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Leadership and Capacity Development manifesting in Strategic Action & Global Results The Leader Within: International CTT Conference 18 September, 2008, Brighton, England. Monica Sharma Director, Leadership and Capacity Development United Nations OHRLLS. In the World Today -.
Leadership and Capacity Development manifesting in Strategic Action & Global Results The Leader Within: International CTT Conference 18 September, 2008, Brighton, England Monica Sharma Director, Leadership and Capacity Development United Nations OHRLLS
In the World Today - • 2.5 billion still live on less than $2 a day • 10 million preventable child deaths each year • 1billion + have no access to safe water • 2.6 billion lack access to sanitation • 14 thousand new HIV infections everyday-all preventable • 1.2 million children are trafficked - more than 3000 a day • 2 million children, mostly girls, are exploited in the sex industry • 1 in 4 women are physically or sexually assaulted during pregnancy
What’s Missing? Our Learning… • Empowerment of people at all levels • Integration of technology with leadership • and transformation • Sustainable development strategies • Interdependent systems that work together • and generate results
Transformational Leadership and Entrepreneurship Systems and Social Justice Technology Immediate Causes Systems Causes Underlying Causes # 1 Ways of Sourcing Actions and Results In various agenciesbased on objectives, mandates
Transformational Leadership and Entrepreneurship Systems and Social Justice Technology Immediate Causes Systems Causes Underlying Causes # 1. Leadership: Personal to ‘Development’ Transformation “ full spectrum response”Our common values and leadership with specific outcomes/results
“The world we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far creates problems that we cannot solve at the same level at which we have created them... We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humankind is to survive. .” Albert Einstein
PLWHA Discrimination Patriarchy Class/poor Caste Corruption # 2.A Basic Assumption for strategic direction (analysis) & catalyzing change PLWHA Discrimination, Patriarchy, Class/poor, Corruption Caste Individual Commitment, Stand and Action (collective)
Predicted life expectancy Loss in life expectancy due to HIV/AIDS Botswana Zimbabwe South Africa Kenya Zambia Côte d'Ivoire Rwanda Mozambique Haiti Cambodia 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Life expectancy at birth (years) Predicted Loss in Life Expectancy due to HIV/AIDS in 2000Source UNAIDS 2000
35 33.3 29.4 30 25 22 HIV prevalence (%) 20 17.9 boys girls 15 8.6 10 8.3 3.6 5 2.2 0 0 0 15 16 17 18 19 Age in years Source: National AIDS Programme, Kenya, and Population Council, 1999 HIV Prevalence Rate in Kisumu, Kenya by Age
The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again, and expect different results.” Rita Mae Brown
Our Mission To foster a sustainable global movement for planetary and human well-being, based on personally-aware leadership and transformational approaches; and to use these approaches to generate peace and whole-systems transformation in organisations and at every level of society with government, business, civil society and development partners.
# 3 Effective Creation : Holding a Space For Emergence with Direction
Results and PrinciplesProvide the boundaries of directionfor Emergence • Results Areas • Voice of the marginalised • Global citizenship • Sustainable ‘glocal’ communities • Peace, no war/exploitation • Poverty reduction • Prosperity with sufficiency • Social entrepreneurship • Energy and the Environment • Education • Health Principles Human Dignity Non Discrimination Equality Interdependence Equity, access to services Accountability Participation Non Violence Valuing Diversity Oneness
4. Generating Results ACTION Who we Are Results
DPI We Care LDP A&M CCE Global Results
# 5 • Leadership requires to • SEE Patterns for Systems Change • We are “ Patterns Makers” • Not only problem solvers • “Criticise by Creating Alternatives” • John MacKay, CEO Whole Foods
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.George Bernard Shaw People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances that they want, and if they can't find them, make them. George Bernard Shaw
# 6 A new pattern of Corporate Social Performance: • Example “Lonmin”: CEO- Brad Mills + LEBD • provide platforms for developing leadership competencies for ALL staff and managers, using transformational approaches; CEO personally engaged • involve ALL key players -governing boards, trade unions, shareholders & stakeholders • encourage innovations and breakthrough initiatives within company through employees or members using generative methods; • set new pathways to address “systems issues” (e.g. extraction industry) beyond company, charting alternatives to impact “triple bottom-line”: people-planet-profit, creating urgency for positive action & challenging those impacting negatively. • Community service ‘PR’ for companies, but source of management & employee engagement; partnership is not simply ‘technical support’ for local Civil Society Organisations, but the opportunity for one’s own growth and contribution. • Leadership development for Communities- empowerment with addressing basic needs and creating opportunities
# 7 • The “Game” has changed for People, Communities, Business and Governments! • What Leadership Capacities do we need NOW to play the game? • How can we be effective coaches for enhancing the “triple bottom line: people-planet-profit” ?
# 7 The Game has changed ! What Capacities do we need NOW to play the game? 20-30 years ago Now Future Global Forces National Global Forces National National Community Community Community croquet Football ??
Peter Ellyard • “The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths to it are not found, but made; and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination.”
# 8 : Five Strategies & Results Develop Capacity & Leadership for Achieving Earth Charter Initiative & MDGs Through Enterprise & Excellence : 25 countries Support the Global Movement by Investing in Transformational Systems Engage Business, Civil Society Organisations &Professional Bodies in Their Own Development & the Transformation of Their Practices (40 large institutions) Empower & Enable Grass-Roots Action to Transform the Situation in Environment Employment & Education (100 groups) Generate Financing for Transformational Development Through Multilaterals, Bilaterals & Foundations