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QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT WITH COLLABRATIVE NEW PRODUCT DESIGN. contents. What is Quality Function Deployment? Application of Quality Function Deployment Benefits of Quality Function Deployment Phases of Quality Function Deployment The House of Quality
contents • What is QualityFunction Deployment? • Application of QualityFunction Deployment • Benefits of QualityFunction Deployment • Phases of QualityFunction Deployment • The House of Quality • Stepstothe House of Quality • MeaningandExamples: Voice of Customer • ExamplesAbout House of Quality
What ıs qualıtyfunctıondeployment? Quality Function Deployment is a quality development method which is used fornew product design or improvement of existing product and at the same time.
In order to stay in competitive market, the companies try newapproaches and put the successful ones into application.One of the widely used approaches is, today, Quality Function Deployment (QFD).
Thethreemaıngoalsınımplementıng QFD : • Prioritize spoken and unspoken customer wants and needs. • Translate these needs into technical characteristics and specifications. • Build and deliver a quality product or service by focusing everybody toward customer satisfaction.
QualıtyFunctıonDeployment has helped to transform the way many companıes: • Plan new products • Design product requirements • Determine process characteristics • Control the manufacturing process • Document already existing product specifications
APPLICATIONS OF QUALITY FUNCTION DEployment It can be used for, • a product, • a new service • available for a product • for investment planning • for process management • technology-driven engineering • even can be used for policy management
BENEFITS OF QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT CustomerDeployement The focus is on customers wants, not what the company thinks the customer wants. The "Voice of the Customer" drives the development process. Competitive analysis Other products in the marketplace are examined, and the company product is rated against the competition. Reduceddevelopmenttime Careful attention to customer requirements reduces the risk that changes will be required late in the project life cycle. Time is not spent developing insignificant functions and features. Documentation A knowledge base is built as the QFD process is implemented. A historical record of the decision-making process is developed.
Phases of qualıtyfunctıondeployment Phase 1, Product Planning Phase 1, or product planning, is also called The House of Quality. Phase 2, Product Design Product design requires creativity and innovative team ideas. Phase 3, Process Planning: During process planning, manufacturing processes are flowcharted and process parameters (or target values) are documented. Phase 4, Process Control: In this phase decisions are made as to which process poses the most risk and controls are put in place to prevent failures.
THE HOUSE OF QUALITY : The House of Qualitytranslates customer requirements, based on marketing research and benchmarkingdata, into an appropriate number of engineering targets to be met by a new product design.
STEPS TO THE HOUSE OF QUALITY : THE VOICE OF THE CUSTOMER’ The initial steps in forming the House of Quality include determining, clarifying, and specifying thecustomers’ needs.
TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: The next step of the QFD process is identifying what the customer wants and what must be achieved tosatisfy these wants. In addition, regulatory standards and requirements dictated by management must beidentified. Once all requirements are identified it is important to answer what must be done to the productdesign to fulfill the necessary requirements. PLANNING MATRIX: The planningmatrix shows the weighted importance of each requirement that the team and its competitors are attemptingto fulfill. Customer ratings, typically ranging from 1 to 5, are given to each company under eachrequirement. The customer ratings are combined with the weighted performance of each demand toproduce an overall performance measure for the companies.
INTERRELATIONSHIP MATRIX • The main function of the interrelationship matrix is to establish a connection between the customer’sproduct requirements and the performance measures designed to improve the product. • The team asks the question, "what is the strength of the relationship between the technical descriptors and the customers needs?" Relationships can either be weak, moderate, or strong and carry a numeric value of 1, 3 or 9. TECHNICAL CORRELATION MATRİX This room in the matrix is where the term House of Quality comes from because it makes the matrix look like a house with a roof. The correlation matrix is probably the least used room in the House of Quality; however, this room is a big help to the design engineers in the next phase of a comprehensive QFD project. Team members must examine how each of the technical descriptors impact each other. The team should document strong negativerelationships between technical descriptors and work to eliminate physical contradictions.
TECHNICAL PROPERTIES AND TARGETS: The technical properties matrix uses specific items to record the priorities assigned to technicalrequirements. It also provides a technical performance achieved by competitive products and the degree ofdifficulty in developing each requirement.
CONCLUSION Through customer needs and competitive analysis, the House of Quality helps to identify the criticaltechnical components that require change.
VOICE OF THE CUSTOMER (VOC) Thebestprovenmethodology, forunderstandingwhatcustomerreallywants is Voice of theCustomer.
QFD & CUSTOMER Infraredhair-dryinglampConsideringnewalternativesforconventionalsystemstodevelopnewproductsorservices. 1200W Hard BonnetHairDryer (Individualizationstudiesforcommercialproducts)
A research has beenmade in thisstudywithpeoplewhoaremostlyemployedandagedbetween 20 and 30. Consideringtheresults of theresearchthat has beenmadeforpotentialcustomers, a newhairdryerproductdesign can be based on thecustomerrequirements. Forexample, a hairdryerwhichdriesquickly is an importantfactor in thevoice of customerandnewhairdryerdesigns can be implementedwith a newapproachinstead of makingimprovements on ordinaryhairdryerdesigns.
