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Title: Touching Spirit Bear Author: Ben Mikaelsen Date/Year Published:1/9/1 Genre:realistic

Name: Tiani Marshall Class Period:7 th period. Title: Touching Spirit Bear Author: Ben Mikaelsen Date/Year Published:1/9/1 Genre:realistic. Setting.

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Title: Touching Spirit Bear Author: Ben Mikaelsen Date/Year Published:1/9/1 Genre:realistic

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  1. Name: Tiani MarshallClass Period:7th period Title: Touching Spirit BearAuthor: Ben MikaelsenDate/Year Published:1/9/1Genre:realistic

  2. Setting • Well part of it takes place in drake (a village Alaska) and the rest if it takes place in Minneapolis. It was a very cold place and a bad place for bad children. It was in the 1900s.

  3. Characters • Cole – doesn’t have a care in the world about anybody and is ungrateful • Peter- is a person who has gotten jumped by Cole and after that his personality changed. • Parents of Cole-they are people who raised him wrong and they would beat. • Garvey- is Cole’s parole officer.

  4. Plot: Conflict • Cole has hurt peter, and he needs to either go to Juivie or an Alaskan Island. When he get’s mauled by the spirit bear, the problem is that he has to get a second chance on the island, and that he needs peter acceptance of his apology.

  5. Plot: Resolution • When peter driscall is beating him in the lake and he doesn’t respond in violence because it’s the moment where the inner change has shown.

  6. Your Opinion • I thought that the book was awesome and had a lot of meaning to it I loved it.

  7. About the Author • He’s now traveling to schools to look for young writers • He has children. • He writes more books • He has a family • He stays focus on his job

  8. 5 Test Questions • Why do you think that peter beat up Cole? • How would the story be told from peters point of view? • How would the story be told from peters parents? • How would the story be told from Coles parents? • How would you react begin in peters situation.

  9. Summary • Everything in life is a circle. Fifteen-year-old Cole get beaten by his father, just as Cole’s father was beaten by his father and now Cole himself is turning violent in a fit of rage. He pummels his classmate peter so badly that the doctors question whether he will ever be the same again. Instead of feeling remorse and fearing the consequences of his actions, Cole blames everyone around him for the

  10. End of summary • Incident- his parents for begin alcoholics who don’t care about him, and peter for tattling on him in the first place.

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