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EFP Project Working Group Meeting 2 December 2013, St. Peterburg , at RSHU Olli-Pekka Brunila UTU/ CMS. General issues. O-P Brunila is working in MIMIC-project from 12 August – 31 December 2013.
EFP Project Working Group Meeting2 December 2013, St. Peterburg, at RSHUOlli-Pekka BrunilaUTU/ CMS
General issues • O-P Brunila is working in MIMIC-projectfrom 12 August – 31 December 2013. • Onlyworkhourshavebeen in onedayseminar in Helsinki (arrangedbyFinnish Port Association) ( 2 October 2013) • Studyvisit to port of Rotterdam (4-6 November 2013) • Steeringgroupmeeting St. Petersburg (2-3 December 2013) • In the nextyearfullworkinghours for project. • One technicalassistentwillbehired 1-3 monthdepending on budjet.
Project activitiessofar 1.2 Analyzing environmental status in HaminaKotka port (duration March-August 2013) • Environmental status and analyzing and the development of environmental issues in the port of HaminaKotka in 2000`s will be done. Key issues, changes and development needs are identified, and they will be compared to the issues presented in ESPO`s EcoPorts Port Environmental Review. The special characteristics of environmental issues in the ports in the Gulf of Finland area will be described.
Main conclusions • Environmental issues in the EU and especially in Finland are very well handled and followed. • An environmental permit is needed in Finnish ports and in Swedish ports, but not in central European ports. Large EU ports need permits only for dredging and deposition of sediment, but still the calculation of the emissions are at same level as in Finland. • In Finland, almost every operation needs some kind of a permit. In some cases this “authorization jungle” may twist the competition between European ports and the ports of the Baltic Sea. • A lot of environmental data is collected for the environmental permit and for the different stakeholders, the biggest problem in Finland is the comparison and comparability of said data. • The amount of environmental information is sufficient, but reporting methods vary between ports. There are differences in units and codes and in some cases the information is not sufficient and can be even unreliable. Differences exist also regarding which subjects are emphasized in reporting. In some cases, not so relevant emissions are highlighted in reporting. • The solution for this problem is unifying the reporting practices. With unifying, the quality and quantity of information and reporting will increase. All target groups could receive harmonized information that is comparable to each other. With correct and unified reporting, a stable image of the ports can be achieved and it can be established how port operations affect various environmental aspects. One key element with unifying is increasing the level of environmental knowledge and environmental communication.
Project activitiessofar 2.3 Environmental monitoring in the port of HaminaKotka port (duration March-November 2013) • This activity is closely connected to the activities 1.1.2 and 4.1.1, because in Finland environmental monitoring is carried out connection to the environmental permit of the port and to the requirements, of legislation and other forms of regulatory measures. This activity will produce a description how environmental effects are monitored in the port of HaminaKotka. The coverage of environmental monitoring will be evaluated and development needs and (cost-) effective ways of monitoring will be suggested. This will be done on basis of literary sources and by interviewing representatives of the port, environmental authorities and companies or other stakeholders who perform environmental monitoring.
Project activitiessofar Conferensepaperwas made and abstarctwasaprovedbyscientificcommittee of the Conference 6th International Conference on Maritime Transport.
Project activitiessofar • Content of The environmentalmonitoring of Finnishports – Case the port of HaminaKotka: • Introduction • Environmentalmonitoring in Finnishports • Case: Port of HaminaKotka • Effects of emission • Example how particulate matters to air are measured in the port HaminaKotka • Watermonitoring • Noise • Waste • Cost of EnvironmentalMonitoring • EFP project • Conclusions
Main conclusions • In Finland environmental monitoring is carried out connection to the environmental permit of the port and to the requirements, of legislation and other forms of regulatory measures • Regional State Adminstrative Agencies grant environmental permits to activities with wider impacts this kind of impact are port operations. Permit requirements are based on national legislation and IPPC-directive • In a case study where port of HaminaKotka environmental monitoring was examined and compared the measured result to limit values which have given environmental permit or in finnish legislation. • Measured emission volumes to air were; Dinitrogenoxide (N2O), Carbodioxide (CO2), Carbonmonoxide (CO), Particles, Methane, VOCs, Sulphuroxides (SOx/SO2) and Nitrogenoxides (NOx/NO2). • Also other emission sources like noise, wastes and water quality has been monitored in under level of environmental permit. • Costanalysis of environmentalmonitoringwascalculated
Waste components The environmental permit requires detailed information about how the waste management is taken care of. Waste from the ports is measured (kg per year) and categorized as follows: • Paper and carton • Glass • Metal • Combustion waste • Biowaste • Assorted landfill waste • Hazardous waste • From the ships the environmental permit defines that the following waste fractions must be collected and measured (kg per year): • Oily mixture • Bilge water • Waste oils • Chemical waste • Ballast water and washing • IMO -classified waste and international food waste • Recycled waste kg/year and % • Energy recovered waste kg/year and % • Final disposed waste kg/year and % (Kujala 2010)
Noiseemissions • Government resolution (993/1992) has given the limited values for both outside and indoors noise, as well as limited values in a variety of other areas such as nature reserves. In residential habitats and outside nearby residential areas at daytime, 07:00 to 22:00, the maximum noise value is 55 dB and during night time, 22:00 to 07:00, 45-50 dB. • It has been estimated that port operations due to the noise level (the average sound level, LAeq) is generally as in previous measurements in port area in Mussalo which is about 50-60 dB in operation zone in the port area. Noise will be suppressed to 3-6 dB depending on the type of noise every time when the distance is doubled.
