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LFI DPC Status. Marco Frails – L1 Manager On behalf of LFI DPC development Team DPCs SGS-IR 24-26 January 2007. LFI DPC SGS1 functionalities. Real-Time Assessment (RTA) Based on SCOS 2000 (versions 2.3e, CCS and 3.1) Instrument database management (SCOS MIB tables, HPSDB)
LFI DPC Status Marco Frails – L1 Manager On behalf of LFI DPC development Team DPCs SGS-IR 24-26 January 2007
LFI DPC SGS1 functionalities • Real-Time Assessment (RTA) • Based on SCOS 2000 (versions 2.3e, CCS and 3.1) • Instrument database management (SCOS MIB tables, HPSDB) • Interfaces to MOC • HPDDS (Data Disposition System) • IW@MOC (Instrument Workstation) • HPFTS (File Transfer System) • Telemetry processing, storage and Quick-Look Analysis (QLA) • TMH/TQL (Telemetry Handling and Telemetry Quick-Look) • HK and Science packet analyzer, alarms, decompression, transformation from packets to timelines, storage of the data, first analysis • Science analysis, report generation, science/hk correlation, science calibration • LIFE (Lfi Integrated perFormance Evaluator) • KST cross-correlation between HFI and LFI raw data • Data storage, interface with SGS2 • IDIS Data Management Component (DMC)
SGS1 intermediate goals • Support instrument tests, tuning and calibration (QM/FM model tests) • Connection to the RTA software (SCOS 2K) to receive telemetry in real-time • Display of scientific and HK timelines for QLA • Generation of TOI FITS files for subsequent analysis • Support integration tests at CSL • Connection to the RTA system used by the Alcatel team (SCOS HPCCS) • Use of integrated MIB tables to receive the telemetry from HFI, Sorption cooler and S/C
REBA LFI Level 1 SW modules for RAA tests SCOS 2000 2.3ep5 TMH/TQL TM2TOI TOI EGSE UTM PDS MIB tables TM Unscrambler HFA RTA TM FDIF SODA Data Receive TQL
Level 1 for the integration tests (CSL) LFI Workstation HPCCS client (LFI team) HPCCS server (Alcatel team) TM packet LFI gateway IFMGR TM packet Keep alive Keep alive PDS TM distribution MIB tables HFA RTA TMH/TQL FDIF SODA
Real-time Assessment (RTA) • Based on SCOS 2000 System • Main task: definition of the Mission Information Base (MIB) tables to be imported into SCOS 2K • MIB tables version 1.0.1 for the AVM (Aviation Model) instrument have been ingested into the HPSDB. This model is mainly used to test telecommands • MIB tables version 4.1.0 for the FM (Flight Model) instrument were delivered to Alcatel • All calibration curves were defined during the RAA FM tests, for each blanking time value • Out Of Limit (OOL) values definition is ongoing, based on the RAA FM information • Tested during the RAA QM and FM test campaign
HPSDB (H/P System Data Base) • Web application and DB for the instrument database development and management • Its design goals include: • handling the commonalities between different MIB tables format (and different SCOS versions) • Delivering integrated MIB tables (bridge files), with integrated calibrations • At present, we deliver our MIB tables to the Alcatel team and they perform the ingestion into the HPSDB • Automatic consistency checks are performed • After some minor changes, the LFI MIB tables were correctly ingested • For future maintenance, we will ask write privileges to the HPSDB to directly update the instrument database
SCOS 2K for the RAA QM/FM tests • Version adopted: SCOS 2.3e p5 • Database Import ICD implemented: issue 5.1 • OS version baseline: SUSE 7.3 • Customized tasks: • TMR: enables SCOS to receive packets through a socket connection • SODA: handles the communication via socket between SCOS and the TMH/TQL for TM packets forwarding
SCOS 2K for integration tests (CSL) • Version adopted: SCOS HPCCS based on SCOS 2.3e • Database Import ICD implemented: issue 5.1 + CCS External ICD • OS version baseline: RedHat 7.3, but running also on Fedora Core 3 • Some problems encountered: • No source code available • It was necessary to develop a gateway acting as a server between two HPCCS (implementing the PIPE protocol) • Workaround to use FDIF and the customized SODA from SCOS 2.3e
