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How much do you know about ‘Le Tour de France’?

Le tour de France. How much do you know about ‘Le Tour de France’?. The yellow jersey is awarded to the best young rider. True? or False?. The yellow jersey is awarded to the winner of the day. False. The green jersey is awarded to the best climber. True? or False?.

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How much do you know about ‘Le Tour de France’?

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  1. Le tour de France How much do you know about ‘Le Tour de France’? Lancashire County Council

  2. The yellow jersey is awarded to the best young rider. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  3. The yellow jersey is awarded to the winner of the day. False Lancashire County Council

  4. The green jersey is awarded to the best climber. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  5. The green jersey is awarded to the best sprinter. False Lancashire County Council

  6. The red polka dot jersey is awarded to the best climber. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  7. The red polka dot jersey is awarded to the best climber: ‘the King of the mountain’! True Lancashire County Council

  8. The white jersey is awarded to the best young rider. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  9. The white jersey is awarded to the best young rider. True Lancashire County Council

  10. The first Tour de France took place in 1903 True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  11. The first Tour de France took place in 1903 True Lancashire County Council

  12. The first winner of Le Tour de France was French. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  13. The first winner of Le Tour de France was French: Maurice Garin True Lancashire County Council

  14. Le Tour de France ends at the Tour Eiffel. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  15. Le Tour de France ends on Les Champs Elysées False Lancashire County Council

  16. Le Tour de France only takes place in France. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  17. Le Tour de France can have stages in nearby countries . False Lancashire County Council

  18. Lance Amstrong has won Le Tour de France 7 times. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  19. Lance Amstrong has won Le Tour de France 7 times. True Lancashire County Council

  20. Le Tour de France is a ‘stage’ race; each ‘stage’ being one race per day. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  21. Le Tour de France is a ‘stage’ race; each ‘stage’ being one race per day. True Lancashire County Council

  22. It is possible to win ‘Le Tour de France’ without having won a ‘stage’. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  23. It is possible to win ‘Le Tour de France’ without having won a ‘stage’. True Lancashire County Council

  24. Le Tour de France lasts one week. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  25. Le Tour de France lasts 3 weeks. False Lancashire County Council

  26. The most combative rider wears a number printed white on red. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  27. The most combative rider wears a number printed white on red. (usually by breaking free of the field) True Lancashire County Council

  28. There is also a prize for the rider thought to be the most aggressive of the tour. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  29. There is also a prize for the rider thought to be the most aggressive of the tour. (but not in the MFL classroom…) True Lancashire County Council

  30. There is also a prize for the rider thought to be the nicest of the tour. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  31. There is also a prize for the rider thought to be the nicest of the tour…sorry but no… False Lancashire County Council

  32. The riders normally wear a white jersey with a green number. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  33. The riders normally wear a white jersey with a black number. False Lancashire County Council

  34. The last stage of The Tour is called ‘prologue’. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  35. The first stage of The Tour is called ‘prologue’. False Lancashire County Council

  36. The main cluster of riders in the Tour is called ‘peloton’. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  37. The main cluster of riders in the Tour is called ‘peloton’. True Lancashire County Council

  38. Lanterne rouge is the name for the overall last place rider. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  39. Lanterne rouge is the name for the overall last place rider. True Lancashire County Council

  40. Le Tour de France usually runs over more than 7,500 kilometres. True? or False? Lancashire County Council

  41. Le Tour de France usually runs over more than 3,500 kilometres. False Lancashire County Council

  42. Le Tour de France Lancashire County Council

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