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RMS TAC Update. Resettlement Resolution February 6, 2003. Market Goal & Major Tasks. Market Goal is to perform the 2002 resettlement one more time; the last time. Finalize material corrective actions underway.
RMS TAC Update Resettlement Resolution February 6, 2003
Market Goal & Major Tasks • Market Goal is to perform the 2002 resettlement one more time; the last time. • Finalize material corrective actions underway. • Establish a mechanism to provide transparency into ERCOT systems at the ESI ID level. • Provide a continuous process whereby TDSPs and CRs can reconcile ESI ID record variances prior to True-up settlement. • Establish continuous monitoring and process ownership of ESI ID level data elements by ERCOT and Market Participants.
TAC Resolution from 01-09-2003 (1) Further true-up resettlements for 2002 will be suspended and (2) True-up resettlement (starting with January 1, 2002) will resume when adequate accuracy can be assured (as developed by the RMS and approved by the TAC) and 45 days after SCR 727 has been implemented. Every effort will be made to resume true-ups by April 1, 2003. Progress toward completion criteria will be reviewed at each RMS Meeting and reported to the TAC and the Board monthly. If the April 1, 2003 date cannot be met, the Board shall be advised and a revised target resumption date shall be given.
RMS Questions Prerequisites Seibel – Lodestar QRE ? Market Syn ? Feb 15 Publish SCR 727 April 1, 2003 Restart Target Daily True-up Resettlements 45 Days • Questions For RMS Feb 25 Meeting: • Are all components of the prerequisites required before releasing SCR 727 extract? • What is the basis for 45 days before restarting? • What is the process and how long is required to repair issues after SCR 727 released before resettlement starts?
Next Steps • Retail market continues to close QRE requests, reduce the number of market syn miss-matched records and syn’ing of Siebel & Lodestar. • Additional market focus on developing a tactical plan to operationalize SCR 727 extract so MPs use this data to identify and repair ESI ID components and identify out of syn records after August 11, 2002. • RMS will bring all the restart resettlement criteria including additional details on SCR 727 extract for a TAC vote at your March 2003 meeting.
RMS Resolution from 12-18-2002 • Upon TAC approval, suspend further True-up settlements for 2002 . • True-up resettlement (starting with January 1, 2002) will commence April 1,2003 or upon completion of the criteria below; whichever occurs first. Any discrepancies after the deadline must be accepted by all parties. Progress toward completion criteria will be reviewed at each RMS meeting. • Develop functionality and provide data extract as defined in SCR 727. RMS places a High-High project approval/priority to SCR 727. • Market Synchronization project priorities 1 through 6, including “TDSP as LSE” clean-up and DART/QRE defined issues, must be 95% complete by all Market Participants based upon Market Sync Reporting Tool . • Outstanding QRE issues documented by ERCOT as of 12/16/02 be 95% complete. (“In Progress” and “In Analysis” as reported to RMS 12-18-2002) • ERCOT will have in place a mechanism for daily monitoring and synchronization of ERCOT’s Siebel and Lodestar systems. • ERCOT’s Siebel related data issues will be monitored and brought to a point of being repaired daily.
Resettlement Criteria 01-15-2003 • RMS recommends TAC approve the following criteria for restarting true-up settlement for 2002: • Develop functionality and provide data extract as defined in SCR 727. • Market Sync completion criteria will be 95% complete for ERCOT and CR groups and 95% complete for each TDSP for Priorities 1,2,4(1) and 5 as reported on the Market Sync Reporting tool status. • Outstanding QRE issues documented by ERCOT as of 12/16/02 be 95% complete. (“In Progress” and “In Analysis” as reported to RMS 12-18-2002) • ERCOT shall have the organization and procedures in place to daily synchronize ERCOT’s Siebel and Lodestar systems, and synchronization of Siebel and Lodestar systems shall be in place before the initial release of SCR727 data to Market Participants.
Resettlement Criteria 01-15-2003 • Develop functionality and provide data extract as defined in SCR 727. • ERCOT is actively developing SCR 727 extract. Plans are to deliver the extract after Market Syn, QRE issues and Lodestar & Seibel syn criteria are completed. • Data extract provides CRs/TDSPs relationship information for each ESI ID to many of its components such as CR, TDSP, Profile, QSE,Congestion Zone, Loss Code, UFE Zone, etc. In addition, extract provides usage information for a given trade date. • CRs can verify which meter reading values ERCOT used within the settlement process (actual vs. estimated). • TDSPs can verify ESI ID components previously sent to ERCOT and the CR of Record listed by ERCOT.
Resettlement Criteria 01-15-2003 • Market Sync completion criteria will be 95% complete for ERCOT and CR groups and 95% complete for each TDSP for Priorities 1,2,4(1) and 5 as reported on the Market Sync Reporting tool status. • As of January 29, 2003, • ERCOT 65% • All CRs 67% • AEP <1% • CNP 42% • Oncor 62% • TNMP 4% • Sharyland 4%
June ’02 – Mid August ’02 July ‘02 MPs dedicated time to internally syn up their systems. For ERCOT, that meant syn up Lodestar and Siebel systems. MPs agreed a file comparison for records crossing between 4/1/02 and 8/11/02. MPs agreed to eliminate January – March ’02 because of market opening issues. Market Syn Activities To Date RMS identified market issues with the CR of Record being out of syn between ERCOT and various market participants. RMS approved a market wide project to syn up the relationship records.
August ’02 September ‘02 MPs took snapshots of the relationship records for their systems and submitted them to ERCOT. Data included ESI IDs, Start Dates, Stop Dates, CR and TDSP. ERCOT delivers the out of syn records to MPs. MPs prioritizes the out of syn records into 6 categories but MPs could not reach agreement on the corrective action. MPs asked ERCOT to send the out of syn records to other MPs who have a role to play in the corrective action. Weekly conference calls established. Market Syn Activities To Date
October ’02 November ‘02 ERCOT provides a detailed analysis for the various priority categories. MPs still could not reached agreement. RMS directed ERCOT to convene a workshop to reach 100% agreement or RMS would make the decision. MPs reached agreement. Irresolvable records would be placed in Fast Trac for further analysis and resolution representing about 50,000 ESI IDs. RMS approved this market syn process. Market Syn Activities To Date
Resettlement Criteria 01-15-2003 • Outstanding QRE issues documented by ERCOT as of 12/16/02 be 95% complete. (“In Progress” and “In Analysis” as reported to RMS 12-18-2002) • As of January 29, 2003, 28% of the 33,369 QRE issues are completed by market participants.
Resettlement Criteria 01-15-2003 • ERCOT shall have the organization and procedures in place to daily synchronize ERCOT’s Siebel and Lodestar systems, and synchronization of Siebel and Lodestar systems shall be in place before the initial release of SCR727 data to Market Participants. • ERCOT has begun synchronizing Siebel and Lodestar systems and creating the ERCOT organization and procedure changes. Target completion date is .