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Introduction. Act No.31 Year 1964 on Nuclear Energy, The control of nuclear energy use a bureau inside National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN)Act No.10 Year 1997 on Nuclear Energy, - National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) as Promotional Body - National Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN)
1. Country Report: INDONESIA By: Suhartono ZAHIR
IAEA/RCA Mid-term Review Meeting of Focal Persons on Radiation Protection
Beijing, CHINA. 7-11 June 2004
2. Introduction Act No.31 Year 1964 on Nuclear Energy, The control of nuclear energy use a bureau inside National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN)
Act No.10 Year 1997 on Nuclear Energy,
- National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) as Promotional Body
- National Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) as Regulatory Body.
Presidential Decree No. 76 Year 1998, BAPETEN is under and directly responsible to the President of R.I.
BAPETEN receives the budget from the Government.
3. Constitution of Republic of Indonesia;
Edict of People Consultative Assembly;
Government Regulation (GR);
GR as an Amendment of Act;
Presidential Decree;
Decree of Ministerial, Departmental Minister or Chairman of Non-departmental Agencies; and
Local Regulations. 1. Legislative & regulatory infrastructure
4. Act No 10 Year 1997 on Nuclear Energy
GR No. 63 Year 2000 on Safety and Health against Ionizing Radiation;
GR No. 64 Year 2000 on Licensing of Nuclear Energy Utilization;
GR No. 26 Year 2002 on Safe Transport of Radioactive Material; and
GR No. 27 Year 2002 on Radioactive Waste Management.
Currently, there are 31 Bapeten’s Chairman Decrees as implementing regulation. For example: CD No 01/Ka-BAPETEN/V-99 on Occupational Radiation Safety
GR No 63 and No 64 Year 2000 and CD No 01/Ka-BAPETEN/V-99 will be soon amended. The concept is mainly adopt BSS-115. Regulatory infrastructure
5. Nuclear Energy Regulatory Authority (BAPETEN) as regulatory authority for utilization of nuclear energy, including radioactive material and radiation sources and safeguards.
BAPETEN performs rulemaking, licensing and inspection.
Article 17 of Act No. 10 Year 1997 determines that any activities related to nuclear energy utilization shall be consent to license, regardless of particular condition shall be subject to exemption that further be settled on GR;
GR No. 64 Year 2000 on Licensing of Nuclear Energy Utilization intended for licensing process of any practice relating to the utilization of radioactive material, radiation sources and nuclear material, which encompasses requirements and general procedures to obtain license, compulsory and responsibilities of licensee, administrative provisions, and inspection. 2. Activities of Regulatory Authority
6. GR No. 64 Year 2000 pursuant to Article 20 of the Act: BAPETEN undertake inspection to any nuclear installations and radiation facilities in order to ensure the compliance to license requirements and conditions as well as applicable nuclear law.
BAPETEN has its own right to assign inspectors based on their qualifications. Inspection shall be performed periodically or at any time with or without notification.
Inspectors as referred to in Article 13 of this GR have their tasks and authority to go into any installations and premises where sources are used or stored, to perform inspection during evaluation of license application, to undertake radiation monitoring, and to terminate any practice whenever emergency condition which could lead to radiation hazard should occur. Inspection
7. BAPETEN established “Quality Assurance Program of BAPETEN Rev 0.0” in March 23rd, 2001: a Level-1 document that formulates quality management system of BAPETEN.
Currently, the document is being updated. Final Draft of Revision 1.0 is adopting widely from the IAEA-TECDOC-1090 “Quality assurance within regulatory bodies.” (June, 1999).
Management procedures of rulemaking, licensing and inspection, and assessment manuals are available. All of these documents are guideline to realize a systematic and planned activities to ensure an effective and efficient regulatory program for radiation protection and the safety of radiation sources.
The documents also identify all BAPETEN stakeholders to make it possible for an effective and efficient coordination and or supervision. Quality management system
8. Dosimetry services available:
CRSNB BATAN. Pasar Jumat Facility, Jakarta. Accredited by KAN. Dosimeter type TLD (Beta, Gamma, X-ray & Neutron) and Film (Gamma, X-ray)
CWM BATAN. Serpong Facility. No accreditation: Film (Gamma, X-ray)
MOH: BPFK Jakarta. No accreditation: Film (Gamma, X-ray)
MOH: BPFK Medan, North Sumatra. No accreditation: Film (Gamma, X-ray)
MOH: BPFK Surabaya, East Java. No accreditation: Film (Gamma, X-ray)
MOH: BPFK Makassar, South Sulawesi. No accreditation: Film (Gamma, X-ray) 3. Control of occupational radiation exposure
9. SSDL BATAN is available for the purpose of output calibration of 100 kV X-ray to gamma ray (Co-60) used in radiotherapy.