SCOS 2K for the Operations • Version currently adopted (not fixed): SCOS 3.1 EGSE • Database Import ICD implemented: issue 5.1 + CCS External ICD • OS version baseline: SUSE 9.3 • Provided by Serge Valera, responsible for SCOS harmonization • A customized telemetry ingestion program was developed: • To ingest DDS files into SCOS at the DPC and check selected HK telemetry data • To ingest near real-time telemetry received from MOC through the RTSI interface at the IW@MOC • Implemented on top of the SCOS PDS library
Level 1 OM software components TMH AUX FTS aux_extraction DDS files tm_corr_merge FTS DDS TM TMU tm_merge FITS TOI MOC hk_conversion DDS tm_request FITS IC-DB limit_check FITS2DMC ALERT TQL DMC TOI Science data display HK display Data gaps display
Level 1 OM software componentsIW@MOC TMH FITS IC-DB MOC CORBA Inteface RTSILib TM tm_receive TMU FITS TOI Socket comm. ALERT TQL Science data display HK display Data gaps display
SGS1 LFI DPC input/output Planck LFI DPC SGS1 Telemetry TOI (for Level 2) Scientific and HK FITS files and DMC Auxiliary data Quality reports e.g. Attitude History file DQR and WQR MIB tables Monitoring displays Packets structure, Calibration, HK conv. TQL, alarms • Data budget per Operational Day (OD, ~24h) • From MOC DDS: ~540 MB of SCI and ~54 MB of HK + 10% of MOC extra header = ~650 MB • To DMC: ~8 GB of SCI and ~1 GB of HK • A separate DB for Level 1 data is used
Entry Point SCOS 2000 DDS mirror Node 1 Node 32 Node 2 TQL SGS1 DPC HW and network setup (planned) during Operations SGS1 cluster ESOC-LFI Prime Router LFI DPC Prime Router SDS server 512 kbps (tbc) primary line 512 kbps (tbc) backup line LFI DPC B/U Router ESOC-LFI B/U Router To SGS2
TMH core functionalities • Storing of raw packets (received from SCOS) • Packets consistency check (CRC) • Telemetry unscrambling (according to timestamp and content) • Decompression, decoding and reconstruction of scientific packets content (according to the Processing type) • Decoding and reconstruction of HK packets content • Conversion of content of TM packets into physical units • TOIs generation (with proper OBT handling) • Forwarding of TM packets to the TQL
TMH main functionalities for ground tests • Connection to SCOS 2.3e and HPCCS through a socket protocol • Code generation for HK packet decoding and conversion based on MIB tables • Check for duplicate packets (alarm)
TMH functionalities for Operations • Request for TM consolidated data to the HPDDS system and decoding of DDS files in SFDU format • Reception of near real-time telemetry using the RTSI CORBA interface provided by MOC (IW@MOC) • More flexible HK packets decoding code (no need for recompilation) • Processing of Attitude History Files (AHF) • Ingestion of FITS TOIs into the DMC system • Bad data flagging (OOL flag) • Alert system
TQL functionalities • Display of scientific and HK data as a function of time • Display of data from several instrument channels • Correlation plots for two HK parameters • For scientific data, it distinguishes between sky, load, processing type • Display of gaps in scientific data • Computation of FFT and simple statistics on displayed science data
Status Catalogue info Pkt 1 Pkt 2 … Data Disposition System (HPDDS) • A client/server application for data delivery to DPCs and PSO through a dedicated line • Consolidated telemetry data • Command history data • Auxiliary data (e.g. Attitude history file) • Catalogue data <username>HFI</username> <FTPpassword>confidential</FTPpassword> </userInfo> <destInfo> <FTP> <filename>simpleTLMdata</filename> <directory/> </FTP> </destInfo> <formatInfo> <compression>ZIP</compression> <SFDUrequired>false</SFDUrequired> </formatInfo> <dataInfo> <earliestStart>2002-01-01T20:00:00Z</earliest </dataInfo> </general> <item> <dataType>TLM</dataType> ftp>put request.XML request.TMP ftp>rename request.TMP request.XML Client (tm_request) Server (HPDDS) ftp>put TM_apid8_SFDU TM_apid8.TMP ftp>rename TM_apid8.TMP TM_apid8_SFDU TM_apid8_SFDU
