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Strengthen community disaster preparedness by enhancing early warning systems and response capability. Address gaps through training, advocacy, and research to improve risk perception and system effectiveness. 8 Relevant
Symposium on EWS for Integrated DRM, 23-24 May, Geneva Integrating Early Warning in Disaster Preparedness and response plans By Eunice Mucache, Mozambique Red Cross Society
Monitoring & Warning Risk Knowledge Dissemination & Communication Response Capability Early Warning & Response Capability
MRCS DRM mandate • To strengthen the capacity of the communities in the regions most prone to disasters, so that they are better informed and prepared to deal with their consequences, thus reducing their impact.
CBDP project cycle Selection Criteria (with Gvt.) RC support & maintenance Area & commun. selection Baseline: map risks, resources Training volunteers Local Disaster commitees mitigation measures advocacy & lobbies Gvt. ,other CB DM Plan
What can be done better ? • DRM is not spelt out in the country PRS or MDGs. A legal framework for EWS should be developed in the context of DM law (draft) or regulations to operationalize the law with clear roles for all intervenients. • The Government DM plan has only recently been revised. The focus to date has been on post - disaster reaction & on the contigency plan. The new version includes more clearly the strategy for preparedness . • More efforts should be carried out in social science research to understand better people’s subjective risk perception for the system to achieve the required reaction to EW messages from the communities at risk.
What can be done better ? • The implementation of the EWS for cyclones (created in 2002) has not yet been fully monitored or evaluated. They are initiatives carried out by different organizations (GTZ, RC) but not systematically followed up by the INAM & the INGC • Follow up the implementation of EWS is crucial to measure its impact & allow learning from its implementation. In other countries RC has been used as the partner of choice due to its extensive network of volunteers and ability to reach the most remote & vulnerable communities.
Towardsa multi –hazzard EWS ? • Yes in the long term & if understood as a network of various EWSystems • But before we need to: • Adress structural weaknesses (accessibility) • Create a Disaster Management Database • Develop the missing EWSs • Clarify the role of different parties (national & international bodies) and officially ascribe these roles to the relevant entities based on its specific mandates • Strenghten the coordination & complementarity of agencies at all levels • Broaden up public education and make it a continuous & permanent process
“Warning systems by themselves are of little use unless communities understand how warnings should be transmitted…” and how should they react ...! President of the Barbados RC Thank you for your attention !