Calibration of radiation protection level instruments by using 40 kV X-ray to gamma ray (Co-60), the standard is traceable to PTB-Germany.
Am-Be is used for calibration of neutron surveymeters in radiation protection, the standard is traceable to ETL-Japan.
The quality management system of SSDL BATEN is in the process of national accreditation on SNI 19-17027 (ISO 17025). Calibration
10. Dosimetry services are available for direct monitoring of intakes radionuclides, while for indirect measurement is also available by bioassay method using Low Background Counter Instrument.
The management system uses GLP (Good laboratory Practice) and in the preparation toward national accreditation system.
Workplace monitoring has to be conducted by every nuclear installation and radiation facility as it is stated by Article No. 14 of GR No 63 Year 2000.
The licensee of those installations has to provide radiation protection equipments, individual dose monitoring, workplace monitoring and also environmental monitoring system (Article No. 18 of GR No 63 Year 2000).
Regulatory inspection performed by BAPETEN also verify if licensee carry out workplace monitoring regularly Individual and workplace monitoring
11. Patient protection in diag. & interventional radiology
Final Draft of CD on “Safety Provision in Diagnostic Radiology”: will amend the Chairman Decree No. 01P/Ka-BAPETEN/I-03 on Guidance Level for Radiodiagnostic Patient” (enacted in Jan 2003.)
It governs both diagnostic and interventional radiology, and is mainly refers to BSS-115 and IAEA Safety Guide No. RS-G-1.5 (2002).
Internally, this draft refers to Chairman Decree No. 01/Ka-BAPETEN/V-99 on Occupational Radiation Safety (This Decree is also in the process of amendment based on BSS-115).
Other international standards are also used in the draft particularly in the chapter of quality assurance in diagnostic radiology. 4. Control of medical exposure
12. Safety principles: justification, optimization (including guidance levels) and limitation;
Administrative principles:
Organization: Requirement for radiologist, medical physicist, medical radiographer, radiography operator, radiation safety officer and nurses, and
Quality assurance, including quality control by means of compliance test protocol and mechanism;
Technical requirements: Design considerations, radiation source device requirements, operational considerations, facility requirements, installment, radiation protection equipment; and
Investigation on medical exposure accident. “Safety Provision in Diagnostic Radiology” (Final Draft)
13. BAPETEN established Chairman Decree No. 21/Ka-BAPETEN/XII-02 (2002) on “Quality Assurance Program for Radiotherapy Installation” based fully on the IAEA-TECDOC-1040 (1998)
In Sept 2003, BAPETEN in coordination with Ministry of Health and Indonesian Radiation Oncologist Society (PORI) organize a national seminar on this CD.
Professors of universities; radiation oncologist, medical physicist and hospital director (as licensee and or employer) of all 19 hospitals with therapy facility came to the seminar.
Recommendation was made to improve the facility equipment, personnel training and quality management system.
Starting in this Year, BAPETEN perform quality audits in radiotherapy installations as a pilot project. BAPETEN planned to do this quality audits annually. Patient protection in radiotherapy
14. Short lived solid and liquid wastes should be managed by the user.
Radioactive wastes should be collected and stored for a sufficient time under controlled conditions until they decay to below a clearance limit.
Radioactive waste can be discharge to the environment after the user obtains an authorization from BAPETEN
For clearance level, BAPETEN adopts the IAEA-TECDOC-1000 on “clearance of materials resulting from the use of radio nuclides in medicine, industry and research”.
GR No. 63 Year 2000: The user shall to monitor the radioactivity level in the environment routinely, periodically, and/or incidentally and the record must to be sent to BAPETEN periodically. 5. Control of public exposure
15. Any nature or legal person deems to undertake utilization of nuclear energy shall declare to BAPETEN whether their existing and anticipated radioactive waste will be returned to the original country or to be submitted to BATAN.
The return of radioactive waste to the original country shall be sucbject for approval from BAPETEN.
In the case of BATAN shall manage the radioactive waste, BAPETEN shall inform such declaration to BATAN.
