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Timothy W. Cole ( t-cole3@uiuc ) Thomas G. Habing ( thabing@uiuc )

NSF – DLF – JISC/UKOLN Digital Library Service Registry Workshop National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA -- 23 March 2006 The University of Illinois OAI-PMH Data Provider Registry. Timothy W. Cole ( t-cole3@uiuc.edu ) Thomas G. Habing ( thabing@uiuc.edu )

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Timothy W. Cole ( t-cole3@uiuc ) Thomas G. Habing ( thabing@uiuc )

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  1. NSF – DLF – JISC/UKOLN Digital Library Service Registry WorkshopNational Science Foundation, Arlington, VA -- 23 March 2006The University of Illinois OAI-PMH Data Provider Registry Timothy W. Cole (t-cole3@uiuc.edu) Thomas G. Habing (thabing@uiuc.edu) Grainger Engineering Library Information Center University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  2. http://oai.grainger.uiuc.edu/registry/

  3. Evolution of UIUC OAI Data Provider Registry • Initially a human-readable Web portal to find providers • Added automatically discoverable data about providers • Coordinated with ERRoL (OCLC, Jeff Young) • Export functionality: OAI-PMH, RSS, SRU (CQL subset) • Cataloged DLF member OAI data providers • Can browse DLF providers by cataloged topic heading (GEM & LCSH) • http://gita.grainger.uiuc.edu/registry/CatalogingOAIRepositories.pdf • Work underway on Service Provider Registry t-cole3@uiuc.edu University of Illinois at UC

  4. http://gita.grainger.uiuc.edu/registry/details.asp?id=810

  5. http://gita.grainger.uiuc.edu/registry/pxtest/oai.asp?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=oai:id-registry.uiuc.edu:aerialphotos.grainger.uiuc.eduhttp://gita.grainger.uiuc.edu/registry/pxtest/oai.asp?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=oai:id-registry.uiuc.edu:aerialphotos.grainger.uiuc.edu

  6. http://gita.grainger.uiuc.edu/registry/pxtest/oai.asp?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=imlsdcc&identifier=oai:id-registry.uiuc.edu:aerialphotos.grainger.uiuc.eduhttp://gita.grainger.uiuc.edu/registry/pxtest/oai.asp?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=imlsdcc&identifier=oai:id-registry.uiuc.edu:aerialphotos.grainger.uiuc.edu

  7. Catalyst for the Registry • Various OAI Related Harvesting Projects at UIUC • Mellon Funded Gateway to Cultural Heritage Material • IMLS Digital Collections and Content • NSDL Digital Mathematics Resources • CIC OAI Metadata Harvesting Service • OAI Portal to Engineering, Physics, and Computer Science • DLF-Aquifer “Asset Action” experiment • Multiple OAI Providers t-cole3@uiuc.edu University of Illinois at UC

  8. Why Another OAI Registry • Difficulty finding relevant OAI repositories to harvest, especially in selecting individual sets within a repository • Other questions: • Which repositories are aggregating other repositories? • How big are individual repositories? • How to find new repositories as they come online? • What is the state of the OAI world? • Enable other meta services t-cole3@uiuc.edu University of Illinois at UC

  9. Sources • Various other registries: • http://celestial.eprints.org/cgi-bin/ListFriends.pl • http://oaisrv.nsdl.cornell.edu/Register/ListFriends.pl • http://www.language-archives.org/register/archive_list.php4 • http://www.mds.rmit.edu.au/~ajk/oai/interop/targets.xml • http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/RejectedSites • http://www.openarchives.org/Register/ListFriends.pl • Google (allinurl:verb=Identify) • friends • provenance t-cole3@uiuc.edu University of Illinois at UC

  10. Features • Many ways to Search and Browse • Web Interface • Harvestable via OAI • RSS • SRU • Many ways to customize repository lists • Many misc. reports and lists • Harvest Bag (still in work) t-cole3@uiuc.edu University of Illinois at UC

  11. Tech Details • Windows 2000 Server • Active Server Pages (ASP) running under the IIS web server • SQL Server database w/ fulltext search • Custom harvesting programs written in VB and VBScript t-cole3@uiuc.edu University of Illinois at UC

  12. Database

  13. Requirements for discovery, locating, interfacing? • Obviously baseURL, a label (name, identifier?) • What about information that can be gleaned using OAI? • Metadata format names, Identify response, Sets, ... • What about information that can be gleaned from sampling or completely harvesting repository • Namespaces referenced in metadata XSDs, examples of object types and resource URLs provided, extent (number of items), metadata namespaces used, ... • What about information outside the OAI context • Relationships, classification, description of content & associated collections, rights, changes over time, ... t-cole3@uiuc.edu University of Illinois at UC

  14. Conclusions • In progress: • Harvest Bag • Registry of OAI Service Providers • More work on export formats, machine understandability • Mechanisms by which OAI DPs can edit records Further information: http://oai.grainger.uiuc.edu/registry/ Tom Habing (thabing@uiuc.edu) Tim Cole (t-cole3@uiuc.edu) t-cole3@uiuc.edu University of Illinois at UC

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