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Calendar Reporting Options. Payroll Master Menu. Select option #08 – Calendar, to print reports reflecting the calendar entries. Calendar. There are four report options in Calendar. We will briefly describe all of them. Calendar Entries Listing.
Calendar Reporting Options
Payroll Master Menu Select option #08 – Calendar, to print reports reflecting the calendar entries.
Calendar There are four report options in Calendar. We will briefly describe all of them.
Calendar Entries Listing The Calendar Entries Listing will show Employee Number, Location and Name along with the calendar entries for a specified date range.
Calendar Entries Listing To print the Calendar Entries Listing report, select option #60 from the Calendar menu.
Calendar Entries Listing You will first be prompted to enter your printer number. Type the printer and accept by pressing <ENTER>.
Calendar Entries Listing Payroll: Enter the payrolls you want to include in the report, or leave blank for all. Beg Date: Type the beginning date of entries to include in the report. End Date: Type the last date of entries to include in the report Update Date: Type the date entries were updated (if applicable) to include only entries updated by specified date. Beg Employee: Type the first employee number to include in the report, or leave blank for all. End Employee: Type the last employee number to include in the report, or leave blank for all.
Calendar Entries Listing Shift: If you want to limit the report to a specific shift code, enter that code, otherwise leave blank to include all shifts. Emp Status: Type up to three employee status’ to include in the report, or leave blank to include all. Direct Dep: Type the direct deposit code to include employees on Active vs. Prenote in the report or leave blank to include all. Locations: Type up to three locations to include in the report, or leave blank to include all locations.
Calendar Entries Listing [S]ummary or [D]etail: Type “S” to get a summary of entries by code. Type “D” to get the Detail of each entry. Minimum Occurences: Type the number to show the minimum occurrence you want to see for each calendar entry. Leave zero to show all entries regardless of the number of times it is used. [S]ingle or [D]ouble Spacing: Type “S” to single space the report. Type “D” to double space. Break Page by Emp?: If you want to print each employee on a separate page by type “Y”. If you want to print Locations on separate pages type “Y” in the Loc? field. If you do not want to page break by either, leave both fields “N”.
Calendar Entries Listing Sort Options The report can be sorted at up to 4 levels. In the # 1-4 fields, type an “A” to sort alphabetically by employee name, “D” to sort by entry date, “L” to sort by Location code, “C” to sort by calendar code or “F” to sort by employee pay frequency. For example, if you want to sort the report in Location order, and then within each locations alphabetically by employee name, type an “L” for #1, and an “A” for #2.
Calendar Entries Listing Enter Codes to be Printed: Type the calendar codes you want to include in the report in the “Enter Codes to be Printed” section. If you want to include all calendar codes, leave all fields blank. You can limit up to 20 codes. Enter “X” Beside Day of Week to Include: Type an “X” next to the days you want to include in the report. By default all days will be included.
Calendar Entries Listing Once you have accepted this screen, “Sorting On” will appear and your report should begin printing.
Calendar Entries Listing Here is an example of the Entries Listing for a specific date range, printed in Detail.
Next, we will cover the Calendar Entries Recap Report Use this option to print a report showing a summary or recap of all entries by week, date and/or calendar code.
Calendar Entries Recap To print a Calendar Entries Recap report, select option #61 from the Calendar menu.
Calendar Entries Recap When prompted for the printer, type the printer you wish to use and verify your selection.
Calendar Entries Recap Payroll: Type the payroll number to include in the report, or leave blank to include all. Beg Date: Type the first date of entries to include in report. End Date: Type the last date of entries to include in the report
Calendar Entries Recap Beg Employee: Type the first employee number to include in the report, or leave blank to include all employees. End Employee: Type the last employee number to include in the report or leave blank to include all.
Calendar Entries Recap Recap By Day/Wk: Type “Y” to print a recap for each day of the week, otherwise type “N”. Recap by Date: Type “Y” to print a recap by date, otherwise type “N”. Recap By Code: Type “Y” to print a recap by calendar code, otherwise type “N”
Calendar Entries Recap Enter Codes to be Printed: Type the calendar codes you want to include in the report or leave blank to include all codes. You can limit up to 20 codes. Enter “X” Beside Day of Week to Include: Place an “X” next to the days of the week you want to include. By default all days will be included.
Calendar Entries Recap Here is an example of recapping by calendar code for a specific date range.
Next, we will cover the Calendar Entries Edit Use this option to compare the calendar entries for two selected periods.
Calendar Entries Edit To print the Calendar Entries Edit report, choose option #62 from the Calendar Menu.
Calendar Entries Edit Once selecting this option, you will be prompted to enter the printer number. Enter the printer number and accept.
Calendar Entries Edit Payroll(s): Enter the payroll number or numbers to include, up to five, or leave blank to include all. Beg Employee: Type the first employee number to include in the report or leave blank for all. End Employee: Type the last employee number to include in the report, or leave blank for all. Shift: Type the Shift Code of the employees to include, or leave blank for all.
Calendar Entries Edit Print All/Errors Only: Type “A” to print all entries for the specified date range. Type “E” to print only errors the system might find with the entries. Enter “X” Beside Days of Week to Include: Place an “X” next to the days of the week to include in the report. By default, all days will be included.
Calendar Entries Edit • Enter Codes to be Edited • Group #1: • Dates: Type the beginning and ending date range to include in this comparison • Desc: Type a user-defined “name” to describe what this date range applies to. • Codes: Type the calendar codes, up to ten, to include in this comparison.
Calendar Entries Edit • Enter Codes to be Edited • Group #2: • Dates: Type the beginning and ending date range to include in this comparison • Desc: Type a user-defined “name” to describe what this date range applies to. • Codes: Type the calendar codes, up to ten, to include in this comparison.
Calendar Entries Edit Once the necessary information is sorted, the report will print. Here is an example of comparing January to February. The Error column will present an asterisk if an error is found.
Lastly, we will cover the Payroll Calendar Listing Report. This report is used to print a listing of all calendar entries that are linked to a pay type.
Payroll Calendar Listing To print the Payroll Calendar Listing, select option #63 from the Calendar Menu.
Payroll Calendar Listing Once selected, you will be prompted to enter and accept the printer number.
Payroll Calendar Listing Beg Date: Type the first date of entries to include in the report. End Date: Type the last date of entries to include in the report. Beg Employee: Type the first employee number to include in the report. End Employee: Type the last employee number to include in the report. NOTE: All four of these fields can be left blank to include all Dates and/or Employees.
Payroll Calendar Listing Shift: To limit the report to a particular employee shift code, enter the code here, or leave blank to include all. Direct Dep: To include only employees on Active Direct Deposit, type “A” or type “P” for Prenote employees. Leave blank to include all. Print Leave: Type “Y” to include Leave Codes on the report, otherwise type “N”. Location: Enter a location code to limit the report to one location. Leave blank to include all locations.
Payroll Calendar Listing Enter Codes to be Printed: Type the calendar codes to include in the report, up to twenty, or leave blank to include all codes. Enter Leave Codes to be Printed: Type the leave codes to include in the report. This only applies if the previous question “Print Leave” was answered Yes. To include all leave codes, leave blank.
Payroll Calendar Listing Here is a sample of the report. Notice totals are shown for each code, by employee. Grand totals will also be included at the end of the report.
The END Note: You can close this window to return to LGDPC’s How-To Presentations Page.