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The Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke

The Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke. Matthew. Luke. Matthew calls his writing “ The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.” Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but the couple did not live together.

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The Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke

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  1. The Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke

  2. Matthew Luke • Matthew calls his writing “ The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.” • Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but the couple did not live together. • Joseph a “righteous” man and “son of David” decides to divorce Mary quietly. • Angel of the lord appears to Joseph in a dream and explains that the child was conceived through the holy spirit. • In the days of Herod, king of Judea, Gabriel is sent to Joseph and Mary in Nazareth. • Mary is “a virgin betrothed” to Joseph. • Angel informs Mary that she will bear a son, and God has chosen his name, Jesus. • Angel informs Mary that her conception will be by the Holy Spirit. • Angel tells Mary about Elizabeth's pregnancy, and Mary sets out for “a town of Judah” to visit Zechariah and Elizabeth.

  3. Matthew Luke • God decides child’s name, Jesus, “because he will save his people from their sins.” • Child’s virgin birth takes place to fulfill a prophecy from Isaiah. • Child also receives the name Emmanuel, “God is with us.” • Joseph takes Mary “into his home” and has no relations with her until Jesus is born. • Jesus is born in “Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of King Herod. • Magi go to Herod to find out where the Messiah is to be born. • Mary worships God with canticle, and remains with Elizabeth for three months before returning home. • Caesar Augustus announces enrollment, the first enrollment, when Quirinius is governor of Syria. • Joseph and Mary leave Nazareth and go to Bethlehem to be enrolled, because there was no room for them in the inn. • An angel of the Lord tells shepherds “in the area” that “in the city a savior has been born,” who is the Messiah.

  4. Matthew Luke • Herod learns the approximate time of the Messiah’s birth from the magi, and asks them to return to him when they find him. • Magi follow star to the “house” where Mary and the child are. [as the “home”] • Magi present gifts of gold, frankincense, myrrh • Magi are warned in a dream no to return to Herod. • Joseph is warned in a dream to flee to Egypt with the child and Mary, to avoid Herod’s attempt to destroy the child. • A “multitude of the heavenly host” appears with the angel, and praises God. • Shepherds got to Bethlehem, and tell Mary what they were told. • On the eighth day, Jesus is circumcised and given his name. • Mary “purifies” herself by waiting the required number of days (forty), then takes Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem to be consecrated (as first-born) to the Lord.

  5. Matthew Luke • Joseph takes his family to Egypt, staying until Herod dies, fulfilling a prophecy from Hosea, “Out of Egypt I called my son”. • Herod orders the death of al the boys two years and under in and around Bethlehem bases on the time given to him by the magi, fulfilling a prophecy from Jeremiah. • Joseph is warned in a dream to leave Egypt and return to Israel. • Joseph is warned in a dream not to go to Judea, because Archelaus (Herods son) is there, so he goes to Nazareth in Galilee. • Simeon, a “righteous and devout” man, identifies the infant Jesus as the Messiah, and tells Mary and Joseph about the child’s destiny. • Anna, the prophetess, comes forward and speaks “about the child”. • Joseph and Mary return to Nazareth after they have fulfilled the prescriptions of the law,” and Jesus grows up there.

  6. The “12” Points of Agreement

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