File Transfer System (HPFTS) • File transfer mechanism based on FTP protocol • Ensures the automated delivery of files between its various instances located on SGS nodes • DQR: DPCs –> PSO • PPL: PSO -> MOC -> DPCs • APPL: MOC -> DPCs, PSO • Data exchange: DPC<->DPC > FTS_SEND_FILE SIAM_LFIHFI_Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_0001.PLANCK LFI HFI FTS FTS |_bin |_HFI |_target |_bin |_LFI |_working |_HFI ftp>put SIAM_xxxx....0001 SIAM file SIAM file
Real-Time Science Interface (RTSI) • Interface for the real-time telemetry source packet data transfer between the HPMCS and the IW@MOC • Point-to-point communications based on the TCP/IP protocol via the CORBA middleware • Data messages are defined in terms of CORBA IDL (Interface Definition Language) • Connection establishment and filter request criteria are passed from the IW to the RTSI (registerTMpackets()) • Real-time telemetry data are passed from the HPMCS RTSI to the IW. These are CORBA callbacks to the IW client • An RTSI library, hiding the CORBA layer, has been developed to simplify its usage • It follows the Real-time telemetry ICD • Only internal test performed at the DPC and still waiting for a test with MOC
LIFE – SW for ground tests and QR • Derived from the version used for the RAA FM tests • Purpose: • Detail analysis of the timelines and the HK parameters, timelines cross-correlation, gaps • Daily, weekly, long term data quality report • Consists of several packages to verify the status of the instrument: • OCA: analysis of the compression rate, the quantization and the REBA optimization parameters • RANA: plotting of scientific and HK data, tuning for a single chain (RCA test) • LAMA: plotting, tuning of the entire instrument (RAA test, integration test) • Pegaso: plotting, data quality evaluation for flight operations
SGS1 Implementation Status 1 • RTA • MIB tables: design closed, development closed, maintenance active • SCOS 2K tasks: • At present, three SCOS versions are installed and used at the DPC • HPCCS gateway: design closed, development closed, maintenance active (tests to be performed) • RTSI interface: design closed, development closed, maintenance active (tests to be performed) • Telemetry ingestion into SCOS 3.1: design closed, development active • LIFE • DQR report generation: design closed, development closed (the software is already able to generate DQR reports), upgrade active • WHR (Weekly Health Report): waiting for a fixed ICD
SGS1 Implementation Status 2 • TMH/TQL • First release1.0 of the operational model received in November 2006 • Design closed, development active but only few functionalities are missing • Second Release1.1 received in December 2006 (bug fixing) TMH tm_request tm_receive tm_merge aux_extraction tm_corr_merge hk_conversion Ready Ready Ready Ready Ready Ready TMU limit_check ALERT FITS2DMC Ready Ready Ready Under dev. TQL Science data display HK display Data gaps display Ready Ready Ready
SGS1 core end-to-end testing • Scope • Proper coverage of the requirements by the TMH/TQL system • Validation of the TMH/TQL operations • Performed on the LFI QM and FM hardware and software • TMH/TQL operations to be validated • Scientific telemetry registration in the TOI archive • Scientific telemetry OBT reconstruction • Scientific Telemetry reconstruction and conversion to physical units using different Processing Types • Decoding and reconstruction of the Housekeeping telemetry • Graphical display • Main testing scheme • Forward comparison between the hardware input data and the TMH/TQL output • For SCI telemetry, signals of known properties have been injected into the hardware chain • For HK telemetry, a software generating HK packets with known parameters’ values has been developed
