I Annual Parent Meeting • High Quality Curriculum • Academic Assistance to the Most At-Risk Students • Parent Involvement and Input • Annual Evaluation of Title I Program(s) • Timely Communication to Parents

  7. 2013-2014 SchoolwideProgram What are our schoolwide goals? The measurable goals/benchmarks we have established to address the needs for the 2013-2014 school year and in support of the Local School Plan of Improvement (LSPI), are as follows: • Raise student achievement K - 5 in the areas of number sense, computation, and problem solving for students served through the EL, SLD, and Free & Reduced lunch program as well as students who are not necessarily served through these programs, but performing below grade level and at-risk of not meeting state standards as measured by the CRCT. • Raise student achievement K - 5 in the areas of reading fluency and reading comprehension for students served through the EL, SLD, and Free & Reduced lunch program as well as students who are not necessarily served through these programs, but performing below grade level and at-risk of not meeting state standards as measured by the CRCT.

  8. What programs/supports are in place to help my child? Various state and LEA programs are in place at Alcova for the 2013-2014 school year. These programs work in conjunction with Title I to ensure that students from historically under represented subgroups have a variety of opportunities to succeed at high levels while at Alcova.

  9. Budget 420:2013-2014 Alcova’s Allottment = $301,288.00

  10. Wish List • Provide Extended Learning Time (ELT) opportunities (staff, supplies, and materials) for at least the lowest 10% of our student achievers in Kindergarten through 5th grade via a fall, winter, and summer ELT program that focuses on reading, writing, and numeracy skills. • Increase the availability of laptops and educational software available to learners. • Provide professional learning opportunities for teachers to increase their expertise and strategies available to ensure that learners can achieve at high levels. • Support a summer Data Team for Summer, 2014 to conduct the Title I schoolwide review. • Continue to support Alcova’s Data Room to maintain our focus on making data informed instructional decisions that improve student learning. • Increase the number of high quality fiction and nonfiction books in Alcova’s Book Room so that teachers have ample resources available for literacy instruction across all content areas. • Provide nonfiction periodical to be used in all grade levels in class and at home to strengthen nonfiction reading skills. • Continue to build resources in the Parent Center and information through Parent Workshops to help our parents assist with student academic success. • Build student opportunities in the area of STEMS by providing curriculum, learning opportunities, and materials that strengthen knowledge and skills in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

  11. Title I Funding District Parent Involvement Allocation • The district is required to set aside 1% of the total Title I district allocation to go toward parent involvement. • For the school year 2014, the 1% will be equally distributed among all Title I Schoolwide Programs to partially fund a Parent Instructional Support Coordinator. • For the Targeted Assistance Program, the 1% will be used to purchase materials and resources for the development of a Parent Resource Center.

  12. Parent Involvement District Parent Involvement Policy • The Gwinnett County Public Schools Parent Involvement Policy describes the means by which the district commits to establishing partnerships with parents and community members and encourages their participation in the design, implementation, and evaluation of its Title I Program. • The policy is printed in the Title I Handbook issued to all parents of students attending Title I Schools. It is also available on the Gwinnett County Public Schools website: gwinnett.k12.ga.us

  13. What is the Alcova Elementaryparent Involvement Policy? The Title I Parent Involvement Policy describes our school’s plan for involving parents and other stakeholders in the education of our students. Our Policy: • outlines how we will ensure that parents have input and are well informed about our Title I Schoolwide Plan. • explains the how Parent Workshops are developed and scheduled. • commits to having a Parent/Student/School Compact in place that values all stakeholders in the decision making process. • declares a commitment to establishing a strong home to school partnership to positively impact the education of Alcova’s learners. Copies of the Policy are available at this meeting for you to review and comment on, will be sent home in final draft to every Alcova family in the coming days, are available on line, and are always available for review in the Alcova Parent Center.

  14. Parent Involvement What is a School-Parent Compact? The School-Parent Compact is an agreement developed with parent input that outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement at Alcova Elementary. This compact also describes how the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve at the State’s high standards. Copies of the Compact are available at this meeting for you to review and comment on, will be sent home in final draft to every Alcova family in the coming days, are available on line, and are always available for review in the Alcova Parent Center.

  15. Parent Involvement Opportunities

  16. How are parent involvement funds spent? • Part-time salary for the Parent Instructional Support Coordinator (PISC) • Title I Parent Meetings & Workshops – materials, presenters, interpreters, and childcare when appropriate • Copying of the required Parent Involvement Documents and invitations to Title I parent events • Parent Center resources that can be checked out by Alcova parents to support learning at home

  17. You are needed! We are always looking for PARENT VOLUNTEERS! Some current volunteer opportunities available: • PTA has many volunteer opportunities of different time and commitment levels • Parents to help prepare classroom materials • Parent to welcome guests and visitors at the front desk in the lobby • Parents to read with and to kindergarten students • Room Parents • Fall Planting Day

  18. How can a parent’s voice be heard? There are multiple opportunities for parents to be a part of decision making processes at Alcova. For example: • PTA • Local School Council • Title I Planning Meeting • PAC Meetings • Parent Involvement Conference Attendance • Principal Coffees

  19. Title I staff at alcova: • Todd Langley, Principal: 678-376-8500 or todd_langley@gwinnett.k12.ga.us • Cyndi Smith, Assistant Principal and Title I Administrator: 678-376-8500 or cyndi_smith@gwinnett.k12.ga.us • Libby Ballew, Parent Instructional Support Coordinator (PISC): 678-226-7996 or libby_ballew@gwinnett.k12.ga.us It is our commitment to answer phone messages, emails, or requests for face-to-face meetings within 24 hours during the work week.

  20. Designation Status Under Georgia Waiver to NCLB There are five designations: • Priority • Focus • Alert • Reward • No designation/school in good standing What does this status mean? Alcova Elementary is a school in good standing. On August 16, 2013 our parents were informed of our status via a letter sent home with every student in English and Spanish. This letter is also posted on the school’s website. Student performance data from the 2010-2011 school year was used to determine the status of our school.

  21. Highly Qualified Status of Teachers and Paraprofessionals • Right-to-Know Parents have the right to request information about the degree and certification of their child’s teacher(s) and paraprofessional(s), if applicable. • Notification of teachers/paraprofessionals who are not highly qualified In addition, parents will be notified by the school when their child has been taught for four consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified.

  22. Curriculum • AKS • Common Core • Local school initiatives to support effective implementation of the curriculum

  23. Assessments

  24. Promotion requirements

  25. ESEA Public School Choice This option is not available in Gwinnett County Public Schools. However, GCPS has a permissive transfer process in place.

  26. Questions Closing Evaluations

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