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Parent Information Evening Year 4. February 2018. The Year 4 Team. Miss Adele Fernandez – 4 Red Mr Jacob Tucker – 4 Blue Mrs Tess Lornie/ Mrs Natalie Paatsch – 4 Green. Assessment and Reporting. Reporting Cycle Term 1 – Parent / Teacher / Student Interviews Term 2 – Formal Report
Parent Information Evening Year 4 February 2018
The Year 4 Team • Miss Adele Fernandez –4 Red • Mr Jacob Tucker –4 Blue • Mrs Tess Lornie/Mrs Natalie Paatsch–4 Green
Assessment and Reporting Reporting Cycle • Term 1 – Parent / Teacher / Student Interviews • Term 2 – Formal Report • Term 3 – Parent / Teacher / Student Interviews • Term 4 – Formal Report
Religious Education • Year 4 is a sacramental year • First Eucharist will take place in August • 8 RE Units are completed each year • A weekly focus on the Sunday Gospels – as a way to foster a relationship with Jesus and an understanding of His teachings • Daily meditation to help children learn to calm themselves by sitting still and breathing in silence; an opportunity to let go of fears and worries and positively approach each day
Mathematics Focus Areas • Number and Algebra –Problem Solving, Place Value, Mental Computations and Algorithms • Measurement – Angles, points on a compass, parallel lines • Statistics and Probability – Tables and Graphs Our lessons are all whole-part-whole, beginning with a mental focus and explicit teaching. We then move into differentiated activities. The plenary at the end of the lesson allows students to review what they have learnt. We are using the text Prime Math which follows a successful programme used in high performing schools within Asia. We are making a focus on mental computational skills and place value this term. These are a baseline of Mathematics and necessary in life.
Mathematics What does a maths lesson look like? CONCRETE All learning of new concepts begins with lessons involving a hands-on activity. Students learn the skills required to understand the concept. PICTORIAL Students learn to represent mathematical ideas visually. ABSTRACT Once students have developed conceptual understanding, they progress to the abstract stage and use only numbers and mathematical symbols.
Mathematics What are some things parents can do at home? They can also play Hit the Button which is brilliant for mental math http://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button As well as this there is a times tables site www.timestables.me.uk
English Key focus areas • Reading – Comprehension strategies • Writing – Sentence Structure, Paragraphing, Parts of Speech, Narrative and Recount • Listening and Speaking –News and Behind the News Reading with Fluency and Expression • Library – students to borrow books each weekusing a library bag
How we teach English - We teach English with a reading focus. VCOP Vocabulary Connectives Openers Punctuation Writing uses visual prompts, classroom displays, word walls and discussion to encourage writing. Cold Writes will be used for assessment in Term 1 and 3. Warm Write topics will be given prior to writing to enable discussion at home to help ideas develop. Grammar stems from a text used in class. We also focus on a comprehension strategy which is taken from an engaging text. Guided Reading sessions the teacher works with one small group and other groups work on a set activity that will develop their comprehension skills. Spelling Focus on dictation and placing words in context when writing Readingis encouraged for enjoyment across all of the classes. Teachers read novels and picture books daily to students. Students are encouraged to invest in a novel and take it to and from school each day.
English – Literacy Support At St Jerome's we offer Literacy Support through Reading Recovery and Mini-lit and Multi-lit for Years 1-4. They are structured early literacy interventions which are taught one-on-one or in small groups of 4 students for about 20 weeks.
English What are some things parents can do at home? READ, READ, READ! The more parents read with their children and the more children read for enjoyment, the better their English will become.
Specialist Subjects Science Term 1 Chemical Sciences: Material World Term 2 Earth and Space Sciences: Beneath Our Feet Term 3 Biological Sciences: Friends or Foes Term 4 Physical Sciences: Magnetic Moves The Arts Students have the opportunity to create pieces and explore arts in society Through Visual Art and Dance. For Term 1 we have an Art Specialist. Health & PE • health decisions and behaviour • developing persistence and resilience • drug education • protective behaviours Digital Technologies • coding and programming Italian • Topic: Where I live
MJR MAKING JESUS REAL Making Jesus Real is specifically linked to the school policies and teaching and learning programmes across all Key Learning Areas. These include the values of: showing care and compassion, respect, honesty and trustworthiness, understanding, tolerance and inclusion. These values also encourage students to do their best, treat others fairly, be responsible for their actions and follow school rules and procedures.
Friendly Schools FRIENDLY SCHOOLS The whole school has taken on a well researched programme called Friendly Schools. This is a social emotional programme that enables students to mix positively with their friends in class and in the playground. The activities are structured to allow students to recognise certain behaviours within themselves and others. It also helps students recognise social cues that may not come naturally to children. The first 5 weeks of Friendly Schools will be devoted to Protective Behaviours - empowering students to actively protect themselves.
Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) is a child safety program mandated for children age 3 to Yr12. It teaches children to: • recogniseabuse and tell a trusted adult about it • understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching • understand ways of keeping themselves safe. The program recognises that all children: • be treated with respect and to be protected from harm • be asked for their opinions and to be listened to • feel and be safe in their interactions with others • understand as early as possible what is meant by 'feeling and being safe'.
Parent Workshop Building Resiliency and Self-regulation in order to help children… • Manage their emotions • Focus their attention for learning • Manage their thinking and feelings Presented by: BEST Programs for Kids Date: Wed 28th February 2018 Time: 7:00 – 8:30pm Venue: Our Library
Morning Routine 8:30 Doors open for students to organise themselves 8.45: The bell rings indicating class routines will commence 8.50: Students arriving after this time will need to check in at the office. Each class has similar routines in the mornings. Students are expected to be organised and enter with their iPadsand pencil cases. They need to get into a regular routine. Coming in on time and being settled enables students to focus during the day.
Behaviour Management Policy • All classes have been reminded of rules and expectations. • Each class has its own reward system to positively reinforce appropriate behaviour. When necessary the school’s behaviour management policy will be followed for negative behaviours.
Communication • School website, especially the Latest News section and school calendar. You will find the latest and most up to date information here.
Communication • When sending emails to teachers please be aware that emails received after 6pm at night may not be read until the following morning. • Teachers may not be able to respond to emails during school hours. jacob.tucker@cewa.edu.au adele.fernandez@cewa.edu.au tess.lornie@cewa.edu.au natalie.paatsch@cewa.edu.au
BYOD – Years 4 to 6 • iPad should be charged each night. • Ensure that Apps are regularly updated. • Please ensure they are at school each day as failure to bring them in can impact on planned lessons. • Required Apps must be downloaded • Agreement form signed before the iPad is used at school.
Reminders • Sacramental Enrolment and Commitment Masses over the next weekends • Resiliency Workshop on 28th February • MAD Volunteers – Making A Difference • P & F Welcome Back Picnic – Friday 16th February 5pm – 7pm
Important information can be found on the St Jerome’s website: stjeromes.wa.edu.au Thank you for attending our meeting this evening. KNOWLEDGE WISDOM COURAGE