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DeSurvey Module 1.8 ‘Integration towards a prototype DeSurvey Surveillance System’. Bernhard Hahn ( bmhahn@riks.nl ). Module 1.8: main activities. 1.8.1 Interfacing with policy and user needs (Lead: Cranfield University, UK, Brian McIntosh ) Desertification policy support
DeSurvey Module 1.8‘Integration towards a prototype DeSurvey Surveillance System’ Bernhard Hahn (bmhahn@riks.nl) DeSurvey AGM2 - Vasto, Italy, 4-7 April 2006
Module 1.8: main activities • 1.8.1 Interfacing with policy and user needs(Lead: Cranfield University, UK, Brian McIntosh) • Desertification policy support • DeSurvey user interface design • 1.8.2 Implementation of the DeSurvey Surveillance System(Lead: RIKS, the Netherlands, Bernhard Hahn) • Develop Integrated Assessment Model • Integrate knowledge, models, data and tools developed in the WPs into Desurvey Surveillance System • 1.8.3 Validation of the DeSurvey Surveillance System(Lead: IRD, France, Jean-Marc d’Herbes) • Application and validation of the system in # of sites. • This WP does not initiate formally within the first 18 months of the project. DeSurvey AGM2 - Vasto, Italy, 4-7 April 2006
WP 1.8 Deliverables (18 month plan) D1.8.1.1: Review of desertification policy objectives and issues, how they relate to policy instruments and the way in which scientific knowledge has been used to design and implement instruments (delivered) D1.8.1.2: Method for eliciting information on the relationships between policy objectives, organisational dimensions, policy instruments and the use of scientific knowledge (due month 18) D1.8.2.1: Analysis of the functional, technical and end-use aspects of the models and tools being developed within DeSurvey (due month 10, 2 months late) D1.8.2.2: Functional design for the DeSurvey Surveillance System (due month 18) DeSurvey AGM2 - Vasto, Italy, 4-7 April 2006
WP 1.8.2 Task 1 (18 month plan) Task 1: In collaboration with WP 1.8.1, the detailed analysis of the functional, technical and end-use aspects of the models, tools and data available from the other Modules of the project. Status: Technical aspects on schedule. Most of the activities so far concentrated on technical and functional aspects of model integration. Concern: Clear user requirements for the DeSurvey Surveillance System not yet elicited. Probably not available before moth 18. The functional system design to be delivered by WP 1.8.2 in month 18 will therefore be driven by available models and data, rather than user requirements. DeSurvey AGM2 - Vasto, Italy, 4-7 April 2006
WP 1.8.2 Task 2 (18 month plan) Task 2: Functional requirements analysis and development of a Functional design for the DeSurvey Surveillance System based on the above analysis as well as the end-use and end-user analyses carried out in WP 1.8.1. This should result in a clear set of tasks which the user will be able to carry out with the system(and functionality which he can invoke from the menus of the system); Status: Coordination meeting with Module 1.8. and Module 1.9 in Maastricht -> Preparation of user requirements workshop. Initial technical requirements analysis DeSurvey AGM2 - Vasto, Italy, 4-7 April 2006
WP 1.8.2 Task 3 (18 month plan) Task 3: Development of an Open Architecture and Technical design for the DeSurvey Surveillance System enabling a modular development as well as its straightforward upgrading and extension during and beyond the lifetime of the project. Status: On schedule. Technical analysis and test implementations of several integration technologies: Web Services (gSOAP), OpenMI and open source software tools (R, Python) to investigate their potential as a backbone for integration of the DeSurvey Surveillance System. DeSurvey AGM2 - Vasto, Italy, 4-7 April 2006
Summary of work carried out in WP 1.8.1 presented by: Esther Diez-Cebollero Cranfield University (UK) DeSurvey AGM2 - Vasto, Italy, 4-7 April 2006