SGS1 Test Plan and Test Report • The SGS1 requires strict PA/QA • Test Plan • Test cases defined in “Planck LFI – Test Plan for the TMH/TQL software”, PL-LFI-OAT-PL–009 • It includes a traceability matrix w.r.t. the TMH/TQL requirements • Test report • Test procedures and results defined in “Planck LFI – Test Report on the TMH/TQL (QM and FM) by Using A Known Signal Tests Data”, PL-LFI-OAT-RP–17 • For each test procedure it specifies the covered test cases
SCOS 2000 TOI Archive TMH/TQL DAE REBA Hardware setup Signal generator Telemetry (packets) TOI
Scientific Telemetry Validation • Validation procedure • Comparison between statistics of signal from the signal generator with the corresponding data from the TMH • Relevant statistics: period, duty-cycle, lower and upper voltages, noise rms, and shape of the signal • Data have been acquired changing alternatively signal properties and the setup of the on-board processing • Two testing schemes • Stand-alone test and comparison test • The REBA is able to send at the same time two different PType of the same data
a b c d SCI Telemetry Checks • Correct telemetry registration in TOIs (fig. 1) • Correct shape reconstruction (fig. 2a) • Proper time reconstruction by phase analysis (fig. 2b) and verifying the periods with the Lomb-Scargle periodogram (fig. 2c) • Proper voltage reconstruction • Digitization noise (fig. 2d) • Compression/decompression Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Housekeeping Telemetry Validation • HK validation system • For HK data it’s not possible to ingest known signals directly to the AC chain • An Housekeeping Validation System (HVS) has been developed to manipulate a set of real HK packets • The HVS can generate new HK packets with known parameters’ values • Testing scheme • For each HK packet type, the HVS iterates over all the samples setting to 1 one bit a time • Hence, each parameter, in turn, takes increasing power of 2 values • It’s possible to verify if in the TMH the offset and length of each parameter has been correctly defined
SCI Validation Results • Correct display of the data • Proper registration of SCI telemetry • Proper reconstruction from PType 1 and PType 2 data • Correct OBT reconstruction • Correct decompression • Main problems detected during the validation tests: • QM (already fixed) • An error in the TMH handling of two concurrent processing types • Incorrect OBT when Switching set to off • FM • Scientific data displayed only in the uncalibrated format (fixed) • For Naver = 400 and PType 1 packets are not displayed in the scientific plot. More analysis will be performed on the TOIs
HK Validation Results • The tests have shown that the TMH properly handles the HK telemetry • One bug in the registration of HK spare parameters used in the REBA HK and REBA DIAGNOSTIC packets. • A discordance between the Communications ICD and the MIB tables • Already fixed
Related tests • FM REBA Compression rate • Purpose: find optimal REBA parameters to maximize the compression ratio • Based on software developed by Michele Maris (OATs) in collaboration with Maurizio Tomasi (INAF/IASF, Milan) and Marco Bersanelli (UniMi) and integrated in LIFE • Results: • The tests have assessed that the goal of a 2.4 CR is feasible • It is possible to predict and keep under control the related quantization noise • Presented during the Instrument Review in November and detailed in the “Data analysis and scientific performances of the LFI FM instrument”, PL-LFI-PST-AN-006
Ongoing tests • After the new Operational Model release of the TMH/TQL, tests are ongoing using the raw data acquired during the RAA FM tests • First performance tests on the DMC for writing and reading scientific and HK TOIs were performed by Samuele Galeotta (OATs) • Current results are satisfactory and agree with the requirements • Writing of an acceptance test plan for the DMC software is ongoing