Watermonitoring • Sevaralmonitoringstudieshasbeen made • The results of three different reports: Port of Hamina water and fish surveillance in the year 2011, The port of Kotka storm water and water surveillance in the year 2011 and Summary of Pyhtää-Kotka-Hamina sea area water quality observation from the year 2011. • In those surveillances were examined how dredging effects to water and fish stocks in the area. According to survey in only one sample was under limited values of Tributylin (TBT). Rest of seven samples was over the set limit of TBT. Survey area the bay area of Hamina was categorized as slightly contaminated, but still all fishes in the area are still eatable • In the survey of stormy waters was noticed that matter of content in stormy waters are in same level than previous years. There has been not any dramatically movement to direction or another. All measured substances were under limited values • water quality observation in archipelago of Kymenlaakso region there are a lot of different industries that affects and loads to sea areas. These activities create point sources of pollution. According the results of previous years the values of COD, AOX, phosphor and nitrogen was decreased slightly. Secondly the values of solid materials and BOD-load were increased from the previous years • In the summer and wintertime were measured lacks of oxygen in the sea areas. Can be stated that condition of sea areas are not in good shape, but in the future the condition of seas will be better.
Project activitiessofar 3.3.2 Project presentation in international conference in EU (2013 or 2014) Aim and benefit for project. Dissemination the project and its results to international audience, to gain information about recent development in the project topic and to network internationally. Compliance with the project tasks: one target in the project plan is to disseminate results to other Baltic ports. In addition, the project will benefit when the newest information about the project related topics will be gained. Venue: The Baltic Sea area. Cannot be decided exactly right now the point because it cannot be known what appropriate conferences will be arranged during the project time. One potential option is also the annual GreenPort conference.
Expertarticle in BalticRimEconomies. Articlewaspublished on 26 May 2013. Made withco-operationwith UTU CMS and KUAS
Newsletter in HaminaKotka Loiste –publication and pressrelease HK www-pages. UTU CMS and KUAS co-operation.
Press-release in local and national newspapers and massmediaco-operationwith UTU and KUAS published 17th of May 2013.
Fintripprojectpresentation UTU CMS Project presentation for Fintrip (Finnish Transport Research and Innovation Partnership) by Ministry of Transport and Communications. In this case they collect information about projects which are related for Research and development of Russian transport sector. Presentation was kept on 20th May In Helsinki.
TV and Radio interview in National news YLE in air 30 May 2013. • I and Anni Anttila wereinterviewed for TV and Radio aboutEcologicallyFriendly Port. • Main focuswasco-operation and howwiththisprojectcanbeincrease the level of environmentalprotection in the Gulf of Finland.
Studyvisit to Brussels 4-6 June 2013 • Commitee of the Regions were was our first Conference: Greening Transport – Blueprints for the Baltic Sea Region. • Conference was very high level. Common aim of the conference was to find out how the transport in Europe would be greener. Conference was divided in three sessions; Part 1: Greening transport in the Baltic Sea Region – where policies and initiatives meet, Part 2: Blueprints for greening transport – a way for place-based TEM-T policy in BSR? Part 3: Outlook 2020 – green transport, growing regions, contributing instruments. • A meeting in the Confederation of Finnish Industries EK, Brussel office • We met JanicaYlikarjula (Head of Office, Permanent Delegate to BUSINESS EUROPE) and SailaTurtiainen (Senior Adviser, Trade Policy and International Relations) • We discussed our projects. I told about EFP-project and how it effects to ports in Finland and in Russia and our co-operation in ENPI projects. • Visit to European Parliament. • We met MEP Petri Sarkomaa`s assistants who showed us the European Parliament. • After went the tour we went to session which main topic was Marine Knowledge 2020: Seabased mapping for promoting sustainable fisheries. Aim of the session was to find out how with seabed mapping can be protect fragile marine habitats, protect the ocean and bottom of the ocean and how to minimize impacts on fisheries resulting the growing use of the oceans.
Studyvisit to Brussels 4-6 June 2013 • Green Week conference • Some 3 000 scientists, business leaders, environmental advocates and government officials was on hand to discuss ways to clean up Europe’s air. • Dozens of different presentations. • I was in “how to cut emissions from ships with new fuels and techniques”. In the conference can be noticed that in many countries universities, shipping companies and ship owners are doing a lot research work, how emissions can be cut. The interest was in the LNG and other fuels.
Rest of WP`s • RestWP´swillbe made duringnextyear. • Thankyou!