Ina truequalitysystem, weneededtoaddress not onlythequality of theproductsbeingdesignedandproduced, but thequality of thenewproductdevelopment (NPD) processitselfthatcreatesthoseproducts. Inotherwords, not justthequality of an assembly of parts, but thequality of thehumanactivitiesneededtodesignandproducethosepartshumanactivitiessuch as productplanning, marketing, engineering, procurement, testing, manufacturing, packaging, after-salessupport, etc. Thequalityfunctionmust be deployedacrossallthecompany. • Inproductorprocessimprovementactivitiessuch as kaizen , sixsigma , etc. thefocus is on existingproducts in productionthat fail tomeetinternalqualitystandardsor fail in thefield. This is definitely in therealm of thequalitydepartmenttoaddress. Innewproductdevelopment (NPD), however, there is nodesign, product, manufacturingprocess, andsoforth yet, so it is unrealistictowaituntilthere is in orderforthequalitydepartmentto do itsjob. • InNPD, qualitymustbeginbeforedesign, whenthebusinesscase is beingdevelopedthatdefinesthescopeandfinancialdeliverables of theproject, whothekeycustomersareand how theyareto be researched, what is theprojecttimelineandwhataretheresourceandbudgetconstraints, etc.
Theonlywayquality can be assured is fororganizationfunctionstoworktogetherfromthe start. • Thisis what is calledcross-functionalmanagement (CFM) and it is onecornerstone of total qualitymanagement (TQM); QFD is the CFM systemforassuringnew NPD qualitybydeployingthequalityfunctionacrossthe total organization.
FIRST EXAMPLE: 1.An Automobile Bumper Customer Request: There is too much damage to bumpers in low-speed collisions. Customer wants a better bumper.
Step 2: Determine CustomerRequirements/Constraints • I want something that looks nice (basic) • It must hold my license plate (performance) • I want it strong enough not to dent (excitement) • It must protect my tail-lights and head-lights (performance) • I don’t want to pay too much (basic) Step 1:Identify Customer(s) • Repair Department • Automobile Owner • Manufacturing Plant • Sales Force
Put prıorıtızedCustomer Requırementsıntoa House of QualıtyChart
Step 4: Competition Benchmarking • Identify Competitors • Test and Analyze Competitor Products • Reverse Engineer Competitor Products • Rate Competitor Products against customer requirements/constraints Put competitive benchmarking information into House of Quality Chart
Requirements into Measurable Engineering Specifications and define target values • Specify how license plate will be held • Specify how to resist dents through material yield strength, young's modulus, etc. • Specify with a dollar amount the term ‘inexpensive’ AN AUTOMOBIL BUMPER:
SECOND EXAMPLE2.ICE TEA MAKER Figure1 shows an electricalappliance: an Ice-teamaker. Wewillusethe QFD tostudy how toimproveitsdesign. Theoperation is as follows: Addtealeavestothesteeping basket, andcoolwatertothe tank, andswitch on themachine. Thewaterfromthe tank enterstheheatingchamber, where an electricalcoilboils it. Thesteampushesthe how waterthrough a tubetothesteeping basket. The hot waterseepsthroughthetealeaves, andtheteadripsdownintothejar. Finally, theice-tea is preparedbyaddingsugar, lemon, andicetothetea in thejar, andmixing.
Based on surveys, thecustomerrequirementsareidentified; subsequentanalysis of the surveysyieldstherelativeimportance. Based on theengineeringanalysis of thedesign, thecorrespondingtechnicalfeaturesthatmust be modifiedareidentified. Usually, for eachcustomerrequirement, therewill be oneormoretechnicalfeature.
Nowweproceedtothenextsteps: Benchmarking andanalysisbased on engineeringand technicalevaluations of whatTP’swe can aimtomodifybychangingsomedesign modules.Thetechnicaldifficulty of eachobjective is assigned a numericalratingbytheengineers whoare in charge of thedesign of themodulesrelatedtothisparameter. Theteamalso consultseachotherto standardize theirrelativeratings. NOTES: 1)Technical difficultyvaluesarerelativenumbersassignedbyengineeringteams 2)Therighthandsideshowscomparison of consumerpreferencestodesign of competingproducts. Thesenumbersarerelative, andbased on statisticsfromcustomersurveys. 3)The ‘roof’ of the House is completedbyidentification of inter-relatedTP’s – therearefourtypes of inter-relationships of concern, thesearedescribed in thetablebelow.
How tousethe House of QualITY • Oncethehouse is completelyconstructed, it provides a guidelinefordecisionson Whichdesignfeaturesshould be modifiedorupgradedfirst. Ifthere is unlimited time andmoney, wewouldliketoupgradeallthefeaturesthat can be technically improved. However, thismay not be thebeststrategy: • A competitormayintroduce a newproductandcapturesome of thepotentialmarket whilewearetryingtoimproveourproduct. • Itmay be bettertoprovidesequentialupgradestotemptearlierusersto buy a new machinesonce in everyfew time periods (forexample, digitalcameracompaniesused thistechniqueveryeffectively in thelastfewyears). Thus, withbudgetand time constraints, the House of qualityprovidesthedesignteam withinformationtoprioritizetheimportant (in terms of customerdemand) design changes.