BATAN responsibilities:
establishing procedures on radioactive waste management;
managing radioactive wastes;
providing storage facilities for low and medium level wastes, and final reposition facility for high level waste; and
providing guidance on radioactive waste management techniques to the user. National waste management strategy
16. Act No. 10 Year 1997 on Nuclear Energy; Article 17 and 27.
GR No. 64 Year 2000 on Licensing of Nuclear Energy Utilization includes approval for transport of radioactive material.
GR No. 26 Year 2002 on Safe Transport of Radioactive Material.
CD No. 04/Ka-BAPETEN/V-99 on Safe Transport of Radioactive Material,
CD No. 05-P/Ka-BAPETEN/VII-00 on Guide for Safe Transport of Radioactive Material Requirements.
Both CDs were adapted from the IAEA Safety Guide No. 6/1985 and will be soon revised with a concept adopted from Safety Guide No. ST-1 Rev 1 (2000). 6. Transport safety
17. BAPATEN as national competent authority. GR No. 26 Year 2002:
In case of accident during transportation, Shipper shall report to BAPETEN, to other relevant agencies and to receiver.
In order to propose a transport-permit as one of requirement, shipper shall submit a procedure to cope the most credible emergency or accident during their transportation.
This emergency response procedure will be evaluated by BAPETEN before issuing a license of transportations.
National coordination and cooperation with Department of Transportation, Customs, Police Department, airline companies, etc: executive & managerial meeting, regular training course,etc
Indonesia is a member of IAEA Illicit Trafficking Database program.
Indonesia has signed international conventions related to the safe transport: Nuclear safety, NPT, Physical protection of nuclear material, Early notification of nuclear accident, Assistance in the case of Nuclear accident or radiological emergency, and SEANWFZ. Coordination and cooperation
18. Chapter VI of GR No 63 Year 2000 stated that:
The operator shall prevent radiological accident;
In the case of radiation accident, the operator shall carry out the emergency response and preparedness;
For the purpose of radiological emergency response and preparedness, human safety shall be the first priority;
In the case of a radiological accident, the operator shall immediately report the process of accident and its emergency response to the Regulatory Body and other related competent authority;
The operator of the high potential radiological installation shall have an emergency response plan to prevent potential hazards from the anticipated radiation accident during installation operations. 7. PLANNING FOR AND RESPONSE TO RADIATION EMERGENCIES
19. The emergency response plan be provided by the operator, and at minimum shall comprise of:
The type/classification of probable accidents;
Emergency response for each type/classification of accidents;
Emergency response organizations, procedures, equipments, personnel, training; and
Communication system with other related competent authorities.
BAPETEN issued CD No. 05-P/I-03 (2003) on “Guide for Emergency Response Plan.” This CD is being revised adopting the IAEA Safety Standard Series No GS-R-2 (2002). Currently, BAPETEN is also in process of drafting a CD on incident reporting system for research reactor as a preparation to join the IAEA IRSRR community.
BATAN reactors perform emergency drills annually. BAPETEN prepare an action plan to make it possible for radiotherapy facility to implement radiological emergency drills regularly. Emprep & response
20. Training institutions for RPO shall obtain national accreditation and appointment by BAPETEN.
Requirements for RPO course: standard curriculum, suitable qualification of teaching personnel, and adequate teaching facilities.
BAPETEN oversees, evaluates and maintains standards of the training courses.
At the present, only Education Training Center (ETC) of BATAN has been fully accredited and appointed by BAPETEN.
ETC of BATAN carries out seven in-house RPO training courses annually, beside in-hgouse training courses (by request.)
There is no provision for on the job training in RPO training course. Having completed the RPO training course, the RPO will receive license from BAEPETEN after passing an examination satisfactorily.
To maintain adequate level of knowledge, RPOs are required to undertake requalification training course, organized by BAPETEN, minimum twice in a five-year license period. 8. EDUCATION AND TRAINING
21. BAPETEN has close cooperation with ETC of BATAN and department of health to develop the curricula of basic radiation protection training course for radiation workers.
There has been discussion to prepare practice-specific curricula of the radiation protection training course for nuclear facilities, therapeutics, diagnostic, industrial, and academic practices.
BAPETEN maintains close cooperation with medical association (such as Physician Association of Indonesia-IDI) to carry out basic radiation protection training courses for medical personnel.
Related universities: University of Indonesia with master degree in Medical Physics, and Diponegoro University and Padjajaran University with Master degree in Nuclear Medicine E&T of managers, workers …