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FeConE National Report CYPRUS Effectiveness of E-Learning September 2006 Eleni Neocleous

FeConE National Report CYPRUS Effectiveness of E-Learning September 2006 Eleni Neocleous. Computer Science in Secondary Education. Syllabuses on Computer Science have been upgraded during the academic year 2005-2006 in order to meet the European Standards and current trends.

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FeConE National Report CYPRUS Effectiveness of E-Learning September 2006 Eleni Neocleous

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  1. FeConENational ReportCYPRUSEffectiveness of E-Learning September 2006Eleni Neocleous

  2. Computer Science in Secondary Education • Syllabuses on Computer Science have been upgraded during the academic year 2005-2006 in order to meet the European Standards and current trends. • There are 120 computer labs in Cypriot Lyceums and 181 labs at the Gymnasiums.

  3. Computer Science in Secondary Education • At the Gymnasiums: Computer Science is taught for 2 periods per week aiming at reaching ECDL standards. Students are also taught basic issues of algorithms and programming. • At the Lyceums: Computer Science is taught either for 2 periods per week or four hours per week. • In 2006, following an agreement between the Ministry of Education and Culture and the CISCO Academy, the course of CISCO NETS was established in 9 Lyceums

  4. eTWINNING EUROPEAN ACTION • etwinning (http:www.etwinning.net) is a framework for schools to collaborate on the internet with partner schools in other European countries. It is the main action of the European Union’s eLearning Program. • etwinning promotes school collaboration in Europe through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by providing support, tools and services to make it easy for schools to form short-term or long-term partnerships in any subject area.

  5. eTWINNING EUROPEAN ACTION • etwinning is supported by the European Central Support Service (CSS) and a network of National Support Services based in each European country, like the Cypriot Support Service (http://www.etwinning.moec.gov.cy). • In 2006, more than 150 OUT OF HOW MANY educators from Cyprus were registered in the etwinning database. Among them, more than 50 educators have developed a partnership with a European school.

  6. Interesting Data • 99% of the Cypriot students are computer literate but only 25% of the teachers are computer literate. • Over 95% of Cypriot teachers see significant learning benefits for pupils using computers in class and say that pupils are more motivated and attentive when computers and the internet are used in class. With this figure, Cyprus ranks second in Europe and first at primary school level

  7. Interesting Data • Almost all schools in Cyprus use computers for teaching and have internet access. More specifically there are 12.4 computers every 100 pupils. With the European average being 11.3 computers every 100 pupils, Cyprus ranks 11th out of the 25 European countries.

  8. Interesting Data • Number of Computers per 100 pupils in European schools 2006

  9. Interesting Data • 90% of all schools use computers with the highest percentage being achieved in primary schools (95%). With a figure of 85% of Information and Communications Technology use in vocational schools, Cyprus ranks first in Europe. However, only 31% have a broadband connection. With this figure Cyprus ranks twenty-fifth out of the 27 member states leaving behind just Poland and Greece.

  10. Interesting Data • Percent of schools having broadband internet access 2006

  11. Interesting Data • The schools with broadband connection are much more likely to have a more sophisticated Information and Communications Technology infrastructure including a school website, the use of LAN or the availability of an internet. Only 51% of schools have a website, 49% offer email to teachers, and only very few schools (7%) offer email to pupils

  12. Interesting Data • Percentage of Schools Using Computers, Internet Connection, and Broadband Internet Access According to School Type in Cyprus

  13. DISTANCE LEARNING • Distance learning has drastically developed due to the increased need of people leaving in remote locations, people with exceptionally busy schedules and/or scarce financial resources to upgrade their academic and/or professional knowledge

  14. CYPRUS and DISTANCE LEARNING • Public Education courses and in general Life Long education are offered in cities and the vast majority usually only in the capital of Cyprus, Nicosia. The centralization of these services makes it impossible for rural residents to access them. • The family-oriented mentality of the majority of the population and the fact that most Cypriots choose to get married at a relatively young age do not allow much room for Life Long Learning.

  15. CYPRUS and DISTANCE LEARNING • The fact that until recently, especially in the government sector, the notion that employees need to constantly upgrade their knowledge and enhance their qualifications to be able to maintain their jobs was basically inexistent, offered no incentive for someone to strive for Life Long Learning. • Another important factor, which discouraged people from enrolling on Distance Learning Programmes was the lack of accreditation of these programmes by KY.S.A.T.S. (Cyprus Council for the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications)

  16. CYPRUS and DISTANCE LEARNING • Due to cultural adaptation, and EU influence regarding our policies on our local accrediting bodies and Ministry of Education, over the last 2 years KYSATS has set approval criteria and has established a review body especially for the accreditation of Distance Learning Programmes. • Hence, over the last 2 years there was a huge increase in Distance Learning Programmes of which the vast majority are accredited by KY.S.A.T.S.

  17. CYPRUS and DISTANCE LEARNING • Due to increased job competition and influx of new labour (from the EU), people need to constantly upgrade their academic and professional skills. And in combination with the recent accreditation of many Distance Learning Programmes, Cypriots are becoming more interested in Distance Learning Programmes with an exceptionally high pace.

  18. OPEN UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS • The Open University of Cyprus (OUC) was established in 2003 after the Law N. 234 (I)/ 2003 was passed by the House of Representatives. • Even though the OUC was established in 2003, it only offered its first courses in the Academic Year 2006-2007. For the Academic Year 2006-2007 it offered 2 Master Programmes and for the Academic Year 2007-2008 it offers 3 Master Programmes and one Bachelor Programme • The OUC offers all its Programmes in Greek which is a strong advantage for many people especially those that come from Greek Universities and the University of Cyprus. • However, there is still a tendency towards UK or US postgraduate studies.

  19. CENTER FOR LIFE LONG LEARNING – UNIVERSITY OF NICOSIA • The Centre for Life Long Learning (CLLL) of the University of Nicosia was established in 2003 offering 3 Distance Learning Programmes and having just 4 students enrolled. Over the last 4 years the CLLL has established various successful collaborative links with Universities abroad and it now supports a total of 29 Distance Learning Programmes. There are currently 120 enrolled students.

  20. Effectiveness of E-Learning • There is an exceptionally high demand for E-Learning. People not only find it less prohibitive but they eager to upgrade their knowledge. • Cyprus need to work towards advancing the levels of computer literacy. • As we progress, IT is becoming more prominent in the delivery of Distance Learning Programmes, Academic Programmes and Vocational Training and student support in general.

  21. Effectiveness of E-Learning • The data we have found has little information on the effectiveness of e-learning and Distance Learning and hence this provides us with an opportunity